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Show Mr. Lut. Aynedfer P"ea£de"t, FWS/A ' , Bo. 3.9. ' Tahoe VaU.y, Cal i forn fa Dea,. l.utlt; 6811 South M&adCJW Dr(ve SaLt Luke City 17, Utah .January 20, ,,1959 I'maorry that the c!orr,upondonoe haa be"n slow. ThlS has bean a ' bu.y winte,. for ua.. Th" anQW .ltuation has created crowds at Alta that were unbeUevabht_ Ihop.,'that ' you "peopte have aOme ,good snow by now. I .ee thaf ,M,.. Johnson ha:! appo (nted you as FWSA representet (vo. Th(s:~ C. 'too "'y highe.t ap/)rovat. I'" bet .hie whot_ bus (ne •• ,1'20.. made ,,"'. p"oputar"with Ed Heath. /tie realized wh,~t you a". up" aoa(ndytffh the work load. My .ugg •• tlon fa " that w.k.ep Stan Tom' '".on info,..",.d of ' aU OOMn' Hee act (vityand co,.,..apon- '; denoe between 'us. /" this manner 'hewil' be ' able to reLieve you upon ,oocaa'ons. I f wi U at.o b. good bus inea. to work 'a man all we" quat if ted G8' Stan into this ' NoH onal bua t"....I' Lt send Stan cop f •• 'of the (nforma Honl have.' 0\1'0 (tab ,.; " It hdoubtfu," , that you wi " " eve,. get , the Cd Hfla,h fit. 'hat ' haa ',be.n 'accumu- 'at.d ov.,.'h. past four yoars. ' ,' ," Th. reoommendation forf,.ansf.,.a i. 'a good on9. We have alwaya ' reoogni.ed FWSIA, S~SIA and Ea.fern oereeffoot... Thero are aom. oonafde,.affons, howev.,.. I feel U 'shouttl not be a blanket transfer, In other word~thGtron.f8" wi' L' b. given II requested by the ind(viduat:in ' writfnQ. , Tile rGlqu8!Jt : .houtd be 8ubmUted along with anapprova' and reoOlnmendation for tranaf.,. f,.om his ski ' 8chool d(recto,. and the Inatruotot;s ~.soo'at(on. This potioy might,eUminafe; mhtak.a. Fo,. elfamplo. on A •• ootat. C.,.HIf.d Instructor f~ fh.SRMSIA ' came herein December to take 'hh elfam'nation for fuU ("afruofo,.. H. "waa certified (n Colorado in 1951. ' fte ,flunhed our f •• t fo,. A.!Joqiat.~ 'Th(a ,; waa : embarra(u{ng for all . of us. 0' ,cour •• , thle couLd be an holated 'ca.e. But how do we ;grcintthh man a frana'.r? Our b.ut beth to keep the tranaler!!l to full , in.tructors. This s/lould be done only with the SRMSIA. FWS/A, NRHSIA and · ISlA. Und.r ,'nooircumstance should w. oonsider the transfe" ,ol PNSA o.,.t(('oot •• PNSA recently pa •• ed 10 out of 70 cc:tAdidilt.s 10" eJtall'linationwithtn t/H' Sun Valley ski .ch~o'. This now give. the P~SA over 400 certified ski teacher •• There oro on Ly -about 1000 corti lied ak L teacher. in ' the Un Hed stat... My personaL - oplnfon fa fhat fhePNSA .prog,.am i.e not too "'ot. Lef'a go eci.y on this tranafe,. program. ' The NRNSIAPrea(dent (al Chuoh Hibbdrd. Salmon, Idaho ' SRHSIAt . Georg. Enge'. 'Winter Park, Colorado hope all fa we": wfth 'you, l.utz~ I'tlk.op you ' informed. l.ot'. put aU ellort into the propo.ed sk' achool direotor. meeting in May. ~ :. , }. J ... 1 /1, FAR WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 1!\ r r If / /\, ., ; " I • ..J.~, Office of The President Mr. Rill Leah President, 151 A, Sel t Leke City 17, Utah Dear liUli Lutz Ayned ter Box )94, Tahoe Velley, Oelif. 10' cb ~, 1959 ,T;t .,., ,?}!DIIJd -::t.r hftr .=':r:cr: .:"l"ll' ~~4ir ,S :,.U:~ $.~ .!.J~ .. :~~ ..... .,~-' J,;a:i~~ ~ ...:. __ . cCITespomenc:e. ifeII, r'm gled to heer that you're. bsuicslly, in fayor of my ide~ of' interchanging cerda. Your reservations have a lot of meri t and must be considered. However, 11m now going ahead in contacting the NIDISIA end the S&\lSIA to feel them out in regards to to this project. I take your word in regards to PNSA as the number of certified instructors in that division. indeed seems awfully high in proportion 'to the U.S. totsl. I::!;: . • , a:;r-I-I want to remind you that you have my personal invitation for our conve'rition, d £lte to be communicated to you very shortly, Fe our guest. 