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Show To my F R I E N D Tho. Skipwith, Efq; HERE is that certain Argument of Poverty in Poetry, that its Off-fpring muft always be laid at fome bodies Door; and indeed, the greateft Mafter of this Art will fcarce be able to fupportthelflue of his Brain, upon the narrow Income of a tingle Reputation.^ From the very Start of m y Defign upon this Play, I had a Deilgn upon you, like a rich Godfather, to eafe the Parifh of a Charge, and the Pa* rent of a Care, in maintaining it. You know the Original Sir Antony, and there* fore can beft judge how the Copy is drawn; th©' it won't be to m y Advantage to have 'em too narrowly compar'd; her Wit is indeed inimitable, not to be painted: Yet I muft fay, there's fomething in m y Draught of her, that carries a Refemblance, and makes up a very tolerable Figure: And fince I have this occafion of mentioning Mrs. Montford, I a m p leafed, b y w a y of Thanks, to do her that publick Juftice in Print, which fome of the beft Judges of thefe Performances, have, in her Praife, already done her, in publick Places; that they never faw any part more mafterly play'd: And as I made every Line for her, fhe has mended every W o r d for m e; and by a Gaiety and Air, particular to her A&i-on, tum'd every thing into the Genius of the Chara&er, You |