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Show FOUR? :?1\\ '1‘111111\11‘|\ 1111111115111: 11. \1':1~- >111‘1111x1111 111 1‘1'1'1 1111 1111111 11211111 111' 11111111 11:11i\'11111;111'\';111:1111‘11111 1'1111:>.11 l'\1‘ll 111111111111111‘1111111111111112 1\1 1111- «:91211 1111111 1111.1 :1 1111111 11111. >111111‘:111jv. 111111111111111111 111‘1111‘1111111‘11‘1111111111I111111'11.\1'1"\111:111'\‘.:11‘11‘1. \1111'1' 1 111111 #1111111. 1\11111111. 111111.; 1111111521111. 111111 11111111;11 111111111ue‘ht 111:11 i\11111'11'\‘ Vow-111111111111 \1'1111111 1111 111111111‘ :11 .\111t11\‘11. "111‘, 1~ 11 1111111 111 11111 \\;1.\ 1111111." 1111>11i11. "(‘111‘1111111)‘ 111111111114 11111 111~pi111111." \11111111\1111'1111111san111 his 1111\1. 1-111 1111> "\‘\'11;1111\111'.\11111111‘"1111sai1l, 111'11111-11111111111 1111‘11s 111111111111". "111111111111 .\11111'1-‘\ 11111111. 111;;1 '1 111111111-111.\1111." 1\11111'11y \Vas 1~1111 1111111, 1111 his side \\'1111 111111111 11111'\'1111\1111»~'.~2 :11111 5111131111- 11111111111111.11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 Xilxitin was 511111111111: 1‘1‘1111' 11\'1l'\\'111‘l\' :11111 11111‘111'11 :1 1‘111111111‘11‘ ['1‘51. "YHH 1(1111wa lvan i\11111'11i11\'111-h. 1111 is really 11111 at all well; 1 sleep in 11111 >111n11 11111111. ,1111 1111115 111 his 51111111, '1111114111s11111the sees thing‘s: . . . \'111‘,\' 11111177 11111111111111 11115 hot \\‘1‘a1111‘r . . . I 111y>11lf for the 1111111111' 111' 111111 . . ." and 1111111 he nervously 111111111 1111‘. 11111 with all this they 11111 11111 seem to quarrel with one 1111111111111. 11 is 1111111 111111 1 discovered a kind 111' im}')atience, 11‘11111111111)' 111-111‘111111 Andrey \'11ssili11\'111111 and 'Niliitin, the 1111111 111‘ l'1‘511('>‘3!111.\>' 111111 you see s1111111111nes between two horses \1'1111111211'11,harnessed 11111111111111. S11111yonov (he paid no 21111111111111 to me at all during my visit) treated 1111111111111111'11 11111111 decently. and 1. 1111111111111 on several occasions his 1001; 11'1" puzzled curiosity at the man#a look to which 1 113% alluded 1111111111. Ile spoke to him always in the tone of 17111111111111t1111us banter that he had from the beginning; used to him: "\Vell, 3111., I suppose that you couldn't bring a 111}; enough handae'e however much you were asked to. But why choose the smallest possihle. . . . 7' ' (.17 1 J . ‘ . ()1, 111111 s where Mr. \vrltcs 111s poetry-101111: it 11106 romantic Englishman. 289 1111111281 isn't it, Mr. 11" Int 1 was greatly 11111111111 11y Trenchard's manner of taking these r11111arl1s. 11o 111-111111311 now as though he had secret reasons 1111' knowing that he was in every way as good a man as Serrr/vonoV'fiia hotter one, maybe. He laughed, or sometimes simply looked at his companion, or he would reply in his bad halting iussian with some jest at Semyonov's expense. Finally, to end this l111s111css, if ever a man were 111- 1'111:tcd to the heart 11y the loss 111 a friend or a lover, Seinyonov was that man. 110 was a man too strong; in himself world and too contemptuous 111 w 1111111135111 11) show to all the :11not I had his hurt. I myself might have seen nothing face he- ways before me the 1111111111131 of that vision of his proceeded-- tween the trees. But from that .1 had that the 1111It was, I suppose, the first time in his life Marie 1 vafilment of his desire had been denied him. Had her his complete novna lived, and had he attained with as he 111111 satisfaction, he would have tired of her perhaps only the stronger tired of many others, and have remained 111111 at the very 111111 Cynic. But she had eluded him, eluded and triumph. What 11113111 of her freshness and happiness now 111 111111? What defeat to his proud spirit was Working to secure even now longing? What liercc determination his ends? The change that I fancied in 111111 was perhaps his strength and 11111111111411, to 110 more than his bracing of 111111111111 him of his possesface new conditions. Death had sion-so much the worse then for Death! 1 1"" Upon this day of icy cold, as I write these wordh‘» 111111 extravagant as an afraid that my account may be taken honestly 11111-111111 11,. most do 1 unjustified conceit. But that 111111 my two days' stay 111 not to he. I myself felt, during . with new experiences. new 1111place, the strang1 est contact lett n life had bee yelopnients, new relationships. Normal |