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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> The Ministerial Association, composed of the evangelical ministers of the city, meets every Monday morning at 10:30 in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. All ministers visiting in the city are cordially invited to a seat among us to hear and share in our deliberations. <br> JOSIAH McCLAIN, Pres.; <br> J. D. GILLILAN, Sec. <br> Salt Lake City. <br><br> Duty is a great commander, but love is a greater leader. <br> A right act strikes a chord that extends through the whole universe, touches all moral intelligence, visits every world, vibrates along the whole extent and conveys its vibration to the very bosom of God-T. Binney. <br><br> J. H. Leyson Company leads competition by selling a Ladies Sterling Silver Blouse set, consisting of four buttons and a pair of sleeve links for only one dollar. We have seven different styles. Get a set before they are all sold. J. H. Leyson Company., 128 Main street, Salt Lake City. <br><br> If you want to have your house equipped from cellar to garret go to Freed Furniture and Carpet Co. 30 to 40 E. 3d So. <br><br> Victor's Cheery and Pine Cough Syrup, soothing, healing, and curative, For Sale at Lion Drug Store, 40 East 2nd South. <br><br> If you desire the latest spring and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Boots, 15 State street. <br><br> Every dollar paid for Hewlett Bros. 3 Crown Baking Powder is a dollar contributed to Utah's prosperity. <br><br> HAVE YOU SEEN IT? <br> Have you heard it? The celebrated Guitar and Banjo attachment used only in the Everett Piano. It is the greatest invention of the age! This wonderful attachment, combined with the many other beautiful qualities found in the Everett, make it the most desirable and most complete piano manufactured in the world. Its affects are simply wonderful. Imagine a full string band with piano accompaniment. This wonderful attachment is controlled by the use of the third, pedal, and does not affect the beautiful touch found in the French repeating action always found in the Everett Pianos. Call and see this the greatest piano in the world. Now on exhibition and for sale at the Temple of Music only, 208 South West Temple street, post office block. Catalogues and prices sent on application. <br><br> The attention of readers of the REVIEW is called to the special sale of wash dress goods offered by R. K. Thomas, 26 to 82 East First South St. If you desire the latest spring, and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Boots, 15 State street. <br><br> Authors are everything when selecting a book. People are not content with reading old books their grandfathers read, but must have something new by popular authors of the day. Purchase them of us, we have them in cloth and paper binding. SALT LAKE NEWS Co., 77 West 2nd So., Salt Lake City. <br><br> A Smasher <br> That's the kind of a teamster we avoid. We've had a few of that kind, but they are all on the permanent retired list. After our teamster delivers you a ton of coal, not only will you find the coal wholly satisfactory, but you will find your fences, walks, lawn in as good order as he found them. <br> MILLER <br> & <br> MILLER <br> 38 W. Third South. <br> 'Phone 88. <br><br> COHN DRY-GOODS COMPANY <br> 116 & 118 Main-st., Salt Lake City. <br> We are careful to offer our customers <br> Nothing But the Best <br> and every bargain advertised below has hundreds of duplicates throughout our entire establishment. <br> Silks! Silks! <br> Pretty Striped Wash Silks all this season's new patterns we are selling at....................... 33 1/3c <br> Check Silks, very desirable for waists, imported to retail, for 50 cents only.......................... 35c <br> Black Japanese Habutai Silks, 24 inches wide, special price for this week at....................... 40c <br> French Taffeta Glace in figures and Stripes, in very pretty changeable colorings, specially adapted for waists, $1.00 goods offered this week, at......... 75c <br> Black Crepons. <br> You have all heard of Black Crepons, and if you have not, it is time now that you did. They are the thing. No lady is in style this season unless she has a black Crepon Dress. We offer a beautiful line at.......................... 75c, 85c and up to $2.00 <br> New Spring Wraps <br> New Spring Suits <br> New Spring Skirts <br> New Spring Waists <br> We have only space to mention just a few of the attractions: New perforated Cloth Capes, in black, blue and tan. A bargain at................. $2.00 <br> Black Clay Diagonal, Double Cape, would be good value at $5.00, for............................. $3.00 <br> Beautiful Bedford, cord effect, double Cape in black and tan, at.............................. $4.00 <br> Jetted Velvet Capes, Jetted Silk Capes, Moire Antique Capes, exquisite Spangled Capes, etc., etc., in great variety and our prices are low. <br> Storm Serge Suits, latest cut, extra full skirts, everything about them correct, come in Black and Gray, should be $8.50, but we make them.......... $5.50 <br> Heavy Serge Dress Skirts, a bargain at........... $3.00 <br> Fine Storm Serge Dress Skirts, Navy and Black, at $3.50 <br> LADIES' WAISTS- Never in such variety before, sleeves bigger than the waists, Fancy Silk Waists, Fancy Sateen Waists, Fancy Percale Waists, Patiste Waists, best makes and unmatchable prices. <br><br> |