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Show io8 The \T> if appointment \ ory May bear a part in this. Alph. Lorenzo, no. M u c h may be eather'd from her Management In m y fuppofed Abfence, that mav ferve, Thro' the fucceeding Changes of m y Life, T o fix m y Temper to the Point of Virtue. Lor, Where fh^ll w e meet ? Alph. I cannot wander far. Lor. This is the Door. Farewel. [Gotim Alph. So, n o w m y Heart Be ftill, beac even Meafures in m y Breaft, That w h e n the Hour of Fate fhall fummon me, T h e fury of m y firm collected Force M a y ftrike for Honour in a brave Revenge. Hark, 'tis the tread of Servants coming this Way: I would not be difcover'd. [£^ Enter Clara and Juliana. Clar. Madam, this Office that I venture on, in your Service, is but an ungenerous Return for Alberto's Bounty! Jul. 'Tis the only w a y you have left you, Clara. Your Lady has difappointed you : And*, as I take it, your Cre dit's engag'd for the Payment of a S u m to Night, which I muft either lay d o w n , or you fufTer in your tradioj hereafter. Clar. Nay, I a m eafily perfwaded ; and, upon fecond Thoughts, imagine there may be lefs Danger, and mori Confcience, in this Defign, than m y firft Undertaking. Jul. O ! a great deal more, Clara: For fo you in. be ^ M O T H E R in Fajhion. 109 JKS US itgln to fubmie to your Argu- Jioes « Zy'A on with lefs Management, thaa ^K* l!2ta2 theGood of a ttrong Imagi- % b.^rt'he beft Comfort, I fear, of a Matrimonial Zmr Clara: But when do you expeft ^ e w ? X 'linear the Time-. Lefs in and prepare to re- \jar. i« »<«« [Exeunt. dve him. A S ON G made by Colonel Sackvile. OWhy did e'er my Thoughts afpire To wifh for that, no Crown can buy I "Tis Sacrilege but to defire What fhe in Honour will deny. As Indians do the Eaftern Skies, I at a diftance muft adore The brighter Glones of her Eyes-, And never dare pretend to more. •Enter Alberto. lu/ewBc^:**^ notl!iflg m07n Z ln^u; mifs nothing that ever fhe had, and I fhall have butmyfan barely the Enjoyment, the unconfcionable Expence the Pleafure would take off our Appetite to the Smj d the Dtvil would foon fail of his Corrcfpondence with c World, unlefs the Prices of his Commodities fell, at honeft Fellows might be damn'd at eafier Rates, here am I ? Hold! O 'tis Alphonfo'* Houfe, own Clar. True, Madam j but how fhall I be juft to him?' Jul. That 1*11 tell you too. Clar. He has paid for m y Lady. Jul. And he fhall have her, or any Lady, at tne lame Rare. tod this the very Hour, that Clara promis'd C,T How Madam! h o w j ^ *& I" fiEfK. *«Sy%& -f*»* *- ! "HI obferve at duW pagination will carry on the Cheat. Ch "Enter |