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Show " Sharif 'Md el-PIl Me •• 1 - d dre5 ^.gyot J- , 1 5* For UJ I know, fG\ ' fee A ' * d • '--* '"inf pos" • '• tn the nope th t this will TW " • - - . : yon for bote your letters of which the second ..-,.,-;. -..„,,.,.'• . -;..,..- '•• - - • •-.«•., - £--. '••' ,.-..- - • ' - -. ./ - 'Y-lIf11 ClA 1 » w v . '•.- ;•••-.. '•' <<•'• • • ;<- -'- -;.:)<•' - - ,-!" '"*' '"'"•' ••" •••:•• ~t--.- -. ..... • ......... «. •- ,- - . •- < •••* questions and ' --A :.-: ^ - A X fnvrh r v-A-v:: : be, 1 SA* :"::A \bu Paid thre" tn .:-. .• - ~ . '- 1 * • \ .. ;'• i dr^"t':rr. ' * -ort nas been booked definitely for • A-* , N A ~ •* : . Ann", ee" -anles with Sono: [( i A A chieJ facPwr, It UM b i stlpulmta thai twenty Lllios dollar ..iould be y t '-: . The or1 wnal aw : ication wi * ;-* •* . ' " rr reaa 11 tp "- -serts, but A' fi ' ' ant Pee beej : a&ha P A (: t est'rn Desert. Aa ft astern I rt are still available, • thoi :b it is I ; ww long, br. \ rolonec to me that idi - - A - r:ee r»" - And by you In eluding the •""- P • ' tlm ' -„ • - - lr '*: •. : -^ " '"' '. '" w r ""t ;ure other *tml i f*q.4"ionc" m d I s to Qti^"i',io*r i fp rveel imwisnua tr yt or ehgaovte-york. * *' won are in. a position to carry cut a definitive age naent, A le first 1 plane In the eirfi^ld -AA rin| ' t eta? , work very faatj - it aa we ean, if :-rj ish to pet at Other Items* A nJllion thanks for the news a"''"1*. '- " ;A-WA ef : y huek en the .t. • ' " !>* circulate een vein; e shortly - ? ts. In this field. I ham many rutin . •> A c : rr Instil - Orotic Studies ine] all the Coptic anasteries inthe ^y^y, md 'ntc:-" deserts as well as I ' 're whion is afdilliated to the Coptic Cr , he seat - . F aM will r;iv d% - prelect* * magnificent home 'hlch we ear visit Surin' your -*ext stay in Cairo, 1 am psvir.o. t" f for -elect with all Church * : ;' '-.-ri A . million thanks for taking tha trouble to call Dean Paul ..-A Pod " • * •"- -A " A I , ••"':• i •_ *A" t tPis Is far more effective I a* . Hfr! " ! '"is far 1 n for not to 1* * the coir try -°cr a year often ' " 'n\''i so much to do locally and we have still so much to do together, I should welcome the ant of any invitation to America nnnil clear wit things et this end. do I am fladi ~: r i .£ P -ediate . ! m§ California, and it is reassuring to know that the proj M i ot kept In alva-e. fo-r amv ^erson^l ncesons, 1 am .^ratefu1 to *m ftnd ileen for taring up the .-atter of the Med-ievad Academy subscription. My brother is back to work and normal life. Beet of dnck 3 d :. - i eociA Sinner sly, Aziz S. Atiya |