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Show COMXISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. li and Northern Railroad Company through this reserve upon tbe terms and conditions named in an agreement made by that company with the Devil's Lake Sioux in 1883. The road lias been built and in operation since the spring of 1885, and the Indians are urgent in their demands that the compensation provided for in the agreement be paid them. Lake Traverse Reserve, Dakota. Thedraught of a bill to ratify an agree-ment finally concluded with the Sisseton and VTabpeton bands of Sioux on December 8,1884, granting a right of way for the Chicago, b1ilwaukee and Saint Paul Railway through their reserve, was again silbmitted to the Department for transmission to Congress November 29,1887, and is pending before both houses (S. 2218; H. R. 85.61). By the terms of the agreement the Indians were to receive from the railroad, for the lands sorreudered by them for the right of wa,y, $2,668.24, being at the rate of $1.76 per acre. In 1880, when the constrl~ction of the railroad through t,he reservation mas commenced, a payment of $2,402.13 mas made by said company and was placed in theunited States Treasury to the official credit of theCommissioner of Indian Affairs. A further sum of $266.11 remains to be paid by the company. This fund draws no interest, and the Commissioner can not apply the same for the benefit of the Sioux, to whomit belongs, until Congress shall have ratified the agreement. The railroad has long since been construct,ed and is in active opera. tion on the reservation. It therefore seems to be a reasonable sugges-tion that ratification of the agreement should be delayed no longer. Red Pipestone Reserve, Ninnesota. The attention of this office was inci-dentally called to the fact that the Cedar Rapids, IowaFalls andNorth-western Railway Company had constructed a line of railway across this reservation. The office therefore informed the general solicitor of the Burlington, Cedar Eapids and Northern Railway Company, lessee, June 22, 1888, that, if the company desired to maintain this right of way, it mould be necessdry for it to apply to Congress for a grant thereof. A bill prepared upon this suggestion is pending in the House of Repre-sentatives (K. R. 10766). Walker River Reserze, Nevada. A draught of a bill ratifying an agree-ment with the Indians granting a right of way to the Carson and Colo-rado Railroad Company, prepared in this office, was the fourth time sub-mitted to Congress, through the Department, November 29,1887. I t is now peodiog before the Senate (S. 1229). The road was long since bnilt, the agreement has been approved by the Department, and the compensation provided for has been paid to the Indians. Pakama Reserue, Washington Territory. A draught of a bill to accept and ratify an agreement made Jailnary 13, 1885, wit,h the tribe^ of Indiails occup~ingth is reservation, for the relinquishment of their title to so much thereof as is required for the use of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and to make the necessary appropriations for carrying out the same, was the second time submitted to Congress, through the Depart-ment, November 20, 1887, and is now pending before that body (S. 2217). |