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Show 311‘» 1111', 11\.11‘15. 1111111151 'l‘lllC 110011 CLOSES 11.101111011111101" 111‘ 51111101111110:11111-11 1111‘1'1111111111 11115 11111-1'111111 11 1 1111'11111111111111 11113111111 1'1'1111'111111s1111 1111' 11:111 .14 11111110 1111111111111:11.1111111'11‘11151'1111111::111:11'1.1‘111111. 11ml 111111111 111.11 1:11.11 \11111 5011131111111 111111 1 11111-1» 111111<1-11111:~1 111 my own 1113111<n0ss and insignificanee. 11 11‘11s 33011111111111: '11110 1111511110111 11118th into the room, l 11111110111110111111 11111111110'1'111'1111 111 111111 11111111111111. 110 was sitting up in bed. \\'11:Lt11 111s s1111‘1.11111-11:1111111is1'111-s1l1111‘0. 1118 eyes were fixed upon 1110 11111111111, 11111 110 1111.9 fast asleep. He seemed to me a 110w 1111111. 1 111111 01111111 so accustomed to his sarcasm, his irony, 111111 1 111111 1111111151 p1~r<1111r10d 111ys011 that he had never 111111 1111-1111 .\l:1ri1-, 11111 111111 1' 11 some sensual attraction for 1101* 111111, 111111111, 111' 1'01111:~‘.:11111n, 1111110 b0en at once satisfied. This was 11111111111 1111111. llcre was a strugcrle, an agony 1 11:111. 1111111111. 1 111111100 11111111 111111111111 I 111111111 1111111112-1111111111 11 1111111110111 1111111 11111111 1 1111111111111 111' 11114.11. .1111 11111111‘1‘1113, 11:11'I1111‘:~' .11111 >11111111',» ;1\ 111131 1111111111111111111111-11111 [11111171101‘01'1' 11111111'11111111‘11>1‘111111111211111. 1111‘ 1 1111111 11111111 111‘1'131‘ one 11'11.~' 1111‘11‘ 111110.11111111111111111101115111 15111111124111 111-1'1'1‘1'11'1' right, >11111j11 person 111111111 I 11111-11: F11111‘11111111‘ is 1.11111. 1111)' 1 01111111512 '1'1‘11111l1isi111i111 01.111111111111111 1111111 11 111s b11011, 11111111 111111111110 111' 8111111111111. 111‘ 11111 >11'1111110'11 $1111111" and 111111111}: 1111'}: 1-1: 11111111 1111- 111111111's1 1114 111111111 111111111110 nking1 111:3.1111111111111111‘;1\1;111;11341111111111111111si 11 111111 of the 1112-4 11011111. I thought 111' 111111 111111 111' 111011 1111001' it was 1111113 >1r11110‘0 14111111'11s1 111111 1111 11511111. 111111 111111' us. And : 1 10 8111110 11'111111111 should 1111111 1-1111-11 1111' 1111111 of 1‘ would give 111'1111‘1'1111'11,1111111111011 1 1111111111 111111'1111111111111, never to there, 1111111151 1111111111113: 1111' 111111 11111 111 1111111 110011 that '1 had have 1101111 1110111. Whil>1 1111‘ 1111s 111011 1 knew those days g durin 0 111.111 no 011111100. 3111110111111 11111 111110111111 I 111111 had been at 1'011'001'111'1; she had 110111111111 111 1110 111011 1110 more I worth 111111011110 in. 11 people 111111 believed in might be 11 very dillerent 1111111 now. the room, when I was almost asleep, scarcely conscious of suddenly I heard 11 111100 0111', "Mariel 309 Marie! Mariel" heard before, 111100 times. It was 11 10100 that 1 had never note in it 100 strong but also tcnd0r, full of pain, with 11 in a moment break would 111 11 struggling sol 1'-control that it 1 101110111at and 01'01‘1‘51'101111 its possessor. As 1 look back that was not for such 111011 11s 1. 110 cried 11011111, "Mariel Marie!" then got up out of bed, walked on his naked feet in his shirt to the window, stood there and waited. The moonlight had, by this, struck our room and flooded it. He turned suddenly and faced 1110. I could 11111 11011010 that he did not see me, but I could not endure the unhappiness in his eyes and I turned, looking down. I did not look at him again but I heard his 1101 patter back to the bed; then he StOOd 1119101 his whole body strung to meet some ovemnastering' criSiSHe whispered 1101' name as though she had come to him since his first call. "Ah, Marie, my darling," he Whis‘ pered. I could not bear that. I crept from my bed, slipped and stole downaway, closed the door softly behind me stairs. It was the I cannot write at length of what followed. me since 1 1011 crisis of everything that has happened to Petrograd. Every experience that I had had was 811111101111v tly that 1101" 1.11111 1 1011 the passion and strc 110111 in it so violen sitting-room now, flung into this 11101110111. 1 was in our placed outside 1110 pitch dark because shutters had been 1 were 11'i1ness I seemed to shrink into myself, as though windows to guard against bullets. I stood there in my "1"" h 2180 ing something that no man should see, and as thoug and drawers: shuddering, shivering with hatred of myself, |