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Show .................................... " ..~ -........................... _.. ............_ .. .................................................................. ~ --.................. ................... , _._.. _.. ......... _.-... _... ........ _... .... -.... -................... _... ...... _-_ ....._ .. _... .............................. ' of the (,~/(tj~ Annual Convention ............ _ • . . _ ......... " .... ....... _ •.•. _ . .. ... . . . ........ .. ... . .................... ..... _ ...... ......... ... ... u. ............... _ .. . :"'.- ............................................. . -_ .... __ ....... _.. _ ... . _..... ........................... -_... . _.. ,. ................................................ _._ ... : of the NATIONAL SKI ASSOCIATION ..................................................... -...... ~-.-.-.... -...... 0 F A M E I~ I C A ~.'.:,::::~~::::~::::=~::~::::::~:::::::~=:~::::::::~::::~::::::.=~~::=::~::::::::~~:~.~:::~:~::: ..... ------- (stes !Park, Colorado JUNE 5-8,1952 Opening Session-- Minutes of 44th Annual Convention INDEX Report of Credentials Committee Message of the President Convention Committees Report of Executive Secretary Annual report of the Treasurer Trophy Committee report Hut Committee report Certification of Ski Instructors Downhill and Slalom Committee Morning Session - Friday June 6, 1952 Cross Country Skiing Intercollegiate Skiing Jubilee Celebration Committee Finance Committee report Public Lands Discussion Afternoon Session ~ Friday June 6, 1952 Report of the Historian International Competition FIS Council Meeting Report Report of Olympic Ski Team managers Report of Ladies International Competition Committee Statement by Andrea Mead Lawrence Ski Union of the Americas proposal Eligibility Rules Committee report Report of Classification Committee Uniform Tests Committee report Morning Session - Saturday June 7, 1952 Junior Skiing Report of the Ski Jumping Committee Constitution and By-laws Committee report Amendments adopted Afternoon Session - Saturday June 7, 1952 Additional amendments North American championships Report of National Ski Patrol System Report of the National Ski Museum Committee Report of Women's Skiing Committee Recreational Skiing Committee Change of boundaries ( Central & SRMSA) Recording Amateur and Open Events Ski Rules Committee Report Ski Hill Engineering Committee report Auditing Committee report Budget Committee report Amendments to Constitution & By-laws - Finance Next Convention location Award of 1953 Tournaments Election of Officers and Ski Museum Trustees Resolutions adopted Page 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 and5 3 \' 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 lland:15 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 1'7 MINUTES OF THE 44th ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE NATIONAL SKI ASSOCIATION STEADS RANCH, ESTES PARK, COLORADO - JUNE 5 - 8, 1952 OPENING SESSION President Fred C. Bellmar called the 44th Annual meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. in convention room at Steads Ranch. Report of Credentials Committeee Roger Langley, as Chairman, presented the report of the Credentials Committee, which was accepted and delegates seated. Officers, 2 votes: Fred C. Bellmar, President; and John Hostved4 Treasurer• ... ~ ", ~.§:§·t~rn Divis:1..9D,,·.,:I.80CIubs, 20 votes:- Edwin D. Eaton, John S. Holden; George Macomber, John J. Clair, Jr., Alice Kiaer, I. Laird Newell, Lawrence E. Briggs and Sepp Ruschp. Qentral Divis:t,.Q.n..l (~§~r)clubs, 11 votes: Burton H. Boyum, Lawrenee Maurin, Walter Bietila, Merritt Cook, Dr. Wayne FOX, Harold A. Grinden and Jack Carson. Southern B.Q~J4oun~in DiY1:?ion,· 36 clubs, 6 votes: Robert C. Johnstone, Grant M. Ford, William Judd, Richard Milstein, Robert Beverly and Gordon Wren. Northern RockY-. .MQuntainDlv:L.$.tQU, 1 7 clubs, 4 votes: T. Lee McCracken, Dr. Amos Ro Little, Jr~, William Downs and John Harrington. I:n.lermountain_.Di.v-1siQI1, 18 clubs, 4 votes: F. C. Koziol, J. G. Vorse, Dr. Guy Wight, Bill Lash and Russ Olsen. ~i:t.tQJ{or~we~J~~~iii.I>1_Y1§_19n, 58 clubs, 8 votes: Allan Granstrom, Gretchen Fraser, Robert Draper, Nelson Bennett and Mrs. Robert Draper. ~r·West Djvision, 70 elubs, 9 votes: Qortland~~~l, Albert E. Sigal, Robert J. Schenck, and Paul H. Smith. ~~_~. of __ :4~ .. ~1~ps E~p'!,_esen~ed'b;Y64 votes_. A moment of silence followed in respect to fellow members who died since the last convention. President Bellmar introduced guests of the Convention~ Supt. David H. Canfield of Rocky Mountain National Park, Regional Naturalist Carl Swartzlow of Omaha; John Herbert, W. S. Davis and Montgomery Atwater of the U. S. Forest Service; Ellis Hazen of the Canadian Ski ASSOCiation, Robert Law of the Far West Ski Instructors ASSOCiation, Richard Wilson and Miss Virginia Githens-of the National Newspaper of Skiing, John E. P.'Morgan of St.,Paul, Willy Schaeffler, Bobette Turner and Phil Clark, Lauren Gibbs, Junior B0W10US and Edwin Gibbs. Message of the President. President Bellmar delivered his annual message with Vice-President Eaton in the chair. In his report President Bellmar praised the Olympic competitors for their excellent .. \ -2- showing in