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Show 58 The Loyal BROTHER; ory As WitneiTes of m y injurious TJfage, And but to hear him talk, as I have done ; The coldeft fure would venture her undoing. [Exum, SCENE changes to a Street. Enter a Rabble of Citizens. i <lit. Come, Neighbours, hang thefe cheating Shop; Countenances, they are Marks, the World knows Cud. olds by ? and tho' they be of Credit in the City, yet, ]« m e tell you, at this end o'th'Town, they ftrike no mo awe into the Beholders, than a Watch-man's Lanthoni, after Day break. 2 Cit. Ay, m y Wife told me, I had a fneaking Look, and could not huff m y Debtors: But n o w I'm charg'J with Bottle-Ale, to reclifie the Errors of m y Face: A let m e fee, what upftart Rafcal, newly come to Offite fhall overlook m e ; I'll ftrut, and cock, and talk as big, a Wind and Froth can make m e But I'll home, whii m y Courage lafts, ranfack m y Shop-Books, take ac count of m y Debts, and arreft in a direct Line, from the Lord, to the Footman. i Cit. O f that in Seafon but n o w w e are affem. bled, let us put on the Gravity of Authority, and feem as w e really are, the true Judges of the Nation. Omn. I a Judge ! I a Judge ! 3 Cit. A Tailor a Judge ! that's fine V faith ! i Cit. W h y , I tell you, Neighbours, a crofs-Iegg; Tailor is the very Type of Juftice j he meafures Offences by the Yard, and with his Sheers fnaps off the Kingdom' Vermin, I mean, thofe Shreds, thofe Remnants, thofe Patches of a Commonwealth, call'd Gamefters, Cud old-makers, and disbanded Officers, that are good for nothing, but to make our Wives run a Madding for for. reign Languages, Brafs Swords, fuperannuated Wigs, and greszy Scarlet. , .. iCit. H u m ! ajudgefayyouj veryhke: Why,Neigk bours, he has ferv'd upon Juries, off and on, thefe: twenty Years, and the Devil's in't if he main't be free ot Judge's Hall by this time: But then as to u s - j The PERSIAN PRINCE. S9 there's the Queftion -, how ws are that is to fay, how we may be? why thus, there's none here but has exercis'd the Arbitrary Function of a Beadle in his re-fpeclive Parifh j and as I take it, that muft be a Foot to the Chair of Government. 2 Cit. Ay, ay; w e are all Judges, and Judges Children j indeed I ever thought I was to be a great Man, I was fuch a dull Rogue. . 2 Cit. Well, I was once a Juftice itinerant in the Pre-rinds, which in the Vulgar Translation, is no more than Conftabie : But 'twas a thriving time, Neighbours, a ery thriving Time ; For the Parifh Bawds (befides all nderdealers, as Procurers, and Retailers of Pleafure) mount to let m e fee -let m e fee, a Parcel of o, no, I'm out 'tis no matter for Fractions; but xibes in abundance, to wink at Copulation i I pimp'd y Commiffion, and drank Brandy at the Coft of the inners. 3 Cit. Lord ! I'm thinking h o w aukward and flovenly fhall be in m y new Trappings for a Day or two ; Ha ! d if there be occafion for Speeches, m y Tongue will rtainly founder : M y Wife fpoil'd m y Oratory, when e broke my Pate, for being fawcy. l Cit. Better and better ftill: F e w Words promife a eat deal of Thinking, and that abundance of judicial Un- Handing : Befides you fee our City Juftices, h o w they nage themfelves upon the Bench : Indeed a Nut-crack, fome fuch conceited Hyroglyphical Engine does well the Hand o& a Magiftrate, which having us'd a while, a ftrait grow Lethargick, nod o'er the Caufe -, then (t in Amazement, and condemn at a Venture. « Ot. Ay, ay, ay ; ever while you live, ever while you obferve that: For look you, there's no one but fome e or other deferves Hanging; and tho' the Prifoner be jet a Rogue, foft and fair, all in good Time, he y be one : Therefore I fay once again condemn for pe.mi oCno.n demnation ! I'll have nothing but Condem-on in my Court, 'twill clear the Kingdom of Idlers, en we may father our o w n Children, 2 Of, |