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Show ) 56 ATROCIOL'S JUDGES. [.\.. D. 13Si. after being attainted, in the 1nanner to Le l1erertfi er dcq sc1·ibcd. The election for the new Parlimuent ran strongly in faYor of the confederate lord ; and on the tlay appojnted for it~ 111ecting, an order " ·as is"ueJ under th ir ~anciion f~)l' takin2 into cu tody all the judges who haJ ~igll'~d the opinion at ~ ottingh::un. They 'vere all arre -ted while they \\'ere sitting on t1e bench, except Chief J usticc Tresilian ; but he was no .. where to be fonnd. '\rhen the me1nbcrs of both hou~c::J hat1 a:-;~ethbled at \Yc tminstcr Ilall, and the l·ing had taken hi~ p1aee on the throne, the five lords, who were called APPI~LLAXT:-i, '· rntercu in co-tly r obes, leading one anotht'r hand in lwnd, an innumerable company .following thcu1 ~1nJ, approaching the king, they all w~lh suomi 'f,ive gestnrcs l'('Vf'l'('ll<'C<l him. Thu1 ri~ing, they dccla rell their appellation by 1 he mont 1t of their speaker, who ... aid, 'lleholcl the !)ul ... e of Glollcc~icr <'omcs to purge him.-elf o'' tre:1:-;on" whidt arc laid to hi ch~~rg) hy the c01rpirator.s.' To wh01n the lord clw.IH.: ·llor, by the king'a rommand, answered, 'I\Iy lord duk0, the king concei,·cth o lwnorahly of you, th::tt he (·annot l>o indue ·tl to belicYo that you, who are of kincl rccl to him, :lloul<l alkmpL any treason ag~tinst him.' The duke, with hi.· iou r c·ornp~t.nions on theit· knees, humL1y gayc 11wnk.- to the king f(n· lti: gracious opinion of their fidelity. Anci ILO,r, as fl. prelude to what. was going to be acted, each of the prelate':, 1orc1-; an<l common.' then as .. :emlled, had the fuHow ing oath rulm ini:-;tc red to t hcrn upon the roocl or cro.·s vf Crmterb.nry, in full Parliam •n l : You shall swenr that yon will kcc~p, an<l canso LG be kept, the good peace, qnict, and tr:UHJ.nillity of the kin grlmn; aull if any will do to the contrary thrreo:: yoll ~hn11 oppose and di~t urb him A. n. 13Si.J !)7 to the utrnost of your power ; anll if any will do a1;y thing against the bodie · of tl1e fl re lord , yon shall . tnnd with 1 hem to the end of thi .. pre:cnt Parliament, and maintain anti -upport then1 with all your power, to live and die with them against all 111 'n, no person or thing cxceptctl, , aving always your 1<'ginnce to the king mlll the prerogatives of hi." crown, according to the laws and good cust0111 , of the realm. '" \Vrittcn articles i.o the number of thirty-nine were then exhibitccl by the appellants against the appelle s. Tho other four arc alleg cl to hnxe con1mittecl the varion"' act. of trea -on charged upon thcn1 ''by the a~ .. cnt and counsel of Hobert Tre ilian, that fal~e jnsticc; and in 1nost of the article, he Leurs the or nnt of tl1e accusation. Sir Nicholas Brmnbre alone was in custody; antl the others not appeari11.n- when solen1nly called, their clef~mlt wa.~ recorded, and the lords took time to consiLl<·r whether thf' impeac.; hn1ent wns duly institnted, and whether the fact: stated in the article.~ amounted to hio·h b trca ... on. 1\~n day. thereafter, j ud frtncnt "·a, given " that the impea ·hmenL wns duly i nstituted, ancl that the facts tatcu in f-ieYcral of the article,:, atnounted to l1igh trca .. on." Thereupoll, the prelates havin,( ,. 'rithdrnwn, that they 1night not mix in an nHltir of Lloo<l, :entcnco wns pronounced, " tl1at Sir L.ober t Trcsitinn, the Duke of 1rc1anc1, the Arcbbi~;lwp of York awl Earl of Suftoli--:, shoulLl Le drawn and hanged ns t raitor" and ene1nie.' to the l·ing and 1-ing<lom, nnt1 that 1heir heirs .·houJd be disinl teri( cd foreYcr, and that their lands and tenements, good~ and chattel:~, shonld be forfeited to the king." T'rc~ilian n1ight have avoided the execution of hi-- .... entencc, had it not been for the strangest inf~tftratiou r elated of <lny hutnan IJeing pos essing the u ... e of r ca::;on. InstcaL1 of iJying to a di:-:tancc, like~ tl1e duke, the archuishop, ~nf1 the earl, none |