Europe; recommended year-in and year-out training in Europe for our promising skiers; complimented the Divisions for their splendid work in raising funds for the ski team; and stressed the need fora clear cut financial policy for the Association. The president's message was accepted by a standing vote and applause. convention Committees. President Bellmar now apPointed the Convention committees, as follows: Nominating:- Burton H. Boyum, Chairman; John J. Clair, Jr., Robert Johnstone, William Downs, Paul Smith, Nelson Bennett and Justin Vorse. Resolutions: Lawrence E. Briggs, Chairman, Guy Wight and John Harringtone Auditing: F. C. Koziol, Chairman, Lawrence Maurin, and I. Laird Newell. Budget and Finance: William JUdd,-Chairman, Sepp Ruschp, T. Lee· McCracken; Cortlandt T. Hill, Bill Lash, Walter Bietila, John Hostved~ John E. P. Morgan and Robert Draper. Constitution and By-laws: George Macomber,-Chairman, Robert Beverly, Dr. Amos R. Little, "Jr., Robert Schenck, Dr. Wayne FOx, F. C. Koziol, and Robert Draper. Sanctions and Schedule: Dr. Amos R. Little, Jr., John Holden, Grant Ford, Allan Granstrom, Russ Olsen and Merritt Cook. Report of the Executive secretary. Roger Langley presented his prepared report as Executive Secretary. He reviewed numerous matters acted on by the Board of Directors during the year; reported on the various national championships and tournaments of the past season; complimented Cortlandt T. Hill on his outstanding work as chairman of the 1952 Olympic Ski Games Committee and John Hostvedt for his excellent job of handling the Olympic Ski Fund: and reported on meetings attended and publications issued. On motion of Mr. Boyum a rising vote of thanks was given with acceptance of the report. Annual report of the Treasurer. John Hostvedt presented his prepared report and financial statement. He reported receipts of $11,894~13 as compared to $14,782.66 last year. Disbursements came to $12,192.29 compared to "$12,085.47 for the previous year. He reported cash on hand of $2,818.11. Mr. Hostvedt pointed out that the proposed budget showed a deficit of $6,075 and recommended a return to the NSF plan. The report of the Treasurer was unanimously accepted. Trophy Committee Report. Mr. Langley read his report as chairman of the Trophy committee, Explanation was made regarding the trophies the association has, which are insured for $6550, and who are eligible . \ -3- for their award. The chairman recommended purchase of travelling cases for the trophies that do not have them. The report was accepte~ Discussion followed as to whether the National trophies should be awarded only to amateur skiers or could an open class competitor 'also win them. It was agreed that the Executive Secretary will contact the donors regarding this point in order to keep the question clear. Hut Committee Report. Richard Milstein read the report for James Laughlin, chairman, who was absent. Plans have been cleared to go ahead-with construction of the Alfred D. Lindley Memorial Hut in Ashcroft, Colorado about a day's tour from the NSA Taggert Hut in Montezuma-Basin. It is planned to ask for contributions to help with this work. The report of the committee was unanimously adopted. Report of Committee on Certification of Ski Instructors. Lawrence E. Briggs presented the prepared report of Kenneth D. Cuddeback, chairman, who was absent. It was voted to appoint a convention committee to consider all pOints connected with this subject and report later. President Bellmar appointed Lawrence·E. Briggs, - , Chairman, and Dr. Wayne Fox, Bill Lash, Sepp Ruschp, Robert Law, and Gordon Wren. Downhill and Slalom Committee Report. Edwin D. Eaton gave his report as chairman of the committee. The report was accepted and recommendations were considered separately. The following items were adopted by the convention. 1. Be it resolved that the National Ski Association of America formally notify the FIS Council that it is opposed to eliminating downhill racing for women as a form of international ski competition and further that the NSA representatives to the 1953 FIS congress b~ instructed to support this resolution. 2. Be it resolved that the National Ski Association of America formally notify the FIS Council that it is in favor of reinstating combined scoring for downhill and slalom in international competition and further that the NSA representatives to the 1953 FIS Congress be instructed to support this resolution. . 3. To refer the Macomber proposal for three-way combined in an international sanctioned meet for slalom, giant slalom, and downhill to the Downhill - Slalom committee for further consideration during the coming year. 4. Effective with the 1952-53 season the NSA return to publishing and using its own downhill and slalom rUle book for all but international competitions. The first session adjouned at 5:00 p.m. ... 