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Show 2312 THE DARK l"(11{l",S'l‘ THE 1.0 VERS 213 1111505111111v1151111‘light 111'11 11111'111111‘ 11.111.11 1<11111 11\' 1111111, pale 1111111111111111111111111‘s11'\ 1111111) lll111‘1\ 11111111111‘1‘111111.1;‘1.1_ 111111, 11111 "01111111 Si};11.\'111111>1111111111‘. 11' 1 111111 11111 111111 111115011111" with '1‘1‘1‘111‘11111'11 111111 1'1‘1111 11114 111:11'\' 1 5111111111 have known nothing. liven now I 1‘1111 111'1'111' 1111 solution. . . . Meanwhile he showed 111‘1'1‘1‘lv 111111 openlv 1‘1111110'11 his love for Marie 11'1111111'1111. 111‘111‘1111\1‘11111 111‘1 \\ 1111 1111‘ \11le"1nest ostentation. as a rieh 1111‘1'1-1111111 l1eh11\1‘> when he has S11a11‘he11 S11n11‘ prieeleas pieture 1111111 11 111‘1'1‘1111‘11 rival. As he laughed at 115 111‘ S1‘e111ed 111 Say: " Now, ,1: have really a thing of value 11111211111 are, 1111 111' 11111, 11111 5111111111. 111 realise this, 11111 \111111111St11k1‘ 111\ word 1111' it. 3111111910111self 1111‘, my 110111, 1111111let 1110111 all 51‘111 ' L Marie 1vanovna most certainly 11111 not "Show herself 1111'."~ The beginning of his t1'111111le was that he 01111111 not do with her as he pl ‘11801118110 had fallen into 111.; hands so easilvtthat he th1111‘1ht, I Suppose, that "She 111111 110011 dxing of love for him" from the inst moment of seeing," him. But this was I believe very far from the truth. My llnpression of her acceptance of him was that she had done it "w1th 1101 eyes fixed upon something 01;;e.' That 5711; had not re lised all the 0011S0q110n1 e of 111‘11'pting 711111 any more 11111111 5110 had realised the (1111501111011108 of 1101' 11011111- 111;; 'lrenehard was olnions from the 111.»;t. She Simply W11) 10nor-ant of 1110, and at the.Same 111110 wanted to 1111111 111130 her hands the full sense of it (as one crushes 11151413111151 as 111110111}' as poSsihle. She 111111111011 SennonoV-it 111111' 110 that She loved him' but she certainlv had not snirendered helself to him, and111 her livelv ignorant way she was stxong as he. Duri11111 the first weeks of her engagement she was, as she had been at her first arrival amongst us, as happy and light-hearted as a child. She knew that we disapproved of her treatment of 'llrenehard, but she thought that we must see, as. she 11111, that "She had behaved in the only possible way." 01100 again she VHS straight and honest to the world »»an11 she could behave now like a real friend of 1101‘ John. That strung-n irrational temper that she had shown during 1110 Retreat had now entirelv disappeared. She approved 111 119.- 11 and wished 11s to approve of her-whi1h we, as we were 17.: 2:111:11; and could not possihlv dislike pleasant agree- 111111‘ p 11p11:- whatev 01‘ there rnipht 110 against them, Speedih did. She was charming to us. I can see 1101 now, leaning her 011111 on her hands; looking at us, the colour, shell-pink, 1111111111; and going: delicately in her cheek, like flame 1101111111 01111111. 1101' delicacy, her height, her slender figure, 1101‘ wide childish (wee, her 1‘11111'11111134'13' ugly large 1111111111 and <11111'1 1111\‘1‘. 1101' 1111111; 111111", the appeal 111' 1101‘ ignorance and Strength and 111‘131111111'\'~-11111 she won (1111' hearts Simply whenever She pleased! ()1' eourse we disliked her when >‘111‘ was rude 111 us, 11111' Sell-respeet (10111111111011 it, 11111; let her "1‘111111‘ 111111111" 111111 round we 1‘111111‘ toe. 111‘1‘11'1‘1111111‘11t111‘81‘111,\'111111\' was strange. She was quite 11‘111'11‘ss, 1111111111111: at his 11‘111p1‘1', his 5111'1‘115111, rehnking' his >1‘11'1xh111wa 111111 11111 11111111111‘1'.<, 111111111111" 111$ 1111111411 and 1111‘ l11\11.1111"l1':1\1 111111111‘. and above .111,1r11.~'t111g 111111 in the 11111l1w-1 \\'.‘1} 11:: 1111111211,111 Spite 11111115111111118, She plaeed all her 1'1-11111111- 1111 111111 111111 knew that 111‘ would 11111. fail her. Neihinn 1111111131‘11 111111 111111'1': than her 111‘11111'111111' to Treneh» 111-11. 11 111111111. 111' 11111121). 111‘ 1111::111'11 to say that he was 11.11111I~~111.71‘1'1‘111‘11111'11:111‘111‘~[11~'e11 the 1111111 11111111‘1‘11lvun11 1111". 11i'11»1~11‘. 1"«1»111'1‘11111S11111\'11111111\\J1‘1111111>‘\';1)11111(‘ 11'111, '1‘11 11‘» 1111‘ :11111-11111111 1111111 111111111, 11'1'1tat1‘1111v1‘11 11} 1111'.1111‘1111111111011111141111.1111 111111111. |