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Show PAPERMAKIN BY HAN IN AMERIC 23 [xiif] G. GOODWIN & SONS, HARTFORD. Through man Years the Goodwins were prominent fn Connectfcut printing, publish108, and papermaking. George Goodwin, born in Hartford, %anuxry 1757, started work fn the office of "The Connecticut Courant"at the ag Of nine. In 1777, in his twentfeth year, youn {0 partnership b Hannah Watson, widow o Goodwin was taken fh Ebenezer Watson who, i 1770, had purchased the "Courant"from Thomas Green, who had estab Iished the en newspaperin17 £irm name was"Watson & Goodwin Inig79, H atson marrfed Barzillat Hudson,and th of th Concern waschanged to"H Goodwin," partnershi that sssue iny editfon of scho l Bible, a popular spelling-book, and numerou Standard To furnish the hundreds of ream of pape Tequired for this successful publishing project, Barzillaf Hudson, wi hiss0n, Henry, and Georg Goodwin, assisted by hisson, Richard, buil 2per millsa the upperand middle falls of th Hockanum, at Scotla nowBurnside, East Hartford In 1815, the frm of Hudso oin Goodwinand three of hié sons, Richard, George, and Henry, formed th Partnership of "G. Goodwi & Sons," the firm that used this label [xiv] GOODWIN & COMPANY, HARTFORD. In18a3 at th 3¢ of sixty-eight, George Goodwin (1757-1844), and his son, R ichar i782-1838), retired from the paper mill, and the sons, George, Junfor arles, Henry, and Edward operated the upper falls mill at Burnside name, "Goodwin& Company. eo gast Hartford, Connecticut, under th wo. Th pa Qoodwin family were beautifully executed fn both copper engravin nd woodcut techniquesand display consfderabl artisticability |