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Show [ 4 i [5'] agree with me-in the preper Meaf'ures for the lar, and in our Executive Courts both juries and udges have, to all Intents and .Pt.lft‘thCS,‘Ct)flfidered fuch Afts as Part of our Rule of Law. Such a Conflitution,in a Plantationjs‘not peculiar Remo'Val of it. I have, plcafed myfelf', for feveral Years paflz, with Hopes that the Caufe would ceaf'e ofitfelfand the E6726} with it, but I am difappointed, and I may not any longer, confident with my Duty to the King and my Regard to the Interefl ofthe Province, delay communicating .ny Sentiments to you upon a Matter of fo great Imortance. I Ihall be explicit and treat the Sub3661 without Referve. I hope you will receive what I have to fay upon it withCandor,and,if you {hall not agree in Sentiments with me, I promile you, with Candor liltewife, to receive and conti- der what you may offer in Anfwer. to England but agrees with the .l'rtnetples ofahe motl celebrated Writers upon theLaw of Nations that "when a Nation takes Poliefhon of a dit'iant " Country and fettles there, that Country, though " feparated from the principal hflabliflament or " Mother Country, naturaily becomes a Eart if " the State equally with its anetent I'oflltttons. . So much however of the Spirit of Liberty breathes tln it' all Parts oi" the linpjl'iiiit‘ Contiitué tion, that although from the Nature of Govern. ' When our Predeceti‘ors firfi took Poflhflion of ment there tnufi he one topreme Authority‘over Zthis Plantation or Colony, under a Grant and the whole, yet tliisCo:iititution will admit of {new Charter from the Crown of England, it was their ordinate Powers with legilltttive anl executive Senfe, and it was the Senfe of the Kingdom, that Authority, greater or let's according to, loeai and they were to remain fill‘)j€& to the fupreme Au- other Circumflances. thority of Parliament. This appears from the Charter itfeli and from other irretitlahle Evidence. Corporations formed within the Kingwm with Powers to make and execute .uch Bylaws as are: This fupreme Authority has, from Time to Time, been excrcifezl by Parliament and fuhmit- for their immediate {He and Benefit, the Members of inch Corporations ilill remaining lithiefi ted to by the Colony, and hath been, in the mutt to the general Laws of the Kingdom. Thus we to: a VQHEKY pf Wefee exprefs Terms, acknowledged by the Leaifi :leC‘ alii) Governments ellahliihed in the Plantations and, except about the Time of the Anarchy and Confufion in England which preeeeded the Ref- which, from their lL-pawte and rerouteSituation} tottttion of King; Charles the Second, I have not Lee‘iftarion within then'iieives thin thin harmed tlifcovered that it has been called inilueiiion even Within the. Kingdom, hut timid} rat Vertizeleis, I? by private or particular Perfons until within {even or eight Years latl pelt, Our Provincial or Lo- all inch Laws til‘lthe Kingdom as itt'n'tt7tziattfly r cal Laws have. in numerous Intlmces, lied Relatitu tut-Aft: of Parliament made to reiiwc't the I'tfiiildiiz‘i‘ii in general anu this Colony in put ilNiX-a iar, require more eternal and exietihve Boaters mt- Daft then or are deligned to. eat-e ad to them, . ‘ . z‘tecort‘iingly $8 in tits i‘rm‘ince have, . firi't Settlement of it, been iei': tr; the, 1' . 04f tmn't a t ..t ,uh.‘«\...-aota A»'I."17.1%.". if;/ "ably."hilh‘v GUM.) |