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Show 211$ 11117.1)\|{l\ 11111151 'l‘lllC HOUR (TLOSTCS r11111111111111111‘><111:11111111'111- >1111111.1111'\111111‘1‘1111111.11:111'11111 1:111}: 111111 111111111:1111 111‘ 11111111. "111111111111sleep. \lr. f" 1111 1:1111. 299 11.115 with their 111112-- 1111x1111 211111 their ears deafened. Indeed 11111 1111111111: 111' 11111 12111111111 has been since yesterday afternoon 1111111:«:1111. 'l'hrw 1111 that the Austrians are straining "\11." l :111\\\111'111l. 2.1111 ~:1111 «1111111111111: :11111111 111115. 1111111 11111111 1o 111112311 1hro11gl1 to the river and cross. We 1110 "\111111 l1:1\‘11 '\'1111 11111111 1111111.: 111 11111 11111111113 1.31:1" f" 111‘. 11111113; 11111211 we 112111 to prevent 1.110111, but what can we do? 'l‘l111r1-111111111'x‘ IS NOT A .\l.\11'N1T10X1 The officers here 111111 111111114 111311111; with despair, 111111 the men know it and :.>l\111l.1:1111_111i11:.11111111111 11111 11.11111: 11.141111 11111 |l11111a 11111111111 1111111111‘1'1‘<. 1:111] >1'11'1' 111:11 l 11"\1‘1‘111111'111‘1l 11. "lhnI‘s 111111111111." 1111 21111. "\1~\111' 11111111. .\11'.,'" 111‘, 5:1111 >11111111e'111‘ 11111. "1115111111 11111 1111\1'111'111111w. :11'11111115'11114 1111 11111111 11111111 111111111. .\1\\‘11.\'< 1111111111111: 8111111111.1111;." "More. 11111'111111s. 111:111 11111 1'11<1 111' 11s. . . . \\':1<l1 )11111 111111 1111'11l1l\\‘111111. 11'>1111.\ 1111'111'11;1l 1111111 111111 \\'111'1‘111<11s1111." 1 1'1‘111111111111111111111 111111 1111 111111111111 11111 11'111111' 11111111111111111) 1111 11:1sin 1'111 111(1 111111 1111111. 11111111: 11111 1111 1111111; 111111111. 111111111 it. 111 euptuls 111111 1111 l1;1111l< :11111 arms. 1 :11'1111'w111'1ls 111111110 #111110 1111' 111111. .\1 111111 1111111111111 1 \'111"\' 1113;11'11'51111110 1111111111'11'3121110. 1 1115111111 1.1151111111111111 111 11') : 11111 1 11111111111 211:111st'111'10,:111dl11s eyes. 1111114111111; :11 11111 :1\1ll("\'211\\'21'\‘5 did. 511111111111 1110. \1111111 1 111.111 11111>l11311 l111 111111111111 11111. 111111111 his 112111115, 1111111 turning 111111111 :11 11111 1111111 1111 $21111: "Why don"t .1011 to back to 1111111111. 311'. . . . 111111111 1111111 11111.17 "You know why," 1 answered. without 11111111111: at 111111. 1111 50131111111 1111111 11s though he would 111112111, 11111 he stopped 1111151111 and went away. 1 1111 down 2114:1111 111111 tried 1.11 sleep, but when 1 closed 111)" eves 11111 111111111 1101111111 the win- dow burnt through 1113' eyelids-7111111 111011 the 11;: (1 21111 sure it was the same 1111 returned. . . Monday, 1111111131 111‘. . . . 1.111111 11111 1 11111 tired of this endless bundngine‘, 1110211111151 111' 1111111 wounds, 11211111}; away of rugged ends 111' flesh, 511101111114. 11111111111110: 111111111111: 111111111 and (lust and dirt. 1110 1111111 fellows! Their bravery 1s 11eyond any word of mine. They 111.110 come these 111st 10w 11.11 1111. 1.131111 1111111 11111111111'111110ss, their obedience, their 1111111 l.1111lli:.11..: .141 111111 that green hell to be butchered. 111111 111111111 11111, 111' it 1111:1111, 11" 1105' are lucky, with their bodies 111111111111111 111111 twisted, 11nd horror 111 their eyes. 11s 1111- 111111'1'1s 1111111, 1 supPOse, this business. How easy to write in the daily 1111111113 111111 the Germans prepared for war 211111 that we did 11111, 1.11111 that after a month or two all will be well. . . . After :1 1111111111 or two! tell that to us here stu11l< 111 this Forest and 1102111 us how we laugh! . . . Meanwhile. tor the good of my health, :1'111 1115111111115r very Clearly to 111131011". all the physical features of this 111111-11. 11‘s 11 long white house, two-storied. The front 1111111 hits 11111111111 glass over it 21nd there's a litter of tumbled bricks on the top step. After you've gone through the front 11111111 you come into the 111111 where the wounded are as 11111111 11s 1110s. You go through the 111111 and turn to the left. There's :1 pantry phu-e on your right all full of flies and when :1'1111 Open the door they unsettle with a grent buzz and sh1tt 111111 1111 sorts of shapes 11nd patterns. Next to thenris 1111,1111.- ting-1110111, the horrid plziee always dirty 11nd stifhng'. 111011 then there's the operating-11111111, then another room tor beds, the kitchen. Outside to the right there's the garden, 111..V of the 111111 now with the heat, and the orchard smells little 11111111111111. t11eV've buried in it. To the left, after 1.1 11"" thei'e's the forest always green 1.11111 glittering. The 1110" 111 the trenches new, the new ones that were 11121110 12131 Wt‘t‘li1 |