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Show 18-11 THE 11A IIK FOREST 1111't.8. ONE NIGIIT Then the 111111_\‘ wou111 1111 11111111 up: there wou111 he 11111tt01‘0d directions. the wounded 1111111 VV‘1111111 1'1‘V'. 1111111 the other wounded VV1111111 111811 1‘1‘V' 1111'1111' 111111111111'1181‘111111 110 11101118111111 18111111000111.111111. 8111111111111111111 11111 \ 11V 11111 .8111‘11p8 1101 and the 11011\V 111111111111181111111111108 111 the 1: 11'1. tlut it V1118 111)'SC'1I upon whom 1"." eyes were lixed. 111-V8011. 11 11118- 01111110. figure. the rain 111111111111." 111'11111 1111.1. 81111111111: down mV‘ neck. SQUOICIIIHQ' under 111V 111111t8‘. \1111 11.8 1 181111111 there I was 111111111. T1111tVV118 VV111 1 now .81‘.1VV I 111111 11111111t01‘1'i- bIV‘ afraid for the first 1111111 8111011 1 had 01111111 to the VV111‘.Ih11d worked 11111111)‘ 111 the 111111111111111111‘ 1'1111111. 11nd perhaps 111V phV1810111 \V0111110818 VV118 10.81111111.8811110; 11t11. ‘1mt 0V01 it might be theie I VV11.8, 11 1111VV111'11. At the threat of and there was Nikitin. 185 111 any 01180 there were those two 11011108 VVh11111 I 11111181: 1'111181der-St'mV‘onoV 111111 InYSCII. That. 111'111 01111V‘18118'1111111 111.81; 1111111tt, had 111'111111‘11t 11.8 quite 811111‘111V' 11100 to taee. 1 111111111 to my own 8111'111'180 that SetuVoro's (101.11111'111711111 111' his engagement 111111 not 110011 11. r0111: 8'111101V to 11111111111 not, indeed 11,1tered VerV 1.1jre11t1y the 11111'11111' situation. But it had 181111VVn. 1110 quite 010111'1)‘ that. my own 111V‘0 for Marie IV‘1'1110V‘1111 was 111 no way (111111111811001, tat I must proteet her from 11 1111111 who was, I f01t, quite h 811np1)‘ 11"11011.t1 1111111. 110111 then it SOHIVOHOV and I VVete to fie.11t it out I wou1d need to he at my best. Did that 11tt10 picture. ot 01on 81111119110] I h0nt 111V 1101111 111111>1'11111\.1‘1.1‘1KI 111V 8111111111018, the other eVeuin1.1‘ SIIOVV 1110 at 111V best? This 111118111088 pre8 sented 11 hinger ti:1.11t than the 1811111110 one with S0111V‘111110V‘ I at eVe"1§ 015‘ of the wounded 1111111~o11e 1111111 "1118 11011111118 knew, quite 010111'1V‘, 118 I Iay on HIV back111 the 1'111',t that the. and sang a 1itt10 511110-11 shudder t1‘111111111111 1111d11VV11 111V fight 111.1‘111118t SemV‘onov and the fight 11.1111118t. . . VV118 n11ug10d together, depended for their 188110 one upon the, other-that the dead men in the t0108t h; 111 no 11101111V 1101i- dental connexion with Marie Ivanovnas safety 111111 SemVonov's seorntul pirueies. "011,1710101 . 1 .SemVonov 111111 I, I and mV 11111 (1111111 1111110, 111V.801t .811111;111!.1'in the road the other night under 11101'11111! \\hat was to 110 the 1.88110 ot1111111' it? hodV. I thought of the bridge 1111tw11e11 111V8111t and flu Otriad-how e1isi1V it might be, 111‘1VVV11 11111 and then, it the DiVision were beaten 1.11101}. what 1111188111010 there VVou1d he! I wanted to 1.11) 1101110, to 810011, to 110.811te 11nd WiH‘Hl# 111111Ve 1111, to be safe. I.1111‘ 1101010 1110 some of the wounded \V1 10111 I1had bandaged to (Ifl\"11101] without taees or with 1111111.1‘1111.r jaVVs that must 110 110111 up with the 11111111 VV11111‘t 111111111188 1,011 thi8 10V01V‘ 0V 0111110. saw quite 0101111'V‘ the 11101 111111111150 was tied. 0110 man 111111111, one 1111111 1111111 (110 thought. he was drowning.1in hot VV11te',1) 111111 man 11111111119: his stomach togethei with his 111111118. I saw 1111tt hese 11211108 11f 0V011ts that had brou1.'>11t 1110 to this p11111t.t11111: that. erowding round 1110 111 the 111110 the trench and heard the {101.18. I 1'11so8.‘1tw t‘he 11011111111011 111111 at driVe with Durward on the first 1111} V11 1011 \\'{‘,1111111 .81t11p Two: the 1811111111. at. 1n the forest, the 811111], the 11108, the .8tr11111.r 111110-1.1r11V‘ trou~ 1111111 VV11 111111 ()._V when Marie. IVanoV‘na 111111 110011 11111.1‘1'3' SCI‘S. 111111111, Iir8t 11011rd thee"1111111111 '1‘111‘1111zt1111d11V at S ~ - 81111111 1V11001in1.‘1 on the eait VV 1th her 11111111 1111 H11111V11111VV .8 81111111111 1'. Ishook so that 111V teet1 t1 chattered 11\(‘1'u\ P111‘ I111 figure W011.1th11t was the other nigh t. It was true that to-nie'ht I 11111111t 1 t101 t111.'1ht1110d‘11t10118t not 118 Vet. Ihlt then it 1.8: 11 beautit'uI 0Ve111n1.‘1, V‘erV p11 111:01111,8t111 and warm) 10111 her r0tu18‘111 of 1110, t11e11111111118 111 the towt, t11011118 t11111: 11‘011t.t1111t11i_1.111t Nikitin (1.1‘11tt1111.'1 we111 into 11 111 now). FiVe: the, t1111V with M11110. 111 1111 1111.11. Six: H1111 |