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Show COMMISSIONER OF IXDIBN AFFAIRS. lxiii In a letter to this ofice, dated September 24, 1558, Governor Gny protested against the oficial recognition of Byrd as the executive of $he Chickasaw Nation, and a telegram (dated October 10, 1888), pre-sumably from William Byrd, but signed 6' William Ryrue," was also re-ceived, declaring that he (Byrd) was the "recognized and declared gov-ernor of the Chickasaws, by t l ~ ele gislature of the Chickasaw Nation." 'These were transmitted for the information of the Department, with office report of October l2,lSSS. Replying thereto the Department, by letter of October 16,1885, trans-mitted to this office a copy of a telegram which the Department had sent to Byrd, October 18, 1888, advising him as follows: Replying to yonr telegram of loth, the Department attempts no decision of the rights of olaimants. That appears to belong under your constitution to courts of our nation. The Department insists that only such judicial proceediugs shall be taken and the pawe preserved. ' Some further communications were received from Guy and Byrd in adrocacy of their respective claims for recoguition, of which the Depart-ment was duly informed. 011 November 14,1888, in accordance with Department instructions, this office sent the following telegram to Agent Owen : Iam direoted by theSecr6tacyof the Interiorto telegraph to pon aafollows : Flying newspaper reports indioste that Goy sod Byrd parties, in Chickasaw Nation, heve .armed sod threatened s breach of the peace. Give close attention to aitnstion. Keep Department promptly adviserl, and, if neceaaity demands, make timely applica-tion to commsndingofficer st Fort Gibson for troops. On Norember 15,1588, a telegram was brought to this office from the Assistant United States Treasurer at Saint Louis, Mo., to the Secretary .of the Treasury, which read as follows: Has OshorneFkher (Byrd's appointee) been recognized as Teasoror of the Chieksssm- Nation bytheUuitedStstesGovernment? Should his oheck be honoredon fonds heref Upon this telegram I made the following indorsement: Thisoffice hasuoaffioialinformation as to whoisTreasurerofthe Chiokaaaw Natiou. 'There is a disputed election, and it is uuderstood that two'olaim the office. Further iarestigatiou will be made and the Treasury Department informed of tbe result. I also gave similar information, by telegram of the same date, to the .office of the Second Comptroller. On November 1.5, 1888: Agent Owen reported that the Chickasaws mere in a state of excitement and that rumors from that country indi-mted probable bloodshed. This matter remains nnsettled, and the Secretary of War, upon the request of this Depc~rtruent, has caused orders to be issued to the com-manding officer at Fort Gibson, Ind. T., to furnish a sufficient force of troops, npon theapplication of Ageut Owen, to prevent a breach of the peace by the conteuilitig factions. November 21, 1S88, Special Agetit Heth was directed to proceecl to ~s h omi u g ot,h e Cl~ickasawc apital, to make a thoroilgh investigation .of the matter, nntl report the facts thereof to this office. He is now en .gaged upon that duty. |