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Show HUROLK VI Q7 OANENSELC 176 [5 5U 3k \APERMAKING IN CONNECTICUT had ts orfgtn t 176 whenChifstopher Leffingwell, a 32-yea i Norwich, established amillon the Yantic River near Noman's Acre in the town where he had been born He ha een engaged (n the weaving of wool and cotton stockings atrade that ha grvenhima reputation fn the com asam 1 5 Leffingwel 51lsoaxucnexxiul merShant, and k all patriotie men of the e be soess active membe of the militta, betn a Colonel fn the fnfant ha ne V3 need fora paper mill {n Connectfcut-th dbeenx'nkroducedin(attholonyaxmr]yasuC@whcraft of printin n ThomasShor fBoston established his sh in New London; James Parke 1755 be81 th publcatio fn New Haven of Connecticutsflist n in spaper an 1% Con ecticut Gazette. In this Colony as in all of 15 here wa 1: srgent demand for writing an printing paper, and Christophe ffingwell dectded to turn hisknowle g e of mechamcsmd md r he earlfest recorded use of paper from the nsg Page weekly newspaper that was founded by Timothy Groe Leffm gwell mill was { S?mfng(he Decembe 12, 1766, dssue of "The New--Y_ondon Gazette, '"ed, wasma ufac(u(ed in this Colony," it fs certafn tha ech 1 Naprivate lerm%wred October, 1767; the observant writerexpresse Smiration for the newly-establfshed enterprise fn this manner e Pflper-Mfll at Norwich fs plentifully supplied with rags, and ha bydeymand farm Paperset ey mouldand malke ready for the Pres y the watch." Had this rate of Productio Digitalimage © 2004 Marriott Library, Universiy of Utah. All ights reserved |