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Show reserved 308.89 acres; 24 secohd selections, from which is reserved 224.35 acres; and 9 third selections, from which is reserved 79.25 acres. The following lands have also been reserved from selection and allotment : John N. Rlorer reservation: W. t of SW. t of S E t; S. 1 of N. + of NE. t of Smf0fSW.f; S . t o f N E . f o f 8 E . f 0fSW.t; SE.fof SE.f ofSW.fof see. 15: N. t of N. t of NW. f of NW. f of NE. f t.22 , T. 24, R. 6. For dwelling purposes of Osnge Indians: At Grayhorse SE. f of SE. f of see. 15; NE. t of NE. f: E. 4 of NW. f of NE.4; S.3ofN.tof NW.4ofNW.fofNE.t; 8.tofNW.fofNW.f 0fNE.f; SW.fofNW.foiNE.f:NE.foiNW.fofsee.22,T.24.R.6. At Elomlny IC. 3 of SW. 3: lots 6 and 7, sec. 6, T. 22, R. 9. At Pawhuska lots 1 and 2: S. 4 of NE. f see. 3, T. 25, R. 9. . To the Sisters of St. Brancls, for St. John School: Lot 3 of w. 3, T. 24, R. 7; SW. t o f 8E.f; S.tofSW.tsee.34.T.25.R.7. TO the Sisters of St. Francis, for St. Louis School: NE. f w. 8, T. 26, R. 9. The act of March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. L., 1061), reserved five town sites and a cemetery, as follows: @airfax Cemetery: NE. f of NE. t of NE. f of see. 13, T. 24, R. 5. Fairfax town site: Lot 2, SB. f of NW. f ; NE. f of SW. t; lot 3, see. 7, T.U. R. 6. Foraker town site: SE. t sec. 29, T. 28, R. 7. IIominY town site: Lots 1 and 2; 8. 4 of NE. f see. 1, T. 22, R. 8. Pawhuska tnwn site: S. 3 of see. 4; N. 4 of see. 9. T. 25, R. 9. Bigheart town site: NE. f sec. 18. T. 24, R. 11. The area of these reservations (including the railroad reservations) aggregates 5,208.58 acres. Final division.-On June 29 the allotting commission entered on the worlr of dividing among the memb e ~of the tribe the lands not embraced in the three selections or the reservations for towns, ceme-teries, and railroads, estimated at 399,717:09 acres. Naturally, the best had been taken, leaving only the 'poorer land for h a 1 division. ome of it can not be classed as even good pasture land, but some is !,I own to contain valuable mineral deposits. The commission will try to equalize the value of the allotments as far as practicable. Resurveys.-On October 10,1907, the department directed a retrace; ment of the exterior township lines and the relocation of section corners along these lines, and on March 14,1908, a retracement of the ariginal subdivisional lines of survey, at an approximate cost of $61,289.50. The survey is now progressing in the field under the direction of A. F. Dunnington, topographer in charge. Town sites.-My last report gave the receipts up to July 23, 1907, from sales of town lots under the act of March 3, 1905 (33 Stat. L., 1061). During the fiscal year 1908, the remaining lots have been sold I |