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Show PROLOGUE. fir Uavhi E W mi Mum, «> N « w « tf common, 1/1 your School,, for there rohen firft y°» <mm, Written by Mr. D R Y D E N , and fpokenby Mr. BETTERTON. HOW comes it, Gentlemen, that now-a-days, When all of you fo fhrewdly judge of Plays, Our Poets tax you ftill with want of Senfe, All Prologues treat )0u at your own Expence ? Sharp Citizens a wifer way can go, They make you Pools, but never call you fo. They, in good Manners, feldom make a Slip, But treat a Common Whore with Ladyfhip : Hut here each fawcy Wit at Random writes, And ufes Ladies as he ufes Knights. Our Author, Toung and Grateful in his Nature, Vows, that from him no Nymph defirves a Satyr, Nor wih he ever Draw 1 mean his Rhime, Againft the fweet Partaker of his Crime. Nor is he yet fo bold an Undertaker To call MEN Fools: 'tis railing at their MAKER] Befides, he fears to fplit upon that Shelf; He's young enough to be a FOP him felf And, if his Praife can bring you all a-bed, He fwears fuch hopeful Touth no Nation ever bred. Tour Nurfts, we prefume, in fuch a Cafe, Tour Father chofe, because he lik'd the Face j And often they fupply'd your Mother's place. The Dry Nurfe was your Mother's ancient Maid, Who knew fome former Slip fhe ne'er betrayV. Betwixt 'em bothjor Milk and Sugar-Candy, Your fuckingJtoTtles were wellfior'd with Brandy, tour Fj»ter, to initiate your Difcourfe, VTeam to have taught you firft to Swear and Curie, &tt m s prevented by each careful Jftwju. jher.ce come to Town you pratlife Flay, to know Ke Virtues of the High Dice ard the Low. Ich th,ks Lfelf a SHARPER moft profound: He cheats by Pence, is cheated by the Pound : \th thefe Perfections* and what elfe *<**£ , Me SPARK fits up for Lone behind our Scenes , L in pur (nit of Pri.ceffes and Queens. \here, if they know their Man, with cunning Carnage, \mr.ty to one but it concludes in Marriage. \t hies fome homely Room, Love's Fruits to gather, Uni Garret high, rebells againft his Father. kut he once dead Wings her in Triumph with her Port'un down, A Twillit, DreJJiug-Box, and Half a Crown.^ Sane Marry firft, and then they fall to Scow'ring, Web is, refining Marriage into Whoring. Our Women batten well on their good Nature, Jl they can rap and rend for the dear Creature. nut while abroad fo liberal the DOLT is, Uttr SFOUSE at Home as ragged as a Colt it< \Ujl, fome there are, who take their firft Degrees [0/ Lewdnefs in our Middle (Salleries: he doughty BULLIES enter bloody Drunk, llnvade and grabble one another's PUNK: they Caterwaul, and make a difmal Rout, Call SONS of WHORES, and ftrike, but ne'er lugg- Jhns -while for Paultry Punk they roar and ftickle, 1 % make it Bawdier than a Conventicle. E |