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Show *84 The WIVES EXCUSE : Or, °f Enemies, w h o divide it, always make him better Worfe than he deferves. Mrs. Fri. If you have no regard to m y Reputati pray be tender of your o w n . 'Tis now-a-days as fcan lous in a Man, w h o wou'd be thought to know T o w n (as I k n o w you wou'd) to wait upon a bare F to her Coach, as it us'd to be to lead out a Vizird-Mas But the Pit has got the better of the Boxes, with moft you, in that point of Civility j and I don'c doubt, but turns to better Account. Spring. Tndeed, Sifter, it does turn to better Accou and therefore w e muft provide for our felves [rak-j Courtall with him to Mrs. Wirw W h y , here's a W o m a n , Court dl If He has a V'm. Mask to encourage m e [Love, goes to Mn,\ I cou'd go to the World's end with her: Bur, as lhe bare fse'd, and an honeft W o m a n - i Wit- You'll do a fooiifh thing, foror.ee; fee her to' Cosch, I dare fay for you, to make her otherwife. Spring. W h y , if it muft be fo [Addrejpngn Wild. Y o u o w n your Aunt is a-bed: and you fee Wttwoud's too bufie to mind your going away with me, Fan. I can't to Night, but I'll call upon you to r o w Morning, as I go to Six a Clock Prayers. Love. I hope, Madam, I m ay without Exception upon you. [To Mr*. Frio Welv. And, Madam, I have the Title of an old Sen to vour Ladyfoip, to cxpedt that Favour from you • ; [To Mrs. Sight Sight. Mr. Friendall, having a handfom Wife in Company, may be jealous; and you will pardon me,« a m unwilling to give him a fufpicion of a Man, win would have every Body think as well of, as I do my if Mrs. Fri. Mr. Friendall gives you more Opportuni than I can approve of, and I cou'd wifo you woud take the Advantage cf 'cm, they'll turn to no Account, : Mr.Fr/. C o m e , Ladies, I a m your Man I find- [Leads Mrs. Sightly, Mrs. Friendall fi Ruf. What think you of ^Occafioar; Cuckolds make Themfelves. 185- x 1. - „ u*tter • follow him---And be m o o a - rjSprmgam^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C m f mp that muft ruin him ^with her for ever, « I and expert: the Event SCENE changes to the Street. Several LinhBoys, and Footmen. g M. Blefs jS Maler, we can find the Way in the WSMSSSSSLaiaw*-! ?** Mr. Friendalh Coach there-'Tis at the Door, \nter Mr. Friendall leading Mrs. Sightly I&M& *g> Ruffle enters after 'em. Lovemore and Welvilk m Mr^Tmuft improve every Opportunity with your vlhip, to convince" you of the Truths I have been teU gyyou to Night, and in this Billet, I give it under m y and how very much I a m your Servant-- [Sightly throws it behind her. Sight. Fie, fie, before your W i f e - - [Ruffle takes it up. Mrs. Fri. Sir, that Paper does not belong to you. [Friendall leads Mrs. Sightly off, and returns for his Wif*. Ruf. Don't be jealous, Lady, I k n o w no defign the ^cnilewoman has as yet upon m y Perfon, and I ii belong you, it this Gentleman pleafes. Mr. Fri. You're pleas'd to be merry, Sir, but no touc*; •g her, 1 befeech you. Mrs. Tru |