4- MORNING SESSION - Friday - June 6, 1952 President Bellmar opened the meeting at 9 AQM. with resumption of recommendations of the Downhill - Slalom committee. Mr. Eaton stated that committee felt that the present rule deal~ ing with the duties of the flagkeeper should remain in effect. The committee recommended the addition of this statement to the duties of the course police: "They shall particularly see that spectators in the vicinity of control and slalom gates remain quiet during the progress of a competitor so that replies of the F1agkeepers, and only the Flagkeepers, may be clearly heard and understood by the competitors .. " Report of Convention Committee on Certification of Ski Instructors. Mr. Briggs stated that his committee met the previous evening and they proposed the following recommendations: 1. That the proposed plan for national certification be tabled. 2. That a new Certified Instructors Committee be appointed by the incoming president to study and complete detailed plans for National certification of ski teachers for consideration at the 45th annual convention, with the thought that these plans will be ready to go into effect with the winter of 1953-54. 3. That the above-mentioned committee consist of the chairmen of each division certification committee plus three professional ski instructors. The.se recommendations were unanimously adopted. Cross Countr~Skiingo There was no report of the cross country skiing committee but on this subject Mr. Edward Fo Taylor stated that the advisory committee on mountain and arctic warfare will recommend, if an agreement can be arranged between the NSA and the American Alpine Club, that we will assist the Army in training men, starting at the age of 12 in outdoor living through the means of cross country skiing or orienteering and cross country hiking. The American Alpine Club would take half the orienteering and all of the mountain climbing and the NSA would take over the cross country and half the orienteering. Mr. Clair moved that this report be accepted and the help of our cross country committee be obtained to work out a program to be presented to the army field forces through the committee. Mr. Holden asked that the Junior Skiing Committee also have a part in it. This was added to the motion and adopted. Intercollegiate Skiing. There was no report from this committee. The SRMSA proposal for holdlng a National Intercollegiate Championship was now taken up for consideration. Robert Johnstone introduced the proposal. Willie Schaeffler, Coach of the University of Denver Ski Team spoke on the subject and stressed the importance of intercollegiate skiing and the need for a National championship. Miss Bobette-Turner said that the sponsoring institution should be a university. Mr. Johnstone moved that the N8A should sanction Intercollegiate championships to be sponsored by an affiliated college gro~p and open only to affiliated college groups of the NSA, if approved, to be turned over to our Intercollegiate Committee to pursue to the NCAA. The motion was adopted. Jubilee Celebration Committee. Roger Langley gave the prepared report of his committee. The committee felt each Division should plan some kind of celebration in each region during 1954; hold anappropriate ceremony at Ishpeming, Michigan on February 21 and 22, 1954; that the 1954 NSA convention be held in Ishpeming; prepare a souvenir booklet under direction of Harold A. Grinden; endeavor to have a commemorative postage stamp issued; and have a souvenir medallion to present to pioneer skiers and others to be honored. These points were all adopted and the committee was requested to make an estimated figure for any appropriation needed. Temporary Intercollegiate Co~nittee. President Bellmar apPointed a committee composed of-George Macomber, Robert Johnstone, Robert Schenck, Nelson Bennett, William Downs, Lav~ence Maurin, and Justin Vorse. Mr. Johnstone was appointed chairman. Finance Committee Report. John E. p. Morgan gave his report as chairman. He reported on the Olympic Ski Fund as received by Treasurer Hostvedt. Mr. Morgan also thanked all those who helped raise the money. He mentioned that a great deal of time and effort was put into the organizing-and testing the National Ski Fund. The committee report was accepted. Public Lands Discussion. Mr. Carl Swartzlow, of the National Park Service, was the first speaker. He told of the Parks which offer skiing opportunities and reviewed the policy of the Park Service. . Mr. David Canfield, Superintendent of Rocky Mountain National Park, gave a very interesting and friendly talk, in which he welcomed the NSA delegates to his area. Both speakers told of the possibilities of opening up Hidden Valley for a ski development. President Bellmar now called on John Herbert, Assistant Chief of Lands and Recreation of the U. S. Forest Service. Mr. Herbert presented a prepared report in which he stated that the winter UDe of Nat.ional forests has steadily climbed. For the first time more people . \ -6- used the natlonal forests for skiing than for camping. He pointed out that while costs have steadily gone up, funds for recreation have remained about the same. He mentioned that the Tackett Bill (HIR. 565) was reintroduced in Congress, which if passed, would authorize the Forest Service to use 10% of the national forest receipts for recreation purposes. Mr. Herbert mentioned that after the Olympics he spent a couple of weeks in Switzerland at the Avalanche Institute. He said that he felt we are doing more to protect the skier over here than they are in the Alps. Snow Ranger Montgomery Atwater was now asked to make some remarks on his work. He said that the avalanche problem was now well in hand and