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Show Hiftory of Dancing Roth whi and ci Da form' ' 128 oft icomynied g an, Which Wér y dferthy fa eavutbdy va 30w, oy mans had a Superfiition, that whe Neceflity drew all the reft away to defend the Walls, one ftill kept Dancin on to keep up the Worfhip; and whe the reft return'd and found him Dan cing, they cry'd Saltat Senex, The ol Mandancess which getting into a Proverb, was as much as to fay Sufe's th Word. But let us proceed to the Original and Duties of thefe Priefts THERE are fome Doubts amon Actions of the Ancient Interpreters, whence they deporlippd. [domy rive their Name. Moft write, that i Ot t0 gie yo came from 8alio to leapsy or Salto t ke 1 Citaoge of Dance; becaule both by Cufforn an + Dot only tohue Duty, they every Year in their Wor ~ thip did perform certain Dances: Bu {ome would needsderive their Name fro non el | o one Salins or Saon as we learn fro T, o51 Sextus Pompeius Feftus in thefe Words oy ¢ that the §4/z; have their Name fro ¢ Saliendo, Leaping, or Saltando, Dan¢ eings yet Polemon tells us, thatther ha o [ it Pfiefisw Do fom K , Rites W ; form ° Altho' we cannot doubt ({ays he) bu ¢ wasa certain Arcadian call'd Salius ¢ whom ¢_#neas brought with hi ¢ from Mantinea intoItaly, who taugh ¢ the frzlian Youth the évéay, Eno fplion 9 |