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Show LEA&: BLANCHARD'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. PAGET'S TRAVELS IN HUNGARY-Just Ready. HUNGARY AND TRANSYLVANIA: WITLI REMARK::; 0 THEI~Cg~~~;~~~r:' SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND BY JOHN PAGET, ESQ. In two neat volumes, royal 12mo., extra cloth. "'Ve must now turn aside to make a short excursion into Hungary, with Mr. Paget for our guide. It would not be well possible to choose a better, for he never suffers our intere t to flag, and appeal'S to have made himself accurately acquainted, not only with the localities and traditions of the country. but with its whole history and institutions, which presents oo many points of analogy to those of England, as really to invest the subject with a new and peculiar mterest for an Englishman."-Quarttrly Ret:ietc. B.JI.IRD' S JJ ..E. ST I.JrDIES.-.Jrow Ready. IMPRESSIONS AND EXPERIENCES OF THE WEST INDIES AND NOR'I'H AMERICA IN 1849. BY ROBERT BAIRD, A.M. In one neat volume, royal 12mo., extra cloth. "'Ve have here a new instalment, not of B-riti h prejudice and grumbling, common to transatlantic tourists who pass a few months in the country, but a fair, judicious, matter-of-fact book by a Scottish gentleman who makes the pilgrimage of a consider· able portion of the western world in pursutt of health, and in a frame of mi:nd1 we may add, well adapted to its recovery. There is no illness or dyspepsia in Mr. Baud's speculations. He bas a good legal digestion of every fact or sentiment wb.ich comes before htm."-N. Y Lit. World. '' A most faithful and auractive description of the countries which the author has visited-forming altogether a tourist's note-book and navele:r's gutde of the very best cla s.''-John Bull. '·The narrative embraces topics of absorbing interest at the present day."-Liverpool 11-fail. "Mr Baird wields a delicate and graceful pencil, and touches li~htly and cheerily on the salient and light reflecting points of1he varied a11d magnificent scenery be wanders over or floats amids\.11-Glasgow Citizen. NEW AlV!ERICAN WORK ON SHOOTING-Nearly Ready. NOTES ON SHOOTING; OR HINTS TO SPORTSMEN. COMPRISING The Habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fow1 of North America; The Dog. the Gun, and the Field. BY E. J. LEWIS, M.D., Editor of "Youatt on the Dog," &c. In one handsome volume, royal 12mo. HISTORY OP THE HUGUENOTS---A NEW EDITION, CONTINUED TO THE PRESENT TlME. BY W. S. BROWNING. In one large octavo volume, extra cloth. "One of the most interesting and valuable contributions to modern history."- Gen· tleman's Magazine. RUSH'S MEMORANDA OF A RESIDENCE AT THE COURT OF LONDON. In one large and handsome octavo volume, extra cloth. THE BOY'S TRE!SURY OF SPORTS, PA.STIMES, AND RECREATIONS. WITH FOUR HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. In one very neat volume, royal 18mo., crimson extra cloth. |