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Show FAr( WEST SrI JNSTnUCTnRS ASSOCIATION DOUG PFEI~~ER, President Box 918, Dig Bear Lake, Cal. Phone 8902 BULLETIN #4 DEAR FELLO'·! SKI "f'E/CI-r.~:1.S, EDDY SC'iEIDER, Exec. Sec. n,,·x 44, l~rightwood, Calif. f' L u j, L ~~: r" C) J tl· J C) Mt.RCH 20th, 1960 Now that you have Bulletin #3, the Convention Bulletin~ and have an idea what to expect when the 25th of April comes around, let me bring you up to date 011 what l1;1s hnppened since October in the operations of the Far ~est Ski Instructors Association. And the best place to ~ start is by giving you a run-down of what took place at Mammoth, November 14, 15, 1959. This meeting, you will recall, was to have taken place snow, or no snow. As luck would have it; there was no snow. The first meeting was called to or~er shortly after lunch on Saturday. The following members of the BOARD OF DP'.ECT()P"S were in attendance: Pfeiffer, Scheider, Cooper, Martin, Law, ncssaux, Jones, Fiore, 1lTeber, Roth, Y p, Bud Johnson, Bonous 1 Bryson, Von Euw. A dozen or more Ccrbfied and Associate instructurs wert' nlso present, inclu'":!ing Bergstrom, ~iley, Hubhard, Cumberledge, Ilill and Joan Strickland, and others. BUSIN~SS T~ANSACT~D A prelimlnary rendi tion of the C~T).'T'IFJCl'.T.E Or. HE!-UT, dr8.wn up by jovial Eric Johnson, was shown to the group. Eve~yone expressed their whole hearted aDoroval. A recommenda tion "'? s rr.ade to gi ve the r copy more conslcteration before the p:-intj_tlg of ~!le al,Tard ~r~' made. Joan Strickland WllS given Carte I3lanche to ru~c'n~;(' ~;f?vct'al 'totcens of ap~reciation'. Georges Dessaux and Lee Yip were aopointed to ~ct as a ~Ianufacturcrs ·~elations Committee to look into some alleged m~s-~nder5tandi~gs on the pqrt of some of our members and ski equipment p~nD]e_ Lee Yip read the det~iJed recommendations of lJis !i(~~!tBE~S!-;IP c~r.1·· MITTEE, which in p::lrtial summnry nre ns follows, . FWSIA should desigll a lleW pinitll:1t tll~)rl~ 3i;()uld lh~ nnl~ pin only for all members; that CClch pin SllOl'lc1 be::l.~ the:- j~,sc.ription F.lIT.S.LA. Certified Ski Teacher, o;nd a I1tlinbp.r which ",.'ould be assigned to each member and be 1:11 s r.'I~.ber fer as long as he is a member. Tha t there ~;:oul:J ~')e the ;ullow-· ing types of membership: Fully Certified, ~~~ociate, Inactive, for members who do not meet cer::a;.n ;ni;l::~lt;J'1 teaching requi remcnt s, and ProvL; ion~ i. nC:Jbc~r s hi r '{ 0:: aspiring candidates. At 4:15 we recessed this rnc.:'tillg until ():Oo p.lll., ~Io'~t of 1:.., tflt'll went down to the Arlbcrg C1lalet, where fdldy Bry~(lll !I('.(: ;:rr:l!lgcc! for us to stay at two bucks a head. SKI SCHO'lL DIR.ECT0n S HE '2TIl\,lG At 5:15 in the P.rlberg we he'd a meeting of Sl-;:i 2<:i-:"'01 D::'r(_'c+o::.s" In addi tion to those who have been men tioned abC) :Te, E ric Sai 1..e1' was present. Discussions revolved about free l~ft p~~vilegc~ for students in class, publicity, liability and in,slu-<mce, rr;:t-~l~ct·analysis, etc. All present felt that the exchal1~e 0; thou[';ht~.; 2nd information was inciccd v;clu~ble and more f,1l,!1 11lfnrj;i;l1 r:f'r-tnr,f'thl'rs should be held in till' future .. ./ THE 9:00 D.M. MEETInG Something like 1.n explosioll resulted ;It tllis mc' ti11l;. ,(,II~: lnT"tj;ll cause ••• the Yip membership proposals. Some of our 111(,lllb~'rs \Vl~rc q ui te disturbed th;lt we should IHve r1l1y "cte:ldw()od" WI1:1 tStlcver ill the orgallization. Confusion seemed to exist in c1istinguishing hctween '-'de::!.dwoocl" ,Hld "oldtimcrs", and between "hot-shot" Certified a nel "so-so"Certified. In any event, since it was evident that no conclusions could be reached at this time, the controversy WRS put back into committee for further study. Lee Yip and Bob Cooper were to study further the one-pin ~ngle, and Bill Strickland was to review the feasibiE ty of the mul ti-pin approach. The possibility of charging a nominal fce to guests of our annual convention was discussed. These monies could be used to provide movies, lcctuJ~(,s, ('tc., for 1:11e guests as well 2.S our members. All seventeen Directors of our Association were in favor of this plan. Bill Poth ~nd Nick Fiore were assigned to look into any possible legal problems on this matter and instructed to rcport to the Board with t 1leir fil10ings immeriic1.tely before the Convention begins this year. The meetil1~ w~s rccessccl ;It 10:30 p.m., and scheduled to reconvene the next morning at Dave McCoy's Mammoth Mountain Chalet at 9:30 A.m. THE SUNDAY ~/10RNING MEETING The meeting came to order at 9:45 a.m., immediately after a hearty breakfast at the Chalet. Your Pr~sident read an announcement from Bill Lash, President of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, wherein a new approach to the examination of candidntes was being tried out. All candidqtes were to be examincrl whi1r: actually teaching a group. The stud~nts w~rc to be the children and young adults taking part in the Deseret News' Free Ski School. Another bold departure was the intent to use Examiners from divisions other than the Intermountain nr~a! An invitation hnd been extended to your President to attend as an ex~miner. Your Board voted unanimously to defray the costs by paying 8¢ per mile provided a ~eport be written about the trip. