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Show 1m) 'l‘lll'. l>.\l[l\' l-‘tllIICb‘T i:t~"l‘1:l«i\'l' inwlined to luxuriate in their gloom. Molnzov‘s despair and lvan .\l ihailoviteh‘s passionate eyes and jerking white hands irritated him. He \iliilwl a }ll'2l(‘ilt':]l l‘inelish smile and limited altout hint it‘d." sail \lnln'nv. "You van ‘l ili't‘aniily. H'.\l‘ at the swaying prt'reessiun of carts and sold iers with a pine \ll'] tieal eye. There's There must he these retreats, you lillti\\‘. 'l'hei'e nit/st he. l'he great , thing in this war is to see the whole thing in proporl'ionm the i/J/iulr thine. Frame and England and the lhirdanelles and Italy -i t'( rid/11nd. ln another month or two " Xvi/li- niotidily. looking at a group of peasants in a dm'irway. ".\ wry pretty girl 3" he added. sitting up a little and Sitll‘lli‘ Then he relapsed. "No S'VSJ‘tOlllfiIZOHZ{Hf/I," he niurnnzn I "But there will he," Continued Trenehard in his linelivoiee. (He told me afterwards that he was eonsviuizs the time of a horrible prigg‘ish superiority) "lleiw Russia you go up and down so. You've no restraint. \ if you had discipline " But he was interrupted by the melanelwly tignre at :9 oflieer who hung on to our slowly moving carriage. waiiJ: . lle did not «Mi: 1 have anything" very much to say lint loolged at us will melancholy eyes. la." He was small and needed dusting. "\Vhat is it 1" asked Molozov, saluting. "I've had contusion," said the little officer in a dual: voice. "C‘ontusion . . . I don‘t: feel very well. quite know where I ought; to go." ‘f‘j'll‘t‘ :wpixitwl ‘_i id" til ~l'l lll‘. \\'.~ \.\v'lt It is terril le. . . . T/iat's a pretty girlf" he addml beside it with his hand on the door. rather irri- M! ,l'lut Molozov. frowning, shook his head. "This country . . . no method . . . no system. ting. l "‘i \i Y'\ tit ivz'wsml and HH' "(‘onie." he said to Molozov. "dent despair. nothing; really to lie distressed zilmnt. ll:l\l lll‘\\ I \1- m |