31mll.r invi tatlon. will go to George Engel end Chuck Hibberd. It would be the best thing under the sun to di 8CUSS these matters personally end come to aome binding end definite resolutions. If in any way poseible, Bill, plealJe attend this convention, since I feel certain thst the momentum created by the presence of the presidents of four divisions could eesi ly become a milestone in our efforts toward nationalization end unU'ormi ty of American skiing. As fer as Ed Heeth is concerned, he still has not taken e stand to the present situetion and I heve, honestly, grown tired of writing letters to him without one sentenue of reply. We ell ere loaded down wi th work of verious nature but that cannot meen that we can't find time for, [It least, answering our cOl'responcence. Or, if con,. di tions are reelly that bed, we just heve to throw our het in and resign. Skiing at my place haa been quite excellent for some time, though the snow came very late. Hut we are enjoying it very much. In the hope to heer from you soon, 11m very sincerely youra, 1 encl. T 0 BET T E R S E R V E THE SKI I N G PUB Lie .\ •• FAR WEST Office of The President Mr-Bill Lash President, ISlA, 6811 South Meadow Drive, Salt Lake City 17, Utah Dear Bill,:'" SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Lutz Aynedter Box 394, Tahoe Valley, Calif. Feb 18, 1959 Although still waiting for a reply on my last letter, I have another important issue for you. After carefully studying your manual 1 find it very acceptable as an in.erim manual for our division. I do like to say this at this time: The final manual has to be, eventually, more defined and more definite in its selection of a teaching system. However, this is an organic process which nobody should even attempt to accelerate. As a stepping stone toward this goal you have done a great and wonderful job for which I only can eongratulate you. Through Gordon Wren you will receive an order for 100 copies of the manual which we would like to have ready for distribution at the very earliest time possible. I assume you understand that we need a very definite professional rate on each book in order to make it possible to sell it, none-profit, to the candidates, many of which are in a very tight financial position. If the other d&visions, as outlined to you in my last letter, want to go along on my way of thinking, a similar number of books should be required by them in order to expedite unification throughout. I must expect a reply from you on both subjects at your veri earliest convenience. Otherwise, another year of futile efforts w 11 ,... go down the drain, proving that we may be good skiers, good instructors, but cannot administrate our affairs, division-wise or national-wise. I'm sure that you realize by now that I want to cooperate with you to the utmost, Now, give me a hand to get this program into circulation and make it palatable to the other divisions. . Also, please inform me, if you like to be my guest at 'our con-vention on April 19th through April 24th, at Mammoth Mountai ~ ow, I consider it very signifiv~nt, if you could at~~~n~_ .. ,_~ '_ ... -/' il /" Very sincerely 4~~' f/ />0" "c"" " / T 0 BET T E R S E R VET H E SKI I; Iff )p U B L I C t 7 •• 1 .,' ~ .... ,. ~ ~.r:-~.1 FAR WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Doug Pfeiffer_ Eddy Soheidor, President Exeoutive Seoretary MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING Mammoth Mt. Chalet - April 22, 1959 The general meeting of the FWSIA was called to order by Lutz Aynedter and opened with alengthy disoussion of our manual. Lutz pointed out that the one in present use is outdated and a new one is in pro greis, and suggested that we adopt the teaching outlin~ set forth by B1ll Lash. Bill Roth made a motion to this effect and Gordy Wren seconded it with the understanding that we would use it as an interim manual in lieu of our own present manual until that time when we have one prepared. The motions met strong opposition and Tommi Tyndall countered arguments offered by Jim Frew and Olle Youngberg with an explanation of why this book should be accepted. Gordy Wren was then celled to explain his progress in compiling resulbs of a questionnaire sent to ski school directors and concluded his speech by recommending the manual of Bill Lash as a standard of the FWSIA. Doug Pfeiffer lent his endors·emant saying that this manual will offer a great deal of advancement in ski teohnique todaYe A vote was taken on acoeptance of this manual and it was unanimously accepted. In conoluding the discussion of this manual, a suggestion was mndo thnt we investigate the possibility of publishing it at a lesser price for our instructors. Lutz next introduced Willy Schaeffler who was recently voted into the FWSIA. Willy expressed his thanks tor the invitation to the oonvention, and gave a brief speeoh on the forthcoming Olympio games and the part that the FWSIA would play. He suggested that our services be offered in capaoities such as gate-keepers, coursesetters, etc. He then circulated a paper for instructors to indicate if thoy would be interestod in aSSisting and in what manner. He concluded his speeoh by stressing the importance of broad knowledge in the field of skiing and pointed out that the field of interest should not end in teaohing only, but should be broadened to the point that instructors are able to answer questions relative to current eV,ents in skiing. Tommi Tyndall was called next to present the antioipated chungo8 in the by-laws. They were as follows: 1st Change - An increase in membership from 21 to 25 on the Board. 2nd Change - Instead ot a 1 year term of office for Executive Officors a 2 year term was proposed commenoing with the termination of the present convention. 3rd Change - Limitation of expenditures without prior approval of the Board. 4th Change - Our relationship to the FWSA (a) No joint board of examiners (b) Authority of board ONLY to determine awarding of pins. 5th Change - FWSA to FWSIA ---- 6th Change - A majority of members present rather than 15 to comprose a quorum. •• , }. ,.