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Show [114] "011 Srmrrdqy 1136 6th of March, bi: Ex. tel/emf)! was pleas'd to put an End to t/J: Scjfion, after delivering the following SPEECH to bot/J Half/2's, viz. jeas that are pro erl or confl't t' .11 zable by it," P Y ""01" Yc°8m‘. Before you thus defined the Nature oFSuprem 'e Authority, I vtifh you had confidered more fully Gentlemen of the Cemail, and ' (Gentlemen of the Hou/é of Repr'zjéntaliwr, THINK it incumbent on me to make ibme Obfervations, before I put an End to the Sellion, upon your lull Mellitges to me on the Subjeft of your Conllitutional Dcpendance upon _ the'Supreme Authority ofthe Britilh Domtntons. what Objects there can be in a Governmen t which are not cognizahle by fuch Authority. You mflancc in a flzéordizmle Power in Governmen t which, whilfl it keeps within its Limits is not fubjcét to the Controul of the flzpreme Power. Is there no Inconfifleney in {hppotinq a fill/ordinale Power without a Power/rrperior to it ? Mutt It not to far as it is without Controul be, itielf, Supreme 3 ,As the Council admit a partial Dependence, and {uppole it to be conliflent with the Principles and Nature of Government, I lhall only endeavour .very briefly to thew the contrary. It is efl'cntial to the Being of Government that a Power fltould always exifi which no other Power within fitch Government can have Right to withfland or eontroul : Therefore, when the In your firfl Meditate, Gentlemen of theCountil, you made tome Sttit‘lures upon the Nature of the Supreme Authority in Government, both divine and human, the latter of which you determined could not be :tblolute and unlimittcd. I thought theDi‘lint‘iion between divine and human word Power relates to the Supreme Authority of GOVct'nmcnt it mull be underliood wife/1m: and tm/imltc'tl. If we cannot agree in than Principles which Power not pertinent, and in Anfwer to you,1 no renfible Writer upon Government ins betorc denied, and if you are [ill] ofOpinion that two only remarked, that 1 had given you no Reaf‘on Jurildit‘tions, each of them having a Share to the to ‘luppole I in'ended a more :tthIttte Power tn §ulireliiC[)L)W(‘r, are compatible in the liimeStaIc, It can be. to no Purpo-fe to Reiliin or Argue up n the other Pm; of your Mmlflge. Its enough to olderve that this iiilitltgreement in our Principles Parliament than whatis founded in the Nature Of Governmentmnd this, in your lecoud Melittgtl. you conflrue an Acquiel‘cence in your Regions, which it certainly was not. You go on howcver to explain youth/leaning by tilicrtitig,that " Wlm is ulhally denominated the Supren e [\utlior‘lY of a Nation mull be limited in itsz‘tfis to thc'Oélz- 1e is Will l‘wtve its Influence Upon all the Deductions Which are made from then. P2 |