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Show [I24] [I25] caul'e Parliament had no Jurifdiétion,but becauf'e and publifhed them in News-Papers; and yet in he did not think fit to join with the Lords and Commons in an Aft which invalidated or abridged thofe Privileges in a Patent of Lands which .by his Royal Prerogative he had a Right to grant. the Clofe of it you afl'ert that the Subject is too delicate and of too great Importance for you to I will make no particular Remarks upon thofe had no Authority to determine, and in this Way Parts of your Mellage which relate to the Senfe to influence if not determine theAéts and Doings the People have had of their Confiitution, as there can be noEnd toDifpntes upon Facts which by fmall Deviations from the true State of them of their Reprefentarives in General Aflenihly, maybe made to ferve one Side or the other. mined and refolved, as they had before. It is evident that the firflScttlers of thisColony lef't England with a jull Senfe of their Dependance- that the Senle continued until the Prine confider. Certainly then it mutt have been ex- tremely irregular in the Towns to take upon them feparately to determine Points which they . who cannot have the fame Freedom of thinking and acting. after their Confiitnents have deter« Gentlemen cf the Council and HON/2' of Keprzferztatiwr, ciples of Anarchy in England (pread in America, and it is Conceded that theft: Principles were avowed by many of the Inhabitants here for near twenty Years alter they were exploded in England. It is equally certain, that at the Time of' theRcvolntion‘the People returned to a jullSenfe of the Supremacy oi" Parliament, and I think I may very lately [by that the oldel't Pcrlhu in the Province has never heard the Supremacy called in ‘neliion until within a few Years pail. You again exprel‘s your Concern that l lhnnld thus rcptatetlly inlill upon your giving: your free Sentiments nn lh delicate, a thjtt‘i as the Authority ol- Parlintnt‘t‘it. in the Beginning of your rvlt‘ilitlh‘.' You \‘l‘mlit‘flifl' the'l‘nm'i or" littlltit‘: 3. Il‘JC othcr'linunti Qt rhcl'rt-rir-ce, which have mm mgctiit't‘ and determined upon the lame Sttlilt‘kol'. and made their l'tocetdings Matttr of lit-curd and I am fenfihle that nice Dillinélions of civil Rights and legal Confiitutions are Far above the nd. Reach of the Bulk of Mankind to comprehe l There are, however, a few plain fundamenta n Withi carry Principles of Government which ed, refili themlelves fuch Evidence as cannot be to---~ ted allén than and are no fooner propofed there Such as thelcw-That in cveryGovernment tronlable mull he fomewlrere a fuprcrne uncon e and dcPower, an abfnlute Authority to decid cannoncoextli, {ermine-«That two lnch Powers dilliné‘r States" but necelliirily will make two of up Part That in a State of Society we give legal theme .hat our natural lib rty in order to End of GovernFreedom which it is the great t a Righttn ment to maintain and or?'i't‘t't‘#'ifiha ment to. judge Itiztlivitln :79 or PM. in} :1 ilr \w‘rn ans: Authority oi. the Dccnions of kin) Sitiifunc |