~ ;-~ ,." L. , FAft WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Doug Pfeiffer, Eddy Scheider, President Exeoutive Secretary MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING (Continued) 7th Change - Change from term "Annual Meeting" to "Convention" which covers period commencing with registration and terminating with the banquet. Tommi also prop03ed that the new administration send by mail the new by-law ohange re inaotive status. Results 01' the proposed changes were as follows: 1st Change 2nd Change 3rd Chango 4th Change 5th Change 6th Change 7th Change - Motion =ade by Ed Fiester and seconded by Buck Martin, Jr. that we aaoept the first change. - Motion made by Bob Law and seconded by Randy Schachtilli that we aecept the second change. - A motlon was made by Gene Peterson and seconded by Chet Hubba~d that we add to change 3 re Seotion 4, Paragraph 3, Line b th~t expenses should receive prior approval or the Board of Directors. - Don Ross moved that we amend this section as suggested and it was seconded by Chet Hubbard. - Jim Jensen moved that we acoept the 5th change and Lester Lavelle seconded the motion. - Al Wisely moved that we accept Change 6 and this was seoonded by Lee Baker. - Don Lynch moved that we accept Change 7 and this was seoonded by Mutt Horton. All changes were passed with the exception of Change 2 which was voted down by a majority vote. The next business on the agenda was mominations of officers with the following resultsl President - Doug Pfeiffer Northern Vice President - Buck Martin, Jr. Southern Vice President - Bob Cooper Secretary - Eddy Scheider Treasurer - Bob Law Additions to Board of Direotors: Bill Roth Lee Yip Lee Baker Bud Johnson Junior Bonous Andy Bryson Tobi Von Eu'W' A brief disoussion followod the olection of officers on tho use of cards as means of identification for food and lift purposes for instructors; and Gordon Butterfield then gave a sho~t speech about tickets and housing for the 8th Olympic Games at Squaw Valley in 1960. The meeting concluded with the treasurer's report. A balance or $1,717.00 was reflected, Respeotfully submitted, M. F. Jones, Exeo. Secre. FWSIA •• .' NA TIONAL SKI ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA SKI INSTRUCTORS COMMITTEE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Of' THE NATlONAL CERT1Vi\jATION OF SKI TEACHERS COMMITTEE AND SKI SCHOOL DIRECTORS MEETING, ARAPAHOE BASIN, COLORADO, MAY E>, 16,'17, 1959. THURS. MAY 14, 1959 8 PM Meetmg of the NSA Certjfication of Ski Teachers Committee: To outline convention polIcy and ager..da - to appoint committees and to prepare a budget foJ" consideratlO:'1 of NationaL Advertising on a seven-divjblon basis. The advertising will be presented to tht~ di rec to!' s in a meeti:1g wi th the ski pub Lishing industry. FR IDA Y. MA Y 1 t;, 1 9 ':, 9 7 AM - ItAM Demo!' :5tration Team.s on Tbe l{i lL Nut,then, Rockl SkJ .lnstructor~ AssocjaLon - Karl Hinderman Intcnl1ol)lt'::';:1 Ski h.sttuctors Association - B-itl Lash P;ic!f,c NOl'tbVl'-l~f!t Ski ASl'3'_'ciatioli - BIll DlHant 11:30 - 1:00 Lurch- W"lcorne addrc,c; s by' Ur:ited St.ates Forest Service, A['<';.;;dt,Ctt, B.3:~in '. it ttl"" l~dsi:J Shelter 1:30 - 3:00 G('rH~ra l Meeti r g of thf> Commi ttee a'ld Schoo L DIrectorsAs si gnment of Specia L Committee s. F dcutty CLub A -Basin. ~ Malloa t) (Ski Scl:,oot R,:tte~) (Wa ge and Sa la ry Rat(~s) On sura nc (. T t'enciH) (ReCIprocity of Certificates) (School Skiing- Dr. Russell's Heport) (Publicity atJd P:romotion) (ExPCtnsion of NSA Ski Teacher's Committte- Administration) (St,1TldcudU",Ctt)on. and Simplification of CertificatIon Examination) (SpecIaL Use Permlts and CL)ntracts) 3:00 - 5:00 Meeting of SpcClaL CommitteE'S ( to make recommendations in wntIrg) SOClAL HOUR ( Sponsor' to be announced) D[NNEH. '. 8:00 Faculty Club - Eric Wmdisch, Araoahoe Basin Ski School Host A specia 1 movie on the modern ski technique. Eric wi it lecture on the evo lubon of the modern technique, 9:30 NSA Committee Meeting for the coordination of committee recomendations. