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Show [74] [75] applauded Defence of theCharter, lays that the]: a Law in the Plantations may be laid to be repug- fgiving his AlTent to Afis of Parliament which in- nant to a Law made in Great Britain, when it 5y Gill-legf ahofe Acts declared the Plantations to ein a ite and co ledb hiSM ' ll 5 b' s flatly contradicts it fo far as the Law made there mentions and relates to the Plantations. But, erred theDependence oFall theColonies,and had of England? P P y 8J6 y uJCfi Gentlemen, there is another Claufe both in the firfl and fecond Charter which, I think will fervc to explain this or to render all Difimte upon the Conltruc'tion of it unneceflary.--You are enabled to impofe fuch Oaths only as are warrantable by, or not repugnant to theLaws and Statutes of the Realm. I believe you will not contend that thefe Cla‘ers mull mean fuch Oaths only as were warrantable at the refpeélive Times when the Charters were granted. It has often been I gave you no Real'on to Remark upon the Abfurdity or" a Grant to Perfons born within the Realm of the lame Liberties which would have belonged to them if they had been born within the Realm, but rather guarded againll it by confidering fucb Grant as declaratory only, and in the Nature of an Adurattce that the Plantations would be confidered as the Dominiom of England. But is there no Ablitrdity in a Grant from. flaund neceflary, lince the Date of the. Charters, the King of England of the Liberties and Immu- to alter the Forms of the Oaths to the Government by Aé‘ts of Parliament, and fuch Alterati- nities of Englilhmen to Perlbns born in and who are toinhabitotherTerritories than the Doi'ninions of England, and would luch Grant, whether by ons have always been conformed to in the Plan~ Charter or other Letters Patent, be Efficient to make them inheritable, or to intitle them to the tations. Left yon {hould think thatI admit theAuthority of King Charles the Second in giving his Allen! other Liberties and Immunities Oi," Englilhmen, tn any Part of the Engiilh Dominions ? to an Act ofthe Afletnbly of Virginia, which you fubjoin to the Authorities of James the Firll and As I am willing to refl the Point betwem us Charles the Firll, to have any Weight, I mull Upon the Plantations having been, from their firllt obferve to you that ldo not fee any greater In- Difcovery and Settlement under the Crown, 3 ,art of the Dominions of England, Ilhall not conlillency with Magna Charta in the King's giVing his Alliant to an Act of a Subordinate Legiflature immediately or in Perlbn than when he take up any Time in remarking upon your Arguments to lhew that finCe that Time, they can- does it mediately by his Governor or Subltitute but, if it could be admitted that fuch an Allen! difcovered the King's Judgment that Virginia was not have been made a Part of thole Dominions. Independent, would you lay any Strefs upon it when the lame King was from Time to Time Cmall . ' giving The remaining Parts ol'yo‘ur Artfwer are prinier both Charm intended to oroye that.' un , ,. . 1 E‘rs, tt hath been the smile or the PCS/Di: that K '3 they |