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Show PAPERMAKIN BY HAN IN AMERIC 17 thepaper1, John Smith, whohad worked for Christian Waldsmith Ontinge {05 parts .. In th me2(Kentucky), had tostop for lack of water. Fatherconcluded to tak *a0d g0 to Ohfo to work. If evera boy regretted to leave hom I dids s oo 2 day young Kugler was sent to the barn to flal out grain wit KugpePloyer's daughter and they got mixed up amongst the gratn, an Blethad to marry her, that was the way ft commenced,.. s Sted .2 Catherfne Elizabeth Kugleras being "veryfleshy, withamild Joj @%sshe spoke broken English." In hisdiary Stedmanalsomention mMith, the chief vatman, inthis manner: . man named Smi 5 0f the paper mill, he was very religious, a Methodsst preacher hok Peeting Smith persuaded all of the papermakers toattend. "My§ Eaper produced inthe orfginal Wflldsr:xm& illovsswatessiarke A M i1 the left side of the paper, a in the right side bW ifianh; s Kugler became owner aper was marke SON, the oldest son having joined his father *Waldsmith-Kugle paper mill was destroyed byfire in1828,an |