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Show O-c-<-r:# Of/'. /..f / fl ~,.~ ~ ~t ~ .s "Lt,e...j' ~ ~ ~~J~T-~ /-fif}- (~~ ~ ~.4<-) , - ~~ crt ~"'-'f;If'?~' 23r NUAL CONVENTION CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER 1. S. 1. A. Intermountain Ski Instructors Association April 26, 27, 28, 974 ALTA, UTAH Hosts: AU Engen Ski School Alta Ski Lifts Convention Chairmen: Milt Beens Paul Norum OFFICERS Keith Lange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Ed Pond ... . . . ... .. ..... Administrative Vice President Max Lundberg ... . . .. .. . . . . Certification Vice President Bob Bybee .. . ..... . . .. Communications Vice President Pepi Steigler . ........... .. . Technical Vice President Bonnie Pond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bob Bybee Albert E. Ellis Fred W. Finlinson Frank Gillette George Hartlmaier J. Phil Jones Keith Lang Robin Locke Lou Lorenz Max Lundberg Gene Palmer Robert F. Parker Clark T. Parkinson Edwin J. Pond Ray Van Dongen AGENDA ITEMS • Rainer Kolb will be one of the main features at the spring clinic this year. He taught nine years in the Kitzbuhel Ski School and three years before that at St. Christoph, where he served as cli nic instructor under Profs. Kruckenhauser and Hoppichler. In 1967 he traveled to Japan as a member of the Austrian delegation to teach Japanese instructors. He also served on the Austrian I nterski team at Bad-Gastein and Aspen . Since 1968 he has been a member of the Sun Valley Ski School where he was recently appointed Ski School Director. • FREE STYLE SKIING: Special guest Corky Fowler will present an unforgettable program on free style skiing . How to enjoy it; how to teach it; and how to participate in it. To help him will be a star studded cast of cu rrent top money winners. • FREE SKIING CLINIC: I. S. I. A. Demo Team with its newly appointed members will assit you in applying new and old to help you be more c ritical of skiing . Sharpen up! • HANG GLIDING / SKY SAILING: Mike Pogliano will present a clinic-demonstration on one of the fastest growing sports in the United States today. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1974 (optional) 8:00 A.M. Late reg istration . (Lift House Conference Room) 9:00 A.M. Ski School Directors Meeting (Lift House Conference Room) Cross-Country Organizational Meeting Regarding Certification (Lift House Conference Room) 10:00 A.M. Demo Team Tryouts (Meet bottom of Wildcat lift) '::SPECIAL: Instruction on bump bui lding by Corky Fowler. (Meet at bottom of Wildcat lift) 12:00 A.M. Lunch (No host) 1 :00 P.M. Demo Team Tryouts 1 :00 P.M. Powder Skiing SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1974 8:00 A.M. Late reg istration . (Lift House Conference Room) 9:00 A.M. Freestyle Demonstration directed by Corky Fowler. Basic explanation and demo of what freestyle skii ng is all about. Corky will be assisted by some of this years top competitors who will later assist you in having the time of your life. (Lower Cork Screw) 10:30 A.M. Group Activit ies Rainer Kolb: A-G Free Skiing : H- O Free Style: P - Z 12:30 A.M . Lunch Ticket good for $1 .50 lunch at Watson or Alpen Glo. 1 :00 P.M . Group Activities (M eet at Wi Idcat Lift) Rainer Kol b: H- O Free Style: A - G Free Skiing : P-Z 4:00 P.M. General Meeting (Peruvian Lodge dining room) 6:00 P.M. Cocktai l Party (No Host) (Peruvian Lodge) SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1974 10:00 A.M. Group Meetings (Wildcat Lift) Rainer Kolb: P-Z Free Style: H-O Free Skiing: A-G 1 :00 P.M . Lunch Alpen Glo - I.S .I.A. Host Raffle drawing and sky sailing demonstration. 2:30 P.M. Sky Sailing Clinic .. . with personal instruction. 4:00 P.M. B.O.o. AREA ARRANGEMENTS: Lynn Nichol RAFFLE: I.S.I.A. Demo Team A special thanks to the Watson Shelter, Alpen Glo and the Peruvian Lodge. ft.-tee..,.. I :OCr (N .4-S i/.~'-lJ 41Z It; '- 3>1 V I S'" "/ 19- 7 f/ .4-r ~tJO~ PI~S .J ~c:)Lo, 111£ k"~ .... ~ /-S ,4 .s{)~"lUI1l7 t'~ 4a.no/l/~s R.ep~1LN" ~ A~ ~Ke~ (bMM. /u' - JII~. If r''1ltoso~4: SOAt e.. l),,) 7'"'H/,y/~ Po! /~ o /2..GrltrN J Z ~I () II\J ~"h t.) ... o be. /le S;/l.()~"'n..eo . /r ~-dl!. 7~c. Pt;~(..c:h)J .... ;';t;.... /~J s;{I (!cA.J..r If)€,~o. (A.) ~ ~ ~ f4.t_/" ~ "-0 t..JtU.12. ~ -J. ~ ~ s~()t)U) S~ Od'r o,c ~~. C~) ~~({)e ,wl.----t-;;6f... h~ (PA.~ ~ - Dld( S~~ a.D- t:Lo ~ ,.thJ1/ ~ ~~ q-v... ~ 0.e. ~~ (l!) PtC,e. ~~ -v-J at;; ,,~ ~ (l~J q,.... a ~ Jklo~~··...t:r -~~ .. ~~~~~ ~a~_ ............... • :J. ~ P ~ -t;k -t£ ~'o-t , ~ w-<.£t. 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Z /!;io -lt1eaAttJ/~'J - tJO/2.IC./~(j Wlnt M4AJ,.&~ ~ ~~'l ~~ ~ ~-o.F ~.~~~. EXHIBIT "B" CERTIFICATION I.S.I.A. EXNlINATIO'J FOR~IAT 1973 - 1974 DAY OF BXAllINATION I. Indoor 11eeting 1. Introduction & orientation a. Introduce Examiners b. Check First Aid Requirements c. Explain Days Activities 2. Written Examination a. Three comprehensive technical questions to be prepared by chief examiner. These I<'ill be of the essay type. II. On The Hill (Not necessarily in the following order) 1. Warm Up Run 2. De~onstrations 3. Teaching Phases a. One Steered ~aneuver b. One Chr isty 'Ianeuver (These may not necessarily be the same as the test figures and the candl.date ",ill use hl.s skl. school sequence.) 4. Free Skiing 1. At least tv.'O, preferably three, runs under varying terrain & speed conditions. (These runs J!1.av take place anytime.) III. Indoor Meeting 1. Examiners meet to select Oral candidates 2. Oral Examination (Attitude should be to help the candidate pass.) 3. Posting of Examination Results (This should be done following the orals by the backup examiner.) C EaT I F I CAT ION ~XAMINATION POLICY - INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Plan for the Certification of Ski Teachers by the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. The following proposals are for the purpose of placing this system for certification of ski instructors into operation. They cover the problems of supervision and operation of Certification-Examination process. I DUTIES OF THE ISlA CERTIFICA'::'ION COMHITTEE The duties of the ISlA Certification Committee shall be as follows: A. Put this system into operation, maintain it, and supervise its operation. B. Perform such other duties as may be hereinafter referred to, or outlined in, the By-laws of the ISlA. II EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATION A. Examiners: The examiners shall be appointed by the Certification Committee, ISlA, as stated in Article V of the By-laws. The Committee shall follow a program of qualifying, selecting, and training of competent examiners by appointing individuals who are above average in technical and mechanical knowledge of skiing and ski teaching. The Committee shall use discretion in choosing examiners who are fully certified, mature, and not narrowly inclined concerning personalities or the merits of anyone ski school or system of ski teaching. The Committee shall evaluate the results of the examination with reference to the performance of the joint examining board and each individual examiner. The results will be retained by the Committee and used for future reference for the selection of examiners. Names of the examiners for each examination shall not be disclosed until the day of the examination unless other~ise directed by the Committee. B. Compensation of Examiners: The examiners shall receive compensation for the expenses for each day spent as an examiner. Each examiner shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for incidental expenses directly related to the operation of the examination. The Certification Vice President in cooperation with the President and the Administrative Vice President, may at their discretion compensate examiners and other individuals for their expenses upon receipt of said expenses. -2- C. Examining Board: The examining board shall consist of at least three members. In the absence of the Chief Examiner, the Certification Vice President or his agent shall appoint one committee member to be in charge of the examination. Gach examiner shall keep his own score of grades on all candidates examined. ~he examiner will be responsible to keep all scores in strict confidence. The examiners' findings shall be final. III PRELHlINARIBS OF THE EXA.'lP:Nl'ION A. Time and Place: The Certification Vice President in cooperation with the President of ISlA may schedule an examination at anv date or olace. The applications must be submitted to the Certification Committ0" Chairman at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled date for examination. B. Announcements: It will be the responsibility of the Certification Committee to make available to the general membership the plan for certification and to make available the names and addresses of the Executive Secretary, Certification Vice President, Certification Committee, and Area Certification Representatives. It shall be the dut of the Examinin Board to mail directl to each candidate, The results Wl 1 be posted at the examlnatlon. C. Qualifications of Candidates: A candidate must meet the following qualifications of the ISlA before he or she be allowed to take the exam: 1. Candidates For examination for Associate Ski Instructor shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age on the date of the exam. Candidates for Certified ski Instructor shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age and been associate certified in any recognized division no less than six (6) months. -3- 2. All candidates shall have sufficient knowledge of the English language and have a high standard of personal ethics and character. 