that the avalanche-hazard is manageable in any area where management is worth the time, trouble, and expense. In five snow ranger administrator areas during the past season, the five snow· rangers brought their areas through without an avalanche accident, fatality, or property damage. He mentioned that we now have three fully equipped snow and avalanche observation stations staffed on a fulltime basis by trained men; that their schools have graduated approximately 100 foresters, members of the National Park Service and other public and private organizations·and they have a basic knowledge of the problem and how to handle it. ·He stated they are in the process of revising their avalanche manual, which is the only comprehensive work of its kind in the western hemisphere. Mr. Langley reported that he had wired the chairman, Harold Cooley of the House Agricultural Committee, advising of the NSA wishes about passage of the Tackett Bill and urged our Resolutions Committee to formulate another resolution to recommend passage of the revised bill. Mr. W. S. Davis of the U. S. Forest Service spoke at this time and said he didn't think we could have picked a better place for the convention. The meeting now recessed for lunch. AFTERNOON SESSION - Frida~ - June 6, 1952 The afternoon session convened at 2:00 P.M. Report of the Historian. Mr. Harold A. Grinden, Lifetime Historian, presented his report in which he referred to listings of champions and need for concentrating on the work of raising funds for the National Ski Museum. He stated hin regrets th8.t he waG not at the previous convention in order to defend the Historical office in the deliberations pertaining to the legality of who had the right to accept National ski jumping records. He said that past laws would show that it was the responsibility of his office. .... \ -~7- Mr. Grinden spoke of the great change3 which have occurred during the past 25 years and referred to the coming celebration of the 50th anniversary of the NSA in 1954. ·On the subject of a book of a historical nature he recommended devoting one of the Journal issues to historical data. Mr. Grinden's report was accepted. International Competition Report. Mro Cortlandt T. Hill was asked to present his report as chairman. He stated that a 60 page report had been prepared for the NSA files covering the activities for the past year. He felt that this material would 'oe helpful in preparing for future international competitions. FIS Council Meeting Report. Mr. Hill reported on the meeting held in OSlo, Norway" February 22, 1952. He said that the next FIS Congress will be held in Innsbruck, Austria either June 8-13 or June 15-20, 1953. The Council provisionally accepted New Zealand as a member. Mr. Hill mentioned that elaborate plans have been made for the 1954 World Ski Championships. The Nordic events will be held February 14-21 in Falun, and the Alpine events February 28 - March 6 at Are, Sweden. Report of the Manager of the 1952 Olympic Ski~. Mr. John Herbert" Manager, complimented all members of the squad, including coaches and managers, 'for their cooperation and excellent spirit. He spoke of fine help from our foreign neighbors, particularly the the Austrians. Mr. Herbert recommended continued and expanded participation in pre-Games European competitions. In connection with uniforms and clothing he recommended that in the future a jumping member should be on the committee. He stressed the need of a better understanding on the part of the USOC of the peculiarities of the skiing sports particularly in ski team need for pre-game training and specialized equipment. Mr. Herbert was not able to give a full accounting of expenses but did mention that the total cost amounts to approximately $47,500. Some ~5,700 in clothing and,equipment was donated. He referred to the 10% overhead charge made by the usoe on all funds turned over to them. He gave a rough breakdown of expenses as follows: 'llransportation - $28,100; Housing - $8,000; Equipment and clothing purchased - $2,850; Coaches salaries - $1,430; Miscellaneous, including Ski-lift, medical and communication - $2,800; making a total of $43,180. Mr. Herbert's report was accepted with commendation for outstanding accomplishments. Fe,p,ort of Ladies Team M~!l§ger. Mrs. Gretchen Fraser reviewed the experiences of the Ladies team. She stressed the importance of pre-game training and international competition. Mrs. Fraser spoke -8 .... highly of the arrangements and operations of the Norwegians for the skiing events and for housing of competitors. She said the Europeans had an advantage in being able to pick their teams just shortly before the Olympics. Her report was accepted. Report of Ladies International Competition Committee and the Ladies FISCommittee. These reports were prepared and presented by Mrs. Alice Kiaer, Chairman. She explained the excellent arrangements made byCorty Hill and complimented the fine management of Gretchen Fraser. She explained the situation respecting the future of cross country racing for wamen and question of whether or not downhill races for women should be discontinued. Her report was accepted with commendation, Statement by Mrs. Andrea Mead Lawrence. Mrs. Lawrence, Captain of the U. S. Ladies Team, made an impromtu speech at the request of President Bellmar. She expressed her thanks to the Association for sending her and three others to Europe during the winter of 1951, as she felt this training proved to be invaluable. She spoke well of the ladies team, and praised highly the International race which was held at Stowe this year. Honorary Life Membership for Mrs. Lawrence. A resolution, prepared by Mrs. Janet Macomber, was read by Lawrence E. Briggs. It provided for recognition of the outstanding accomplishments of Mrs. Lawrence in-international and OlympiC skiing, by winning two OlympiC gold medals, that the Association present Mrs. Lawrence with an honorary life membership in the NSA. This was unanimously voted. Recommendations for·future selection of Olympic and FIS teams. Mr. Macomber read seven recommendations he proposed. Discussion followed during which the Central Association advised that they also had some recommendations. It was decided by a vote of the convention that all recommendations be referred to the International Competition Committee. Ski Union of the Americas proposal. A letter from Mr. Roland Palmedo was read. He proposed that steps to be taken to promote inter-American ski relationships, including the reactivation of the Ski Union of the Americas and the appointment of three new U. S. representatives to the Council of that organization. It was moved and adopted that the NSA go on record as trying to improve our relations with the South American countries along the lines that Mr. Palmedo recommended. Eligibility Rules Committee report. The report of Chairman Robert P. Booth was read by Lawrence E. Briggs as Mr. Booth was not present. In the report Mr. Booth discussed and explained the question dealing with the payment of expense money to amateur athletes. The report was accepted o -9- Report of Classification Committee. Due to the absence of the chairman, J. Stanley Mullin, the report was read by Burton H. Boyum. Mr. Mullin reviewed opinions from various divisions as to how the present system is working. It is working well, with necessity only for certain local adjustments. He recommended that Seniors be permitted to race A, B or C, as well as Senior, until there is a complete calendar for Seniors. Discussion on one of the pOints recommended by Mr. Mullin "that a definite penalty be attached to transferring from one club to another", brought about the opinion that present rules provide disqualification as our rule book states that a skier can represent only one club during one seasono The committee report was adopted with exception of conclusions No.3 and No. 4. On NO e 3 it was voted to make it allowable for a junior to compete in Class C if the divisions allow it. On No.4 it was voted to place in the Rule Book the By-law regulation, which prohibits transferring from one club to another during a season. Uniform Tests Committee report. Mr. Robert E. Draper-presented the prepared report of the Chairman, Ellsworth S. Newberry, who was absent. The report recommended that each division take action on the re-naming of our three Uniform tests so that action may be taken at the 1953 NSA convention. The report was adopted. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.Mo MORNING SESSION - Saturday, June 7, 1952. The morning session convened in the convention room at 10:00 A.M~ President Bellmar, presiding. Junior Skiing. Mr. John S. Holden, chairman of the Junior Skiing Committee introduced Ellis Hazen, Chairman of the Canadian Ski Association Junior Committee. Mr. Hazen stated that the Canadian Junior championships will be held next winter at Fort William, OntariO, and invited teams from the United States. He explained how junior skiing is operated in Canada. W~. Holden proposed that at future National Junior Championships coaches from various divisions be considered members of the Junior Committee so they can talk over National junior problems. He recommended that a rule be adopted providing that two out of three jumps be the rule in any four-way or three-way, as well as in Classic Combined, meets. • ... \ -10- He urged that all divisiens send ceaches with teams to. the varieus Natienal Junier cempetitiens. He stated that the cemmittee agreed that downhill and slalom junior champienships should be run the same week end and in the same general area as the junior jumping. Mr. Holden stated it was the unanimous agreement ef his committee in recemmending that no expenses come from the spensering club to these juniers cempeting in the Natienal. He also. ureed four-event competition for boys be pushed hard in all divisions. The cemmittee recemmended no. charge in age fer juniors this year. The cemmittee repert was adepted e Repert ef the Ski Jumping Cemmitteeo Chairman Allan Granstrom presented his prepared repert. He recemrnended adeptien ef the new, judges examinatien, cemprising 50 questiens, fer use in all the divisiens. He prepesed that epen entries may net be shewn en the national champienship result list, but must be recerded and anneunced en a separate listing. He stated that five judges are to. be used in all Natienal Ski Jumping champienships, two. ef whem must be eutside ef the hest divisien. The travelling expenses enly are to. be paid fer one judge by the Natienal Ski Asseciatien. Mr. Granstrem prepesed the preparation ef a new Natienal rule beek fer ski jumping, cress ceuntry, and classic cembined. He recemmended fermat ion ef an NSA Jumping Officials cemmittee. All recemmendations were adopted, with ene exceptien cencerning examinatien ef cro.ss ceuntry judges, which was left fer further stUdy. Censtitutien and By-laws cemmittee repert. Geerge Macember, chairman ef this cemmittee, presented prepesed changes ~hich were recemmended and these net recemmended. Fellewing explanatien and discussien the ~ellewing amendments were adepted: Article III - Membership - paragraph (i) en page 5 delete the last five werds "er the beard ef directers" and substitute the words "upen the recommendatien of the beard ef directerso" Article VIr - Government - Meetings, page 8-first paragraph - delete the next to. last sentence starting "All questions" and substitute the fellewing: "All questiens, except amendments to. the censtitution and bY-laws, appreval ef the annual budget, determinatien ef the time and place ef the annual meeting, and expulsion ef a divisienal- asseciation, alIef which a twe-thirds majerity shall be required, shall be decided by erdinary majerity ef these present er represented by proxy and voting, a legal querum being present er represented." -11- Article II - Duties of Officers - President - on page 11 last sentence delete and substitute the following: "In absence of the president and all vice-presidents from any meeting, the board of directors shall elect a chairman pro tem,but should said absences occur at an annual meeting of the association at which there was not sufficient directors present to legally hold a meeting then the board of delegates acting as a committee of the whole shall elect a chairman pro tern," Article II - Duties of Officers - Executive Secretary - page 1£ paragraph twofl lines 4 and 5. Delete the words "and its d1visional associations. I Article V - Board of Directors - page 13. Add to this sentence and paragraph the following: - "and all such. actions taken shall be reported at the next arL."'1ual meeting 0 " Article IX - Acts of Disbarment - page 16, 2nd paragraph. In the fifth line after the words local Club add, "or the person aggrieved" and in the last line of the paragraph insert after the word club "or the person aggrieved". Article XII - National Tournaments - page 21, 2nd paragraph. Delete this whole paragraph and substitute one that will cover the resolution passed at the last annual meeting and worded in general on page 38 of the June 1951 SKIING JOURNAL as follows: "All national championships shall be limited to qualified skiers who come within one of the following categories: (1) Citizens of the United States; (2) Non-citizens who have taken out first papers for United States citizenship or who are domiciled in the United States; (3) Citizens of foreign countries whose national skiing championships are open to United States citizens. Skiers otherwise qualified but not in one of the above categories shall be permitted to compete in the National Competitions but shall not be eligible for any National Championship award~" -Article XV - Skier Registrations - page 22, first paragraph 2nd line, delete words "member Club" and substitute the word "itsll. In the last line of 2nd paragraph delete the word "authorized" and substitute the word "qualified". Article XXI - Amendments - page 24, 7th 11ne~ Insert the word "its" between ~ and member and Change the word "club" to "Clubs", Article XI - Amendments - (of the Constitution) on page 11, should likewise be changed in the last line to read "association and its member clubs at least 45 days before the meeting". Article XII - National Tournaments - page 21 - insert the following between the first and second paragraph: "All clubs which ha.ve ."' ..... -.----------:::"':':"'"~~~-- -----~ -12- been awarded sanctions must place in the mail not less than thirty days prior to the date of such championship, entry blanks and other pertinent information addressed to the secretary of each of the divisional associations. II Article VII - Order of Business - page 14 - add the word "normalll to the first sentence so it will read, "The normal order of business, etc." Add a new sentence at the end of this sentence to read, "The president may, however, change or modify this order of business if he considers it advisable to do so." Article XII - National Tournaments - page 18, following the 16th line add: "9. National Senior Championships, for men in Downhill and Slalom, and combined. 10. National Senior Championships, for men, in Giant Slalom." Article XII - National Tournaments - page 18 - amend the article and change the paragraph beginning on the 20th line so it will read: "In addition to such national championships the national association may in any year authorize and sponsor interna.tional tournaments as defined by the F.I.S." Article VII - Government - under the heading "Board of Directors" on page 9, change the fourth line under this heading to read: "to bring this total to twelve and to make automatic the immediate past president of the association a voting member of the board of directors: but in no case, etc. I' Following this sentence add the following: "The board of delegates may have the privilege of electing nonvoting Honorary Directors in recognition of long and continued service for a term of one year. A motion was made that the board of delegates commend Georgo Macomber and the members of his committee for the excellent job they have done. This was unanimously adopted. The convention now recessed for lunch, AFTERNOON SESSION - Saturday - June 8, 1952. The afternoon session convened at 1:30 PoM o in convention room at Stead's Ranch. Additional amendments. Mr. Macomber stated that two proposed amenfunents were referred to his committee. Following his recommendation it was voted to make the following amendments: Article XII - National Tournaments - page 19 add after paragraph number 11 a paragraph numbered 12 to read: "The National Senior -13- Championships in downhill and slalom and combined o The sanction fee shall be $25.00." And after a paragraph number 12 a paragraph numbered 13: "The National Senior Championships in Giant Slalom. The sanction fee shall be $25.00." North American ChamEionshiEso The runendment regarding the sanction fee was discussed and the following was adopted: Article XII - National Tournaments, page 19, add after the para- \ graph number 10 a paragraph numbered 11 to read "The North American Championships in Ski· Jumping, Cross Country and Combined the sanction fee shall be $200.00 t and the North American Championships in Downhill and Slalom for men and women the sanction fee shall be $150.00. Report of National Ski Patrol System. Mr. Edward F. Taylor, Director of the NSPS, presented the prepared report. He stated that at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of· the NSPS he agreed to reduce the proposed budget of the NSPS by $2,400, or to the sum of $9,912.00. It was moved that the report be approved and placed on file. USEASA Eroposal regarding the status of the NSPS. Mr. Lawrence E. Briggs, President of the Eastern Association, stated that it was the opinion of the Eastern delegates that a reasonable satisfactory solution had been arrived at, and the USEASA requested to withdraw their proposal. Report of the National Ski Museum Committee. Mr. Burton H, Boyum, chairman, presented this report. He reviewed t11G neo(\ and wishes for a national ski musewn and that $15,204.82 had been raised, 94,3% of this amount by the Ishpeming Ski Club Q One important change he recommended was in the name. He felt that changing the name to "The Hall of Fame of American Skiing" would have a very good effect. Mr. Boyum stated that $20,000 was still needed and recommended that quota assignments be made upon the divisions, Mr. Boyum1s report was adopted. Mr. George M3.comber offered to have his firm analyze the building plans and see if suggestions could be made as to more economic construction. It was moved to accept 1~. Macomber's offer. and hold up discussion of additional money necessary until after the report is received. -14- Each Club requested to contribut~.. On motion of Mr. Judd it was voted that each member ski club in the United States be contacted and requested to contribute to the construction of this museum. Report 0f the Women's Skiing'Committee. The prepared report of the Chairman, Mrs. Janet Macomber, was read by Mrs Q Carolyn Harris of Utah. The report was adopted with exception of Item I vmich referred to Classification of Juniors. Recreational Skiing Committee. Jack Carson, chairman, stated there had been lack of activity by his committee but did wish to have Mr. W. S. Davis of the Forest Service to speak on ski lift construction. Mr. Davis spoke on this subject and advised that the engineering should be done by a man who is not also selling the lift. Change of boundaries. Mr t Merritt Cook reported on the plan to include the Terry Peak Ski Club in the SRMSA area. He proposed that the State of North Dakota be turned over to the NRMSA. In regard to South Dakota, all land west of the Missouri river go to the SRMSA, following the Missouri River all the way,down into Kansas City and from there on following state lines down, including Texas. Motion was made to make this revision and it was adopted. Recording of Amateur and Open events. It was voted that results in open and amateur events be recorded and reported separately. Ski Rules Committee repor!. Mr. Vorse presented the prepared report of his committee. His report was adopted and problems referred to proper committees. Ski Hill Engineering Committee report. Mr. Granstrom presented the report of Mr. Edmund Couch, who was absent, This report was adopted. Mr. Boyum moved "That the National engineering committee be instructed to prepare a recommended liberalization of rules governing the designs of jumping hills, which recommendations, if accepted by the NSA, be presented to the FIS for their consideration." This motion was adopted. Sanctioning of Summer tournaments. Following a discussion of summer ski jumping meets it was voted to leave the sanctioning of summer tournaments to the divisions in which the tournaments are being run 0 Auditing Committee report. The report was read and adopted. Budget Committee repor~. Mr. Judd presented the prepared report of this committee. The report was adopted. His committee recommended adoption of amendments to the Constitution and By-laws. .. \ -15- The following amendments were adopted: Revise Article VIII page 10 to read as follows: The divisions shall underwrite the budget requirements of the NSA as approved each year at the annual convention by the Board of Delegates on the following basis: (a) Each division shall submit to the annual convention a report of their total gross income for the previous fiscal year, (b) The Budget Committee shall present the total operating deficit for operations of the NSA, and its committees, (c) The Budget Committee shall then calculate what percentage the total deficit is of the total of all divisions gross income, - (d) Each division shall then be liable for a share of this total NSA deficit; the amount of this share to be calculated by multiplying the previously calculated percentage (part "C") plus 2% for contingency and reserve fund times the division's gross income. The dues for each member club shall not be taken into consideration in arriving at the total financial responsibility of the divisions for,the NSA. All income derived for the purpose of dlvjsional operation, including the NSF, by the divisions shall remain in the divisions as part of their gross income. This amendment in no way shall affect Article 3 of the by-laws. Settlement-of the divisional financial obligations for the support of the NSA, other than the $5.00 individual club dues obligations, must be made after the annual budget is approved acc0rding to the following schedule: one-third on or before November 15th, one-third on or before January 1st, the balance on or before March 31st o Article VI - page 14 Be amended as follows: lito be composed of three members one of whom shall be the National Treasurer, one shall be the chairman of' the Finance Committee".and the other the Executive Secretary or the President of the NSA, who shall formulate a plan of budget in writing and present it to tht~ cxoeut1ve officers of the Divisional associations at least 30 days prior to the annual NSA convention, for consideration at that convention. Selectign of Convention location. Mr. John Clair presented the invitation of the Eastern division to hold the 1953 convention in New York City. The invitation was unanimously accepted" Award of 1953 Tournaments. Dr. Amos Little reported as chairman of the sanctions committee. The following awards were made by the convention: -16- National Downhill and Slalom Championships - Aspen Ski Club, Aspen Colorado National Ski Jumping Championships - Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club, Steamboat Springs, Colorado . National Giant Slalom Championships - Mt. Mansfield Ski Club, Stowe, Vermont National Junior Downhill and Slalom Championships, Peruvian Ski Club, Al ta, Utah National Junior Ski Jumping Championships, Snow Basin Ski Club, Ogden, Utah National Cross Country Championships - Paul· Smith's College.OUting Club, Paul Smiths,9 New York National Senior Giant Slalom Championships, Arapahoe Ski Club, Arapahoe Ski Basin, Colorado North American Championships in Ski Jumping, Kiwanis Ski Club, Iron Mountain, Michigan North American Championships.in Cross Country - Ishpeming Ski Club, Ishpeming, Michigan 1954 Tournaments. Mr. Vorse moved that the convention express the intent that they desire to award the 1954 National Junior Downhill - Slalom championships to the Jackson Hole Club, This was voted, Mr. Eaton moved that a similar vote be recorded in favor of the award of an International Tournament to the Mount Mansfield Ski Club for 1954. This was voted, Mr. Granstrom moved that a similar vote be recorded in favor of the award of the 1954 National Jumping championships to the Leavenworth Ski Club. This was voted o Election of Officers o The nominating committee report was accepted and the following officers elected for 1952-53: President - Edwin D. Eaton; Treasurer - John H0stvedt; VicePresidents - Nelson A. Bennett, Robert C. Johnstone, T. Lee McCracken, Robert J. Schenck and Justin G. Vorse •. Direetors-at-Large: Fred 8. Bellmar, Burton H. Boyum, John J. Clair, Jr., Edward F. Taylor, and Guy H. Wight, D.D.S. Honorary Director: Arthur J. Barth. Ski Museum Trustees. Trustees elected for a three year term to the National·Ski Museum are! M. A. Strand, Robert Beverly, Harry Walter Voege, Robert Draper, Albert Sigal and Sverre Askevold. Resolutions Committee report. Mr. Briggs presented 16 resolu~ tions which were all adopted by unanimous vote o These resolutions were on the following subjects: lQ Urging passage of the Tackett Bill; 2. Thanking Ellis Hazen for his visit; 3. Resolution for Mrs e Hausemann; 4. Thanking U. S. Forest Service and National Park Service ,or ... -17- officials; 50 Thanking Justin Vorse for issuing 19 page booklet; 60 Congratulating the Olympic Ski team; 7.-Thanking Bergs1and, Gresvig, and Jochum; 8. Thanking Norwegian, Swiss and Austrian Ski Federations; 90 Resolution to Mr. W. p. "Pat" Rogers; 10. Thanking Edward F. Taylor for the new Ski Patrol Manual; 11~ Thanking Park Superintendent Canfield and his staff; 12. Thanking Dot and Ed Stopher of Steads Ranch; 13. Thanking John E. p. Morgan; 14. Resolution to retiring President Be11mar; 15. Thanking Robert C. Johnstone; and 16. Thanking the SRMSA. Adjournment. The business of the convention was now completed and was adjourned at 6:00 PbMo , sine die. Respectfully submitted, g~k/1~~/ Roger <Langley - ~ ~ -(1' (/ Executive Secretary .. \ |