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Show [32] [33] Within a few Year's pal} have betén made. And AND on the 26th of January the Beef} thisUneafinefs and Unhappinefs, both 1n theCaul‘e of Repre/Entativerfent up to lair Except- and Effects of them, though your Excellency lency their flit/war, by Afr. Adams, Alt"; Hancock, Mr. Bacon, Col. Bowers, flew and can only feem, to be of a'diflerent Opinion, haVe extended and continue to extend to all the Colonies throughout the Comment. sz'or Hawley, Capt. Derby, Mr. Phillips, COL. Thayer, and C01. Stock~ ‘ bridge. It would give us the highef't Satisfaé‘tion to fee Happinefs and Tranquility reflored to fhe Colonies ; and efpecially no fee between Greats .Britain and them an Uniow efiabliflted . on fuch an equitable Balis as neither of them {hall ever Will! to deflroy. We humbly fnpplicate the So‘vereiqn Arbiter and Superintendent of human Affairs for "thefe happy Events. May it pleafl' your Exec/lent}, . YOUR Excellency's Speech to the General Allbmbly at the Opening of this Seflion, has been read with great Attention in this Houfe. We fully agree with your Excellency, that our own Happinels as well as his Majeily's Service, very much depends upon Peace and Order; and we lhall at all Times take fuch Meafitres as are Confiftent with our Confiitution and the Rights of the People to promote and maintain them. That the Government at prefcnt is in a very dillurbed State is apparent! But we cannot afcribe it to the People's having adopted unconliitutional Principles, which feems to be the Caufe alligned for it by your Excellency. It appears to us to have been occafioned rather, by the Britilh Houl'e of Commons affirming and exerciling a Power inconliftent with the Freedom of the Conflitution, to give and grant the Property of the Colonifls, and appropriate the fame without their Confent. It is needlefs for us to enquire what were the Principles that induced the Councils of‘theNation ‘0 {0 new and unprecedented a Meafure. But when the Parliament by an Aft of their own ex- E » I Prefix |