3. All non-member candidates shall be "registered" with ISlA. 4. All non-member candidates must hold a current advanced first aid card. 5. All non-member candidates must complete a written report. All candidates shnll be subject to approval by the Board of Directors. D. Registration: A non-member can make application for certification after he has completed registration and payment of registration fees. The term of registration will be until the following ~une 30 or on obtaining certification status. Forms for registration are available through ISlA Executive Secretary, Area Certification Representative, or Ski School Director. E. Exam Application: The candidate for examination shall fill out an application approved by his Ski School Director or Certification Vice President. ~ll non-member candidates must hold and be prepared to present to the examining board a current advanced first aid card. The application together with til(' fee for examination and written re ort must be sUDnlltted to the Certlflcatlon vice ourteen ays prlor to t e exam- In case an applicatlon 1S rejected because of failure to meet the requirements, the Certification Vice President shall promptly notify the candidate. Written Report: This report shall be a comprehensive research paper on the following subject matter. 1. ~valanche hazards, recognizing them, and avalanche rescue techniques, including winter first aid. 2. Equipment and clothing . 3. Organization and history of Professional Ski Instruction. a. ISlA b. PSIA -4- As a basis for this report, the following references can be used: 1. Manual of Ski Mountaineering, Revised, David R. Brower, Editor, compiled under the auspices of the N.S.A., 2nd Edition, University of California Press. 2. Avalanche Handbook, U.S. Government Printing Office 3. American Ski Technique, available through the Professional Ski Instructors of America. 4. Avalanche Enigma, Fraser, Colen, Rand ~cNalley, 1966. 5. Introduction to Mountaineering, Smith, George Alan. F. Term of Certification: The term of certification shall be for one year after which time the candidate may apply for renewal without examination provided he has met the requirements outlined in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of I.S.I.A. The candidate shall also consent to the cancellation of his certification by the Board of Directors at its discretion. G. Fees: The fee for examination shall be determined by the Board of Directors. H. Insignia: A ski teacher's pin will be issued to the successful applicant of the examination. The pin shall remain the property of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. Additional pins may be obtained on deposit from the Executive Secretary of I.S.I.A. On termination of certification, all pins shall be returned to the Executive Secretary of I.S.I.A. All interested agencies (U.S. Forest Service, U.S.S.A., and P.S.I.A.) shall be notified by the Executive Secretary of I.S.I.A. IV EXAMINATION 'rhe examination will be based on the Basic Principles of the current American Ski Technique. Candidates for examination for iissociate Ski Instructor shall exhibit proficiency in teaching through the basic christy phase and in demonstrating through parallel skiing. Candidates for examination for Certified Ski Instructor shall exhibit proficiency in teaching and demonstrating through parallel skiing. The examination will consist of four parts. ?' 5 ( -5- - Demonstration Phase - within the discretion of the Examining Board, cand~dates may be called on to demonstrate a steered turn, a basic christy, and a parallel turn. Teaching Phase - the candidate shall be able to demonstrate and expla~n clearly and correctly each movement of any of the maneuvers involved in ski teaching. He should be able to recognize any incorrectly executed maneuver and to discover, explain, and correct the fundamental errors involved. The candidate will also be expected to show his ability to demonstrate and apply the proper corrective exercises. He shall be able to select proper terrain for teaching various maneuvers, considering gradient, snow, and \-Ieather conditions, safety, etc. The candidate shall demonstrate abilities to lead a class from one maneuver to the next in a logical and continuous progression and according to various objectives by use of auxiliary maneuvers. Free Skiing Phase - during a free skiina period. the candidate shall d~splay h~s ability to execute with a high degree of precision, steadiness and control, and any of the maneuvers of his repertory of downhill skiing abilities, designated by the examining board. The examining board shall also designate the terrain, snow conditions, and the rate of speed. Oral and Written Phase - the candidate shall be prepared to complete a short ser~es of questions in writing concerning items pertinent to the sport of skiing and be prepared for an oral examination. The oral portion will be subject to the discretion of the examining board. Exam Results: The Board of Examiners' final grades shall be the examination result. Failure to pass the teaching phase constitutes failure in the exam. Exam results will be posted at the exams conclusion. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS |