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Show :7"11 'l‘lll'? 11.\l{1{ 13(111'1'15‘1‘ MARIE IVANOVNA (11 011111'<0 she .11111'10 1111111111111. h11d wrought. this 011111019 7‘ r i 1 ‘01 111111111. 1 1 10'10 was 1111 111111111 this morning 111111 she loved ,1. . 111111 5110 111111111101' 1111-0 11nd 111'111'111L" 1111 1110 111'1111111111 of the Nestor, and that there 11 l1ro11d solemn avenue of silver hireh leads you forward, gently and without any sinister omens. Then again the forest elenrs 11nd there 111'0 fields of Corn and, 1111ilt amongst the thin seuttering' of trees, the . It. wag here, on pussine' the first houses village of N 111511 1111 1110 111111111111 111111 :1 111111. won, >01'ur0d, ensured 111'111L1's with it. She 11111 11111 1111111 :11 111111 1111011 nor 111110 his hund. 811081111110 111 111011111'11101110 111110 111111 111111'111100 11111111011111S111111'd11111111111111: 11111 h1'r~'11111, \'hinin: through 1110 111111 001011110 111' 111-1' l111d1', 1.1110110'11 111 1111-.1'1'11110': 1‘1 :1111 111111111 1100111150 1 111110 1111' 110911'0. ()1 110101111111: 1 re11101111101' 11111111110: 111‘ 111-111111'1'1111' l 0'1n 1(111111' 1111111111L1'1111ttoduy is 11111101" 110 was 1'01'1' 111110t. "11011 he 11111011 111' 1101' his eves 11,1111: 1'11111111010,1)1_1s.<e.<.<i11n 1111101: 1 did not. thut 1111111111111, count at 1111 to either of 1110111, 11111 1' too 1'1'1t 111111111 of pride as thoneh I 11010‘111l '1nL1' in some 111111111111111 1111110~x111n She ('l1uttered on, 11nd1111-11 111 lust. 1111> silent. l 1'011101111101 that the greut heut of the 111111'11111L1' wrought in 11s 1111 11 kind of 1131111113411: \Ve were 111211.1' 11111111111111 111.11 d.11' mt nothin0 01'11 eonld 01'01'111110 us. \\e idly 11111011011 the 51w. the river, the approuehine' forest, with 11 luxurious 1'1-11111100 on tl_10 power of 1111111, 11nd I caught 11111011 of my 115511 '111111'0 from 1%011111'11101' himself. 110 did 1"11111' seem to me, that morning, a "tremendous" figure, as he sut there, so still, so tri' 11111111111111. He had never before, perhaps, 110011 1111110 eertain of Murie IVLIHOVIM, had been 11l11r1ned at her independence, or at his own passionate, love for her. But this 111111111111; he knew. She loved him. She was his-410 one eonld taliegher from him. She was the woman he wanted as he had never wanted 11 women hefore and 3711' 11as 7113-5710 111118711521 I do not remember 0111' enter inLr t1 11' forest I know that 11111 1'011 climb a 1011L1li,1':1ther n.1rrow road up from the 11'101th.1t the trees close 1111ont vou 1'er1' gradual] ft;1'1"" thereIS 11 little church with a 2green turret and 11 fine View 231 of the village, that I felt the heut. to he 11111111st 11111111111'211110: it. seemed 51. 7111540 to 1110, I remember, that they (whoever "they" were). having so 11111111 trees here, 11 Forest thut stretched many miles behind them, should 11111'0 ehoseu to piteh their village upon the only exposed 11nd torrid 1111. of ground that they could find. Behind us w11.< the forest, in front of us also the. forest. hut, here, how the >uu lduxed down on the roofs and little hlown putehes ot gurden. how it glured in through the broken windows, 11nd penetrated into the darkest enrners ot' the desolute rooms! Poor N--1 In the second month 111' the 1V11r it hud 110011 shelled 111111 11111111 111' 1110 houses destroyed. The 11111111111113 that remained seemed to 1111111011011 1111 1110 511'qu- 1110 11nd 11111111111111011. themselves 111 11101'11111110 111-01111111111111. Moreover, down the 1111110111111 511'001. 111 01'01')' 1111101' door there hung: the sinister 11111011 llue', 11 111000 111' 1111'11' 11111011 01111111 11151011011 to 11 Sllt'k, 11nd upon 1110 1111111 wull 1111.1 51'11'111'10111‘ linssiun "1'111111'1'11.H 1101111 111110011. 11111101' 1111' 11111111111110 ln11'.1t 111111011111r111uL' 1110 11111110 111:11'0 1111'. No 11110 111100 1111<111110510111111111110111.110111110r11111<111 11'1111111-111 1111'11111 11111 11001111111110town-111111111'11101'11110'111111'0,:1 1111111~ the 1111'1101'#11 pro1e<<ion 11111101011111 with :1 1111 1111111011 u 111'1111 111 1.1111110. :111111110r 110.1.~';1nt11'11h.1 1:11111'111 11111110'1', :11111 111111' >11111'Il >lllx'. 1101111111111 "11110 \11111111111 11 11.1111111, 1111111111 .111'." 111' 1111' 11111101110011211111 1111111110110 1111111011. 11111 111111. 11111 11101' 111: 0111110 1111111 1110 1111>0r111110 11111113 us 11< we passed. |