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1959 7:00 - 11:00 AM Demonstration Teams on the Hill: Central United States Ski Association- Jimmy Johnston Far West Ski Instructors Association - Lutz Ayndeter Report of Paul Valaer from the International Congress of Ski Schools, Zakapone, Poland, April 6- 12, 1959. 11:30-1:30 PM Lunch- A- Basin SheLter- PauL Valacr "5th International Congress of Ski Schools". 2:00-3:00 PM General Meetlng for the Consideration of Committ ee Recommen dati 0115. 3: 00 - 5: 00 PM Open Meeting of Committee with SchooL Directors 5:30 PM Social Hour - Sponsored by the Arapahoe Basin Ski School and the Arapahoe Basin Ski Corporation. Faculty Club. BANQUET: (LocatIon and time to be announced) SUNDAY, MAY 17,1959 7:30- 11:00 AM Demonstration Teams on the HIll: Rocky Mountal n Ski Instructor s Association, Geor ge Enge 1 , Director Arapahoe Basln Ski Schoo, Willy Schaeffler, Host Ski School United Stat(~f: Eastern Amateur Ski Association, Kerr Sparks 11:30-1:30 PM Lunch ( She 1.ter) Report on the 1960 Winter Olympic Games at Sqni1 w Va 110y Ca tifornia 2:00 NSA Committee Meeting: Consideration of producing an NSA manual for ski teachers. 4:00 AdJoUJ nm(;nt: Registration will be held at the Arapahoe Basin Ski School Office on Friday May 1.5th, 1959" Those de siring transportation to Arapahoe Basin from the Denver airport should contact the following person. Wa.rn'il T;:;ylnr, E>.:t'nJti'/{ Sccrct':":"I, Denv! r' OffjCf~, Natiorlal Skj As~ocjatlon of Anlerica 1130 16th StnC't. Denv(~r' ;:., Colorado Warren W) 11 ath~~'tlpt to coordinate transportation from Denver. All those livircg in 01' near fpe Dp.nver a1 ea should contact Warren to see if yC'TL C a tl h f' 1 P . DernonwU'ri(~')" teanu· ;:';flould corne p.l:'f'pared with a progl'am that lasts not mOLt: trla~' ] h()J,v c.nd. ?O lY)J['utes. The:r~ will be a poLicy of not asking qlH"tl(" '> u!tll .... fleT' trE- drmo:p:"!ration team is finished. This is tte or,L/r:r\'le:J!'.(:;!' t},;,t r.r.f.! t(:;c1~"-iI can fG.r,ctjon in progression without undue intt:'t't,.ptJ0~- c1nct with the best economy of time. FAR WEST SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Doug Pfeiffer, Eddy Scheider, President Execu\ive Secretary Agenda for FWSIA Fall Clinic Mammoth Mountain - November 13, 14, 15, 1959 Saturday - November 13th All members of the FWSIA check blackboard across from the ticket offico at Mammoth Mountain for directions. 9:00 to 12:00 - Ski with groups to limber up. 12:00 to 1:30 - Lunch and registration. Full details will be provided at this time. • 1:30 to 2:00 - Organizing of clinic groups. 2:00 to 4:30 - Clinic work-outs o 4:30 to 7:30 - Cocktails, dinner and then on your own. 8:00 to 9:30 - Board of Directors meeting. Dave McCoy's Mammoth Mountain Chalet. Preliminary planning for Annual Convention, sundat - November 14th 9:000 12:00 - Clinic workouts. Meet promptly at 9:00 at bottom of #1 lift. 12:00 to 1:30 - Lunch 1:30 to 4:30 - Clinic workouts. Groups will rotate before each session. Meet a~ base of #1 chair lift. 4:30 to 6:00 - Ski Sshco~ Directors meetinge Location to be announced. 8:00 to 10:00 - Ski ~ovies and chalk talks. Location to be announced - check blackboard. Monday - November 15th 9:00 to 11:00 - Clinic workouts. 