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Show 10 PAPERMAKIN BY HAN IN AMERIC of paper wasapproved by membersof the Congress, More than twoyear elapsed before John Hulgan, a papermalcer, who had worked fn Penn sylvaniamills presented a petition, dated December 20,1777, tnwhic andonA ugust 19,1778, the time wasextende until "the 15t Da ruary," presumabl of the year 1779 (page 108). John Hulgan, along other carly American papermakers, experfenced dffficulty fn procurin inenand cotton rags, asevidenced by an appealing advertisement in th No creek, near Ephrata, Lancaste County Pennsylvania, by the Seventh Day Ge: zmanBapusrBrotherhood aculltha( had beenfoundedin 170 in Witigensctn, Germany s the st paper mill in America beestablished bya eligi uxorganizat orthe pury oseofm;\kmgpa?‘ fertheirecclexiammlpnn ing; Lik ewm, hexccondpapermfllin Nort orlc of agroup of religiou the latte sighteenthcenturya MoravianBishopledasmllaggregationotfollo exsto North Carolfn2and founded acentre of Chlstian lifeand servic SRS ianadascaniad sapthe BahapmanBretBrsnsrht in 1722 constructed thefrchurchinSaxony. ThtMoxavnm)oumeyed to Nort :\rolinafmmsaxo v cwayoffie hleh ennsylvania. To th southernColony these cultured peo ought art, music, medici archi(ectur&',law,nndna Vccm{txmamhlp 1n 1766 the bu ldingof‘h "contral town" was begun and it was called "Salem," meanfng peace e rags" advertfsements in the Monday, September.4; 1789, fssue the"Faye((evilchuene, awreekly newspaper that had been fou thesestausonthTheadluésttseentassignidGotlicb Shob |