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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> Whenever there is a discovery in medicine or dentistry that is of benefit to mankind and a profit to those practitioners able to secure the use of the same, there inevitably springs up a horde of charlatans, imitators and experimenters who unblushingly claim that with their own crude efforts and effects they can accomplish the same results that attend the man trained to his profession, who has all the modern appliances at hand and a fund of knowledge that can only be obtained by years of conscientious study and patient research and an ever-present ambition to lead in his chosen field. One of the greatest dental discoveries of the age is the Hale Method of painless dentistry. Its use by hundreds of reputable and accomplished dentists throughout the world and in this particular locality by Dr. Hector Griswold has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of thousands of grateful patients that it is the only known method by which operations can absolutely be performed without pain. Yet charlatans, imitators and experimenters daily show their close re-relation to Ananias of old by claiming that they are able without the aid of this marvelous preparation to perform operations without pain or distress of any kind. Intelligent people generally ignore such transparent attempts to secure patrons. They very properly frown upon such tricks of unscrupulous men, because of the knowledge that cocaine is the principal ingredient of the charlatan's so-called painless preparation and that it is not to be found in the Hale method. Millions of teeth are being sacrificed, because the masses, not knowing the possibilities of and the improvements in the science of dentistry are betrayed by false and misleading advertisements. Dr. Griswold has had an experience of five years and over in this city and vicinity, and because of his success, incompetents are taking advantage of his methods of advertising, and by arts peculiarly their own, are striving to full the people into believing that they too, are qualified to practice what is justly considered a science and an art. <br> Dr. Griswold's offices are in the Walker Bank building; cor 2d So & Main <br><br> "We obtain favor with God only when we are willing to give up the favor of men." <br> "The more your enemy hates you, the hotter fire you can put on his head with kindness and love." <br> "The reform that comes to stay has to begin on the inside." <br> "There are people who say they are trusting God who never feel safe in the dark without a pistol." <br><br> "It is as good as any and better than most imported baking powders" is the universal verdict of those who have used Hewlett's 3 Crown Baking Powder. <br><br> A SNAP. <br> A beautiful church organ costs $400 when new for $150, this organ is in every respect as good as the day it left the manufacturers, has six sets of reeds and double octave couplers, it is as powerful as a small pipe organ and has a regular pipe tone and imitation pipe top, which gives it the appearance of a genuine pipe organ, is just the instrument for a large hall or medium-sized church; will give terms if necessary. Apply or call at the Temple of Music, Post office block, 208 South West Temple street and examine. <br><br> Success does not come undeserved, either in great or small things. Though phenomenal, the success of the bargain counter at the Palace Meat Market is deserved in every way, as besides being the cheapest place in the city, the very best that money can buy only, is sold if its patrons, and will convince anyone of the truth of what we say. <br><br> Goods sold on the installment plan at Webber's, 211 State. <br><br> St. Clair Stoves and Ranges are unexcelled for cooking and baking. Also kitchen utensils. Freed Furniture and Carpet Co., 30 to 40 E. 3rd South. <br><br> SPECIAL SALE <br> THIS WEEK. <br> It Will Pay You to See Our Goods <br> 25 dozen Children's Black Ribbed Hose at...... 5c <br> 50 doz. Children's Fast Black Seamless Ribbed Hose, at...... 12 1/2c <br> 35 doz. Ladies' Fine Fast Black Seamless Hose, at...... 12 1/2c <br> 25 doz. Ladies' Fine Fast Black Seamless, double sole, at...... 25c <br> 25 doz. Ladies' Jersey Balbriggan Vests, lace and top finish, at...... 12 1/2c <br> 10 doz. Ladies' Jersey Balbriggan Vests, long sleeves, at...... 20c <br> 30 inch Fast Black, fancy figured satines, this week ...... 12 1/2c <br> 5-4 table Oil Cloth, all colors, this week...... 15c <br> 100 pairs Baby's Kid Shoes, worth 35c, this week...... 15c <br> One lot Satin Calf school shoes, 13 to 2...... 69c <br> One lot Misses fine Dongola square pat tip toe, fine fitting, latest style, 12 to 2, at...... $1.15 <br> 25 doz. Children's trimmed Sailors at...... 20c <br> 25 doz. Children's fine trimmed Sailors at...... 20c <br> Don't fail to come and see us before you buy. See our spring price list, just out. <br><br> See our 5, 10 & 15c Counters <br><br> New York Cash Store, <br> Wm. Bartling, Prop. <br> Opposite P.O. <br><br> The Question of Laundry is all Important to the Housekeeper. <br> Our work, service and general satisfaction commends itself to all who patronize us; and to those who do not let us call your attention to the fact of our superior equipment enables us to produce elegant shirt, collar and cuff, flannel, blanket and lace curtain work. No housekeeper should overlook our "Rough Dry" family washing system at 5c per pound. <br> Cheap and Satisfactory. <br> Send Your Call to the Celebrated <br> Troy Steam Laundry <br> 142 Main Street. <br> BROWN, TERRY & WOODRUFF CO., Props., <br> Leading Hatters and Furnishers. <br> Telephone 192. <br><br> |