11:00 to 1:00 - Detailed planning for Annual Convention. Board of Directors Committee Members Reservations for accommodations, etc o are up to the individual. Considering the early date~ no problems should be encountered in finding a place to stayo Eddy Scheider, Executive Secretary •• MINt.J'l'ES OF MEiE'1'ING INTTIRHOUNTAIU SKI INSTRUCTORS ASS 'N TIla meeting ws held nt tho Word Hotel, JnckSon Hole, W;yan.1ng, Oot~ber 3, 1959. Those in attendance were Woody Anderson ' Alt Engen Ldu. Lorent lJave Shav Hugh Olander. Bill Aablq Bill Lalll lCIly Smith nn Kell\Y In add1"ion, Mr. VanWinkle, repre.enting the Foreet Semoa. The 1'!Lm order of busincasw. a proposal by tIle President, Mr. BUl Lash, 'Wbich wns to be discUSsed and pnssed upon for the meeting to be held. in Salt Lake Oity I Ooto'bor "7, ,1959. " The Proposal. In the beet interests of the .port of' skiing, the profession / _- of ski illStruct1ng and the relationship between the U. S. Forest Service and the / ' professional ski teacherS, it is neCe88art : tor the U. 8. Foreat lema. ~ ptoc.\uoe a tul1ng on the following 8ubject •• e 1. Protection of special used. permit rights in local 8k1 schools in relation to 1nct1tut1onal sponsored sId inatrtlC'tiianalprograma tha:' 1.n4epen4ent~ ' hire their own directors. Supervisors and in8'tru~ tha1s "bach 'V1'thi.n the ' lpactal ute right of the ',commercial L.k1, Icbool. 2. Mandatory USe of ce:rtifie4. ' 1natruotors for directors and supervisors of recrea.tional 1nIJtitutional 1nstruction programs not run through cam:nerci.al ' $k:L .chool.a.' 3. Requiremente of aU tee.cher~teaeh1ng in ,independent and inStitutional 'ek1 inStruction programs ,to attend' a oouraeor cl.1n1d of the routem.~8 of ak1 teaching to be presented b1 the frot.asf.cmal Sldllnst:ructora:J.s.oo1at1on.' 4. The status. of' th. University of utah Extension Division ' elM. the't1nj.veraity Depe.rtment etPhy81oa.l EiluoBt1on 'Program"t'or 1n8truction. The Univer.ity conducts a course, methods of teaohing skiing, taught by non""Ocrtiflcd tJn1verl1ty 1n8tructora. The oourl. ' isparti~ taught at Alta and 'Br1gbton ,·on the 'snow and the purpose or thi8 course i8 ,tu train ' oanpetent in.truatora to ':t;each in the ,University Recreational Ski PrOgram. taught during the w1nter qunrter. "f!'Ref)8nre oharged by the University 'end the instruotor of the class is paid a. so.lary. The program .cerna to be run indepcnd.ent of camnarcial ak1 801100lJs and. ignoreS the plea. ot the 1n8tru.ctOrll or tho AnsOCiation to baV'e it., pereonnel and teaoher students attend our BVl\1l.a'blo el1n1ca. No certit1edpe.r.~e1 are USed, a8 d1rectorD or supervisors' It is hereby 're· qUested that your office, U. 6. Forest Servioe , investigate the rata of' accidents incurring in some of the recreational programs. It 1s also rcquested that they attempt to d.etermine the quality of instruction by a pole of the students aa to the effectiveness of the instruction of sane of the recreational. program. ,'~ , The tour proposals by Mr. 13111 Lasb vere approved by the Ioar4 of D1reotora of the lBIA. !he ne¥:b order of business was members be1ng delinquent. !he f1rat member discruasetl was lohn Church, non-attendanoe of 1958-60 cl1n1os, Attcm4e4l957 cl1nlo tor one 1Ja7, nQne in 3.956. Be baa not ,aubm1tte4 an excuse tor 58"'59, nor baa he pt.14 bi. 4uo. tor 1958-59. :rt val' passe( aDJ.' hoOft4e4)J 'tb6 Boar4 "lin Jo1m ChUl"ob 'be dropped ua melDbe-r ot the XBIA. ' John lIau,er 'w, ,the l1e~ ~or • ',non-attend&nae ot ~.e 'a1.in1Ot1" eauae4 ten 1.957 -58.D1dnot 'Iubmi t "an eXGUJe ', tor' 1959 and baa ' nor90ord o:r'llaTlnI' taught 'DinUNm..