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Show [64] [65] vered by Englilh Subjects, according to the gene. ral Law and Uiag~ of Nations, they become l'art general Senfe of the NatiOn be 'urged to invali- ofthe State, and, according to theFeudalSyflem, that all the Grants which have been mate of America are founded upon them and are made to the Lordlhip or Dominion is in the. Crown and a Right acerucs of diliwfing of inch Territories, under fuch Tenure or for iilCll Services to be date them, and upon Examination it will appear conform to them, even thoii- which you have adduced in Support of very tlilicrent l'rincipses. performed as the Crown {hall judge proper, and wl'ieiifoever any Part of lhch 'I‘erritories, by Grant from the Crown, becomes the l'olleiiion or Property of private Perions, [itch Perlons, thus holding under theCrown of England, remain or become Subjects of England to all Interns and III/HUN You do not recollect that. prior to what you call the firfl Grant liy (LElizabt-tn to Sirn‘alter Raleigh, a Grant had been made by the lame Princefi, to Sir Humphrey Gilbert of all (hell Countries as he [hould \lllCOVCr which were to I'urpoles, as fully as il‘any of the Royal Manors Forefis or other Territory within the Realm had be of [be .A/lcgim/rc of law. /Jr'r Heirs and Sue- been granted to them upon the like Tenure. 'Voyage, a {econd Grant was made to Sir Walter c‘efl‘or: but, he dying in the Proli'eution of his But that it is now, or was when the Plantations Raleigh which, you lay. conveyed the Dominion were firfl granted, the Prerogative of the Kings of England to alienate iuch Territories from and Sovereignty without any Rt-lerteof Legiila- the Crown, orto conflitute a Number of' neme vernmcnts altogether independant of the Sove- reign Legiflative Authority of the Englilh Em- pire, I can by noMcans concede to you. I have tivc or Executive Authority being lac/(f by Homage and a Render. To hold by Hot/urge, which implies Fealty, (Judd Render is Delbriptive of. So- Cage Tenure as fully as if. it had been laid to hold a: of our flit/Jar of Eafl Grecnwic/J the never feen any better Authority to {iipport fuch anOpinionthan an anonimous Pamphlet by which Words in your Charter. lfear you have too eaiily been mifleadfibr 1 (ball (deen her Heirs and Succdibrs and. helidee this, prefently (how you that the Declarations oi" King the Grant is made upon this exprclns Condition, ~ James the Firil', and of King Charles the Firll, which you pal} over, t/mt the People Irenmiu/at/Jjcc‘? to the Crown of England, the Head of that admitting they are truly related by the Author of thisPamphlet,ourzht to have unweight with you ; nor does the Cellion 0r Relioration,kupon a Treav ty of Peace, of Countries which have been loll: Now this alone was a Referve of Dominion and Sovereignty in the Legifl'itive Authority which. by the Englilh Conilitution, is equally extenlive with the A Litho- or acquired in War militate with thele Principles, rity Of the Crown throughout every Part of the Dominions. Now if we could fiippofi- thc()\ueen nor may any particular Act of Power of a Prince to have acquired lL‘para-te from her l<‘.elzitioufi to ttrielling or delivering up any Part of His Do- her Subiet‘is, or in her natural Capacity, which {he could not do, a Title to a Country dileover- minions to a foreign Prince or State againit the genera! 1 Cd |