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Show the 8y Delng e lesarigg g glvey Blow luded in D '{":atmg.Tfmc wi 2 gk of the OWIOg Qne dnot iyb Into various Fig ines Marte, ous or o, Th hich they Dne ufid, 38 Afthat | 0 ther Sponsa B kewife v whil they qindBow 10 G4 b hers dog ¢ or th Hiftory of Dancing refembled a Braceler. Firf 17 young Man led up, exprefling all th youthful Motions he was to praliif hereafter in War; a Virgin wit Blufpes followd, and exprefled th Female Motions in fuch manner, tha from beth {prung a Bracelet made o Modefly and Valour. TheDancecall' the Bearsfeet islike this. Tothis purpofe clean.sh data import.tsv out README Sir Tho. Eliot in his Governor *ch. 2 obferves, that there was anciently a>-p-5 kind of Dancing call'd "Oppos, five monile circa collum, of all other mof like to that which is at this time ufed wherein danced young Me an Maidens; the Man exprefling in hi Motion and Countenance, Strengthan Courage apt for the Wars; the Maide Medefty and Shamefacednefsy, which re prefented a pleafant Conjunction of For titude and ['emperance THERE were{everal other ‘Dance of the {fame kind; but my Defign no being to tire the Reader with a Beadrole of a// the particular ‘Dances o the Ancients, but only to colleét thof that were moft excellent and moft admir'damongthem, [ fhall here finifh thi Chapter, and proceed to the Mimesan Pantomimes |