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Show ll 1 9 ] the rejecting of them, and they were rejected accordingly .- And other Petitions for want of Formality, or whatever was the Reafon, have had Great-Britain. And» indeed in this Refpeft all the Nations on Earth, among whom Govern. the fame Fate. This we mention, not by Way ment exifls in any of 'its Forms, would be alike of Cenfure on that honourable Houfe, but in fome Meafure to account for the Conduct ofthofe and Favor of their Governors might make a Dif- Perfons, who defpairing of Redrefs in a conflitutional Way, have denied the jufl' Authority of Parliament : concerning which we {hall now give conditioned : excepting fo far as the mere Grace ference ; " for from the Nature of Government there mull be, as your Excellency has obferved, one Supreme Authority over the whole." our own Sentiments, intermixt with Obfetvations on thole of your Excellency. We cannot think, ‘ 'that when our Predccellbrs You are pleafed to obferve, that "when our firfl: took PoflelIion of this Colony it was their Senfe, or the Sc-nfe of the Kingdom, that they Predeceflors firfl took Pofieflion of this Colony, under a Grant and Charter from the Crown of England. it was their Senle, and it was the Senfe were to remain Subject to the Supreme Authority of Parliament" in this Idea of it. Nor can we find that this appears from the Charter ; or that ofthe Kingdom, that they were to remain Subject fueh Authority has ever been exercifed by Parliament, fubmitted to by the Colony, or acknow- to the Supreme Authority of Parliament." And to prove that Subieaion the greater Part of your ledged by the Legiflatute. Speech is employed. Supreme or unlimited Authority can with Fit- . In order to a right Conception of this Matter; ncfs belong only tothe Sovereign ofthe Uni‘verfe: It IS neceflary to guard againf't any improper Idea of the term Supreme Authority. In your Idea And that Fitnels is derived from the Perfection of his Nature-To inch \nthority, directed by iufi‘ nlteWifdom 8: infiniteGoodnefs, is due both active and pathve Obedience : Which, as it conflitutes the Happineis of rational Creatures, Ihould with Chearf‘ulnefs and from Choice be unlimitedly paid of it your Excellency feems to include unlimited Authority : for you are pleafed to fay, you " know of no Line that can be drawn between the Supreme Authority of Parliament and the total Independence of the Colonies :" But if no fuch by them-But with Truth this can be (aid of no Line can be drawn a Denial of that Authority in any Inflance whatever implies and amounts to a other Authority whatever. It‘then. from the Na- ture and End of Government, the fiipreme Au- Declaration of total Independence. preme Authority includes unlimited Authority,thc thority ofevery Government is limited, the Snpreme Authority of Parliament mull be "limited 3 bubicc'l's‘ to? it are" emphatically Slaves : and and the Enquiry will be what are the Limits of equally f0 whether rezitling in the Colonies or thatAuthority with Regard to this Colony ?~-'l‘e ' But if Su- Great. fix them with Precition, to determine the exact C 1 Lines |