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Show 3H 'l‘lll', lt.\l1‘l\' I‘HIIICS'I' 'l‘ll 1". HOUR I‘LUSES 111g. sudden unpleasant truth 111111 :1 tit'i1111l. ttthttt‘tlI‘tl'Y ('1tttSt‘11\11>‘ttt‘S> oI (i111l. . . i ' lleutlt too. . . . llow 1'71111' now it wax to 11111I llttritt'r these weeks I l1;11l\\‘11111l11r11l. ltltt‘\tt11llltt‘ll.11tt;‘ltl11lnl)t"‘tlh ":15 It Iltlsf I had \Vth it lltziif It‘ztt‘etl it. .‘I\ \‘1V.1\il hit it.~!;1111'1\ tugitt.' \\l111 I \\'.‘t~ it I1"‘t:i '1; hid HI‘II tl‘1‘l1li‘l‘i1l liodtesinthe I‘i‘tl'k'>1.ttl‘>l(nt>l underthe1':1it1;11 \iiuielI Ill had laughed at it as wh111 l l1..1l :11111- ‘1‘1illt tl-ir-iwuiti‘trs I lttitl (‘llI'SCtI it :15 when \Iut'h‘ l\;ttt11'1!t;t l1..1l1lt1'1lil ll l'l sought . ‘ ‘ it as I had done. last . night 1. . '1‘ and :1l\'1"1\< .si I drew W\ tlosei and (‘l0>(‘t' to it. I111111i111l i ‘IIIIII Itf llt‘l'll [l] flélllo, SUIIIO ( \ II II. I l KC" y "11‘" ( I \\ I.‘. .1 \ I I I \ ti. .1 * 11 ‘ l l \ . ll I " t \\l l 7 I saw that one was >i11111ly Iaee to hire with onesell'. Four hours I ltttVt‘ heett \\‘t‘iIittj;‘. and no siu'tt oI I‘ltO wagons. . I ant writin‘;r everything down as I rememher it. he faUSe these things are so 14le11r to 1111‘ now and Yet I know that aIterwards they will he 1-l1;1t1::1-1l. twisted U VI ) I was drowsy. I saw l'olehester lligh Street, (larth in It1'1selands, ('linton. 'I‘ruxe, lt(‘\,I oI all llaliel. I went down the high white hill. deep into the \‘ttllt‘Y, then alone" the toad besrde the stream where the ltottSt's heain the hideor-I II esleyan Chapel on my right, "lihetu-xer \Vlillall on my left, then the cottages~ with the gardens, then the little street the post-office, the huteher‘s, the turn oI the t'11‘ttI '1111l sud: denly, the hay with the fishing: hoats riding- at aliehoi'hnd beyond the sea. England and Ilussial to their stron‘" and confident union I thought that I would give everv dro; of my blood, every heat of my heart, and is I lav there I seemed to see on one side the deep green lanes at I‘lafiel and :11: the other the shining: canals, the little wooden houses, beevéogfther and the tufted trees of I'etroe'rad, the sea CUIISI ., 1 tune and the Wide snow-covered plains beyond 315 ,\l1‘--t'11‘1\'. the r-athmlral at l'olrhester and the Kremlin, l11'1111ti112 their 1-l1il1lr1111, to the hundredth generation, for the .~;111.1- lt‘tIt1'\. the .‘ttl'ttt‘ h1eli1-l',~:,tl1e same desires. I rit'ItI in the >1111 .1111ll1111l happy dreams. very fine I l1;1\1- 1‘111'1-111l the-1- hat pages and I find some etc., etc. Of stull' :1l1ottt "1.111111; every drop of blood," like Durward and 1-1.1"-1. I 11111 11111 that l~.i111l of man. Men, h he is hr- l"'>t"ttl1lt‘.~' me in many ways, althoug mysell' oI think what people :tt'oneer than I 11111. and doesnt care him to give mueh oI are too analytieal and :~elI-eritieal their hlood of very much their hl1 111d to anyhody or to make \altte il‘ they did. I onlv 1111111111 that I would do my best. again pretty close. l111teri in tl1et1111rningrtl 11‘} tiring hogan to talk to me. and wanted .\t11l rey Vassilieviteh eame to me I was busy. He wanted I was rather >‘lt111'I with him heeztuse quarrel I hadn't misunderstood his I" tell me that he hoped His all. had been nothing at with N ikitin 111st: night. It: was very much out of order. nerves had heen rather He another another man. He looked hotter todav. felt quite but I did. . . . Strange, man and I isaid so. He said that for sonar that he was Sic.kening I felt as I looked at him had illness. ut p eople withOne l‘eels that sometimes abo name a cause. "UT heine ahle. to he‘s. anl awful the little man-hut tor n tio e1: atI an I have s. . . . never respect too ls foo t Bu I. am him tor some IWI‘ \VCIh so I had expected SKHII‘VOIIUY. SII'ZIIIQIC It) I SC‘C Course. very. . I Just the same, o't A ' erent t11»11z1y. dill he to I‘eitson pockets and a hole in one of my sareastie to me. I had thi. ngs into putting money and and was always Forgetting y notlunsr mat,hnn. But toda oy ann to I med see I it- This me. All the lttttl'ltlttL' es do not. worry t11-.\1-1 "TS. Even the Ili a strange to me. I have Marie has seemed so e lose |