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Show [46] [47] V in the Realm, to all Intents, Purpofes and Conflruflions whatl'oever; that is, that they {hould be as free as thofe who Were to abide within the Realm: Conl‘equently he liipulated with them that they fhould enjoy and exercife this mofl effential Right, which diferiminates Freemen from Vaflals, uninterruptedly in its full Senfe and Meaning; and they did and ought {till to exercife it, without the Necellity of returning. for thc Authority : This Reafoning appears to us not infl.‘ .The Members of thofe Corporations are Reliant within the Kingdom ; and Refidence {ubjec‘ts them to the Authority of Parliament, in which they are alfo reprefented: Whereas the People of this Colony are not Refident within the Realm. The Charter was granted with the exprels Purpofe to induce them to refide without the Realm ; confequently they are not repreo fente-l in Parliament there. Bur we would all: Sake of exercifing it, to the Nation or State of England. your Excellency; Are any of the Corporations We cannot help obferving, that your Excel- formed within the Kingdom, VtflCCl with the Power of erefting other fubordinateCorporations 1' lency's Manner of Reafoning on this Point, feems to us to render the mofl valuable Claules in our be Capital ? And conf'tituting Courts of Common Charter unintelligible : As if l'erfons going from Law with all their Officers, For the hearing, try- the Realm of England to inhabit in America, ing and punifhing capital Offenders with Death? {hould hold and exercile there a certain Right of Engliflt Subjefts; but in Order to exercife it in 'i‘hel‘e and many other Powers veiled in this Go- vernment, plainly {how that it is to be conflder- {itch Manner as to he of any Benefit to them, ed as a Corporation in no other Light, than as they mull mt iii/Gad)? there, but return to the Place where alone it can be exerciled. By fitclt every State is a Corporation. Conlirufiion, the Words of the Charter can have no Senfe or Meaning. We forbear remarking upon the Abfurdity of a Grant to Perlons born within the Realm, of the fame Liberties which would have. belonged to them if they» had been OF enacting and determining what Crimes {hall Befides, Appeals from the Courts of Law here, are not brought before the Houfe of Lords ; which {hows that the Peers of the Realm are not the Peers of America : But all fitch Appeals are brought before the King in Council, which is a further EVI- dence that we are not within the Realm. born within the Realm. Your Excellency. is difpofcd to compare this Government to theVariety of Corporations l'orm‘ 6d Wllhin the Kingdom, with Power to make and Execute BY'L3WS. EKG. And becaufe they remain {Uh}? I0 the Supreme Aurhoritv of Parliament. to Inlet that this Colony 'ts alfo litljcét to the lame Authority : We conceive enough has been laid to convmee yOUrExcellency, that " when ourPredeccflbrs firft ‘ tooltPoll‘ellion of this Plantation or Colony by a Grant and Charter from the Crown of England, it warm: and never had been the Ssnfe of the Kingdom, that they were to rematnfubjcét to the Supreme Authority of Parliament. We will not; wn |