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Show lii FIFTY-SEVENTH ANXUAL n E r o w OP The railroad has long silice beeu constructed through the reservation, and the Indians, 1)articularly individual claimants for damages, are continually inquiring why they have not been paid the compensatioa alvarded to them nuder the agreement. Other rese~aations. Other billsj not prepared I1.y this office, and eon-cerning which it has no definite infurmat,ion, are pending in Congress granting rights of may throngh Indian reservations, as follows: Throngh the Flathead Reserve, 3Iontana: Missoula andNorthern (S.. . .. 1803, H. R; 5709). Through the Fond du Lac Reserve, Miunesottl: Du1ut.h and n7inni-peg (8.3220, H. R. 10112). Through the Indian Territor~: Denver Coal and Railway ((8. R. 6805); Lea~enmorth aud Rio Graude (H. R. 71S6); McPherson. Texas and Gulf (S. 2617); JIontana, Kansas and Texas (H. R. 7223); and Saint Louis and San Francisco (branch) (S. 1697, H. It. 6612). Throngh the San Carlos Reserve, Arizona: Tucso~l, Globe and Northeru (8. 1265, B. R. 3062). Through the Sioux Reserve,Dakota : Aherdeen, Bismarck and North-vestern (S. 1794, H. R. 5046); Forest City and Watertowu (8.2029, H. R. 6700); and Saint Paul, Black Hills and Pacific (E. It. 5045). Through the Southern Ute Reserve, Oolorado : Rio Gra.nde and Utall (H. R. 7793) and Dnrango, Cortez and Uhh $3.1145). Through the Uiutah and Uncompahgre Reserves, Utah : RioGrancle Paoifio (S. 1303, H. R. 6701). Through the White Earth Reserve, Minnesota: Mooreheail, I~eecb Lake and Northern (S. 3319, H. It. 6650 and 7261). Through the Wind River Reserve, Wyoming: Wyoming Midland (B. R. 10028). Throngh the Yankton Reserve, Dakota : Yankton and Missouri Val-. ley (S. 427, H. R. 3065) and Yankton and Missouri River (H.R. 7547). TIMBER AND OTHER DEPREDATIONS ON INDIAN LANDS. An act, approved March 3,1875 (18 Stat., p. 481), provides: That if any person or parsons shall knowingly and unlswfully out, or shall know.- inglylyid, assist, or be employed in unlawfully cutting, or shall wantonly destroy or injure, or procure to be wantonly destroyed or injured, any timber-tree, orang shade or ornamental tree, or any other kind of tree, standing, growing, or baing upon any lands of the United States, which, in purauanoe of law, have been reserved, ' any stlch person or persons so offending, on oonviotion thereof * * shall, for any such offense, pay a 6ne not exceeding five hundreddollars, or shall ha inrprisoue~l not exceeding twelve months. Section 5388 Revised Statutes, second edition? 18i8, is as follows: Seo. 5388. Every person who unlawfully outs or aids or is c~uploged in nnlswfillly antting, or wantol~ly destroys, or procures to be wantonly destroyed, auy timber standing upon lands of the Uuited States, which, in pursoanoo of law, may be re-aersed or parchased for military or other purposes, sktll pay afine of not Inore than five hundred dollsd, ant1 be imprisoned not more than tnclve mouths. |