~.' It '* •• eoondecl and ;Pi*.ed ''by. the Board ot'J>inGD1ItM-. Jolan Hauaer'be ' dropped. fran the roles ot the DIA.' , , Jack LeClaiIJ -non'"8ttendrulceot 58';59 olJJ11aa. Bo excUile. ~~. ·J)x"OPPC4 for non"'8ttend.ance in 19'9, . recert1fied 1n1956. ,It vas paesG4 : Wl4'1.e~' ,b1 the Board or Directors that 'JaCk t.eCl.aiJ:i be 4r(JpJed. ' , ' ~ ,, " . " Bill, Farrell - non ""attendance of t\lO clln1cs - no exouses • non ~t of 58 8D4 1959 Clues ~ It vas seconded and passed by the Board Of D1rectora tba't B1ll J'arreU be drcJ.ppe4. Bill Leavttt- nonattendance; Or 1917-58'"'59 clinics. 'IXCUIM tor 57-SS'Ol1n1u 'and su1::a1tte4 aa exouae, tor 590l.in1c.' Duel cUrrent aDd has ~t 'requi.Joe4 bounI. Mr.teav11;t. bIUJ luba1tted Do letter ,'or eqlanatlcm.H It waa he0nde4' ana ,lid'" b)' the Boerd,Qt.D1rectora tllt\t BUl Leavitt be tined $lO tor !IOtl-e.~eD!aDoe MIl be 1ri attendAlice at' the 1960 cUn10 at Alta. , " , »hl '~, - repeated ratlure to obtain a current ARa Btanaard Advanoed Card. F1rat A1r card expired in .pring 1957. 'thCID9J VBS notified in the IIPrinlot 1958-5~~ he waa repremanded by the Board 1n Spring 1958. He vaa notified of no-ear4 etatua 1n the fall of' 1958 and spring of 1959. It Val .econded and pas.eel by the Board of D1rectora that Bill Thcuaa be .uepended untU l'1r8t AU Card 18 presented to the Board ot ntreetors. It his card 11 not prelented by Januo17 1, 1960, BUl Thana. .ball be drQPPed trcm the A8800lat1on b7 the Board ot D1reotora, and he vUl be re-examined 0.1.80 by the Jlonrd Or Dlrector •• Bob YOUI'll • faUure to attend 1959 olinio at"ter returnlns traa the Bernoll IlD4 tnactlve status for two year.. !l'he Board .eoond8d and pa.sed tbB1) Bob Young be tined $10 for non-e.ttenc1ance of the 1959 cl1n1c and .ubJect to attend the 1960 clinio or be dropped frc:m the roles u an 1nItructor. ~Temporary Permit Men - 1 t was .econded and passed by the Board of Directors that <::- / erry Grogan and Steve Walton's tem;ponuy permits be revoked tor non-e.ttendance / " at the 1959 c11nio, or faUure to attend aU three 4aya or the sesslon aDIl lack of' interest Ihown by both part1el. ' • tmr lStBINmS WrlteDousPh1pht!~and exten4 himp 1nv1tat1on to be ,an ,E:pqzi1JaGr' •• ',O\lI' .»eetjlDbeJ'«9IJI$:oa1s!on- $2, per ~ ... $50 tor " bet 'two dIqII .. PROPaSAt BElUUI' !Hi BOt\Rn .. to c~ 'bhe ,b1-la. on the" ., <~t1~"OD. It VU augeate4:th&t the cbance 'be A~sOC1atGlnJtructiiol", 8$e~"Ori 'up, 211e&l1J ~ tuU, 1rMrtru.c_. '~." .e~ ~ ,'lU'e4 ;'1Jy" '~: :lSlA 'Bcar4 of ;&)lr~rsy 'Ver1i1.oatl,Oll.ot tbe atorenenttOl1ed • it .. 4eclde4 ,tbat fSnT<aQach',&1l4 ,n.n Park.1n8On ,b6 '.sued a.n.b.oc1ato In~, ma81Ql.l.eh:,~' thq ' now" 'under' ,the neV· by;'~.t ar~o! 'ICe. It -*al.8oaUile8'kd tba1sc ve Qop.J1d.er O~sip. '1;bt W-la".. A tiOlliD1 ttee •• 't0l'Jl8~ for tbU %\In,*"Olh ~e , pCl!Q:1~: D.=ber.l""J)ave She:v,lWl. AIbl81~ Dan1tel.l.e7. 'l'beriexbcdsrot )uainea. wna .rollli Clcmentwho baa" asked tor 'reinatatement in ':the :mlA,~ tQ,'goingto ~tziirlaD.'J~o 'teach '1k11ni. ,I" .. uc14e4' &mel 41JCuaioed •• ~ and ,;paaae4b7 the Board of D1rectorw, tbat J:ohnCl.Ement 'be t1ne4 ;$lOt~ '1ldn1tten4ance and 'b,8 r cflUire(1 toatten4 the '.p:rtngcl.irJ.1e l.96O. 1118 card ''WUl; :be JlB1ledupon rece1pt o~ 'the $10 tine aDct~ letter stat1Dc: 1;bat: ,John Clemed ''d.11 attend. ,the ap;r1ng cl:1!dA. ' It "'lDCW!Il4,.aa\ .econ4ecltbe.t theJDlletil'iS .. llo _d,JC)UrJle4. |