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Show TO: FROM: October 23, 1964 Ski School Directors, Supervisors, Examiners, Assistant Examiners and Special Participants. George W. Savage, Certification V.P. and Director of Fall Seminar. SUBJECT: Fall Seminar on Mt. Hood - NOVEMBER 21 and 22, 1964. hi. • , .•..•• .... = , , .... ; As directed by the Board of Directors at the spring meeting on Mt. Hood, there wi I I be a two day Seminar to familiarize all ski instructors directly concerned with the Certification Program. Through this means it is hoped to bring about a better understanding of what is wanted and required to pass the examination at associate and certified levers. Still more effort will be given toward unifying and standardizing the evaluation of the examinee by the examiner. There will be daily sessions on causes of failure - demonstration phase - and causes of failure-teaching phase. The causes of failure - oral phase - will be discussed in a general meeting. To enable those in attendance to fully understand and see demonstrated the American Ski Technique, PNSIA has again secured the professional services of Paul Valar, former Swiss Olympian, Vice President PSIA, and outstanding ski technician. The Technical Committee felt that if a restriction was not c in force the size of the group involved would destroy the purpose of the Sem;~. -herefore, the Committee decided that the number of supervisors be I imi-::,-:. ': every 25 instructors per ski school. (Example: 50 instructor ski S ... {,00. will >,e allowed two supervisors plus director.) Should there be questions regarding ~~e number of instructors in a ski school, the Certification V.P. will use last season's Ski School Report Form to determine how many instructors there are in a given ski school. Ski school directors who ,are attending the Seminar in a dual capacity, such as a director and examiner, may not substitute an individual to take over their position as ski school director. All examiners and assistant examiners desiring to continue in the Certification program must attend the Seminar. RESERVATIONS I. Timberline lodge wi II hold a block of rooms in favor of the Seminar to accommodate 100 persons. This block wi II be held until NOVEMBER 16th which wil I be the' 'shut-off" for reservat ions. 2. All delegates attending the Seminar will mail their own :eservation request to Timberl ine lodge, indicating preference of room mates. If ,"v room mate is indicated, Timberline will assign rooms as reservations arrive. Reservations must i nd i cate wi th PNS IA to qua Ii fy for rate. DD":"/ 3. ~ne following rates will prevail: Four to a room Three to a room - Two to a room. $4.00 per person $5.00 per persor $6.00 per person ... Fall Seminar on Mt. Hood Page -2- 4. All meals of the delegates wi II be on their own on a cash and carry basis. There wi II be no planned meal functions for the group. Timberline Lodge wi II have the Cascade Dining Room open for three meals on Saturday and Sunday, and the Ski . Grill Cafeteria for three meals on Saturday and Sunday. 5. There will be a no-host cocktail gathering at 5:00 P.M., Saturday in the Rams Head Bar. AGENDA .••••. 4 .... N .... ""' .... Friday, November 20 - 9:00 P.M. - Meeting of Technical Committee and staff with Paul Valar Saturday, November 21 - 9:00 A.M. - Amphitheater Group Ia meet with Bob Strand, Joe Harlacher Group Ib meet with Jack Colven, Bruce Chenoweth Groups 1Ia and IIb meet with Paul Valar 12 Noon - Lunch 1:00 P.M. - Amphitheater (unless otherwise specified) Group :ra meetw i th Jack Co I ven, Bruce Chenoweth Group Ib meet with Bob Strand, Joe Harlacher Groups JIa and IIb meet with Paul Valar 4:00 P.M. - Cascade Room - General Meeting I. New examination procedure - Bob Strand, Chairman PSIA Certification Committee 2. Cause of Fai lure - Oral Phase 5;00 P.M. - No-Host Cocktail Party - Rams Head Bar Sunday, November 22 9:00 A.M. - Amphitheater Group TIa meet with Bob Strand, Joe Harlacher Group IIb meet with Jack Colven, Bruce Chenoweth Groups n and-Ib meet with Paul Valar J ~ :30 A.M. - Lunch 12:30 P.M. - Amphitheater Group~ meet with Jack Colven, Bruce Chenoweth Group:cIb meet with Bob Strand, Joe Harlacher Groups.Th and..Ib meet wi th Pau 1 Va lar 4. Fall Seminar on Mt. Hood Page -3- 2:30 P.M. - Cascade Room - General Meeting I. Defining full certified and associate 2. Paul Valar 3. General Session 4. Adjournment For efficiency's sake, the Certification V.p. requests that all instructors remain with their assigned group during this two day Seminar. Roll wi II be taken if deemed necessary. We are certain that you all feel the Fall Seminar can be an invaluable part of the Certification Program and at the same time be beneficial to all of us In gaining more knowledge to disseminate among our ski schools. It is si~cerely hoped that all who participate in this meeting wil I have an objective and realistic attitude toward what has been accomplished in the certifying of ski instructors and realize that we mutually endeavor to keep the qualification of the ski instructor at a high standard. Yours truly, George W. Savage Certification V.p. 9203 Baring Way Everett, Washington, 98202 ~ign and Mail Before NOVEMBER 16 - to Certification V.p. ------~----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Ski School ________________________________________________________________ __ Director -------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor(s), ______________________________ -,~----~~--------_r---------- (I per 25 instructors) Examiner or Assistant Examiner __________________________________________________ _ Special Participants ---------------r(D-e-l-i-n-q-u-e-n-t--S-y-m-p-o-s-i-um--R-e-q-u--ir-e-m-e-n-t~)-------- jQJ!: Ski School Directors please furnish names of Supervisors only on this form. Individual forms wi II be sent directly to Examiners, Assistant Examiners and Special Participants. |