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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> SQUARE STATEMENTS <br> 44 Easter Extras. <br> 44 Sellers. <br> All rare values. 22 Departments. 2 Invincibles selected from every department-Little Leaders in this paper will never lead you astray-Visitors! Get a few of these, <br> DAPARTMENT A <br> 200 Ladies Navy and black Cheviot separate skirts to wear with fancy waists, very wide seams, bound...... $1.00 <br> 200 Lovely Ladies Shirt Waists, light and dark colors stripes and figures, perfect fitting...... 25c <br> DEPARTMENT B <br> 10 pieces heavy black silks in brocades, checks and fancies, all black, $1 value bought for this sale, fine for waists, trimmings or dresses...... 50c <br> 15 pieces all silk Crepe de Chines, 3 different weaves, all the popular colors, just the proper thing for waists, evening dresses and fancy sleeves, expressly for this sale, the Easter price...... 32c <br> DEPARTMENT C <br> We will offer 40 pieces 20 designs in handsome imported Suitings, beautiful goods at...... 35c <br> 3 famous lines in black- <br> 3 pieces fine crepons, <br> 3 pieces fine serges, <br> 3 pieces fine novelties <br> all go at 60c yd <br> DEPARTMENT D <br> 3000 yards of beautiful silk striped challies, chic and Frenchy, fine color combinations...... 15c <br> 4000 yards fine check and plaid Dress Ginghams, bright spring colorings, a regular 10c dress, Gingham Easter...... 6c <br> DEPARTMENT E <br> 2000 yards of fine 10c white check nainsooks, an Easter special...... 5c yd <br> 100 fine Marseilles pattern bed spreads, full size, extra weight, our $1.35 every day seller, not more than 2 to a customer...... 83c <br> DEPARTMENT F <br> 1000 writing tablets in 2 styles, an Easter novelty...... 1c <br> A 5 cent tablet <br> 500 Boxes of London linen writing paper and envelopes- 24 envelopes- 24 sheets paper- bought as sale special...... 12 1-2c box <br> DEPARTMENT G <br> 100 doz fine 20c all linen handkerchiefs 1-2 and 1 inch hem, Easter price...... 12 1-2c <br> Special job 300 pieces Bourdon Laces, 75 styles, newest pattern, worth from 15 to 30c in white cream and butter color...... 8c yd <br> DEPARTMENT H <br> This value guaranteed at 50c ladies spring shapes lace and fancy straw untrimmed, also misses latest sailors, an Easter bargain...... 18c <br> The greatest leader ever offered by Walker Bros & Fyler Co., 200 Ladies trimmed hats, latest styles, no 2 a like on sale while they last...... $1.00 <br> DEPARTMENT I <br> 50 doz beautiful all linen carving cloth hem-stitched Dollies, in Art room...... 10c <br> 25 doz all linen carving cloth hem-stitched and fringed, extra offer at...... 25c <br> DEPARTMENT J <br> Children's percale and lawn dresses, full sleeves, yoke and bretelles, a little beauty child's Easter dress...... 43c <br> Ladies' Fine French Satine black underskirts, 4 inch box pleat ruffle, the making would cost you as much...... $1 <br> DEPARTMENT K <br> No one should miss department K. 300 doz Ladies stainless black regular made hose, extra length...... 12 1-2c <br> Early but now is the time to get them. 500 doz ladies gauze vests, low neck and no sleeves, now open...... 8 1-3c <br> DEPARTMENT L <br> 50 rolls Handsome Tapestry, Brussels, all the New Spring Patterns. Price absolutely surprising, during April only...... 50c <br> 25 rolls Extra Superior, think of it, no passed styles, new, warranted pure wool-never before-scarcely again...... 50c <br> DEPARTMENT M <br> Boy's Combination Suit, Jacket, 2 pairs Pants, Cap and 1 pair of Stockings, made to suit mother's judgment...... $3.00 <br> To show you we have not forgotten the men entirely, we will sell just 50 men's newest style Suits all sizes at $5 suit <br> DEPARTMENT N. <br> 100 doz. Club House Ties, Japanese Silk, will wash, all the latest patterns, an Easter novelty...... 3 for 50c <br> 50 doz. men's fine Maco Hulf Hose, warranted stainless' you have paid 35c many times. During this sale...... 20c <br> DEPARTMENT O <br> Will this fill the Shoe Department? I think so, Ladies' Black and tan Oxfords, all styles...... $1.25 <br> Still better-Ladies' one strap sandal, with bow. How is this?...... 98c <br> DEPARTMENT P <br> Extra Special-To close Park Bouquet 50c bottles Cologne...... 20c <br> The 45c boxes of Lemon toilet Soap, one of the foremost sellers, during these offers, only...... 30c box of 3 cakes <br> DEPARTMENT Q <br> In our elegant Dress Making parlors we have some very handsome Gowns made for parties who have made a liberal payment on the same, having failed to respond in the required length of time-we offer them for sale at 50 cents on the dollar. <br> DEPARTMENT R <br> Get under this Gloria Silk Umbrella, Pargon frame, 26 inch, an Easter extra...... 75c <br> Another carriage Sunshade of Gloria Silk, and Easter design...... 75c <br> DEPARTMENT S <br> Just received for this Easter sale the new Trilby veilings, in all the new spring colors...... 15c yd <br> Here we shine, a charming assortment of the new Silk Countess Ties...... 35c <br> DEPARTMENT T <br> 100 dox. Ladies' Silk finish Lisle Gloves...... 15c <br> Immense lot of Kid Gloves, an Easter opportunity, 4 lines we discontinue to handle. Gloves from $1.23 to $1.75 worth all colors and styles, a chance...... 75c <br> Don't forget our special one and two hour sales-This will be one of the attractions at Walker Bros. & Fyler Co.'s every Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Below are the two events. <br> Saturday night, April 6. <br> 500 doz. Children's Fast black 10c regular Hose as special...... 5c <br> 200 doz. Ladies' stainless Black also Tan regular made 18c Hose...... 10c <br> In Lace Department 200 doz lace edge 12 1/2c Handkerchiefs...... 5c <br> 1000 yards Elegant Bourdon laces, value 25c, from 2 to 6 inches...... 10c yard <br> Sale April 6, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. <br> WALKER BROS. & FYLER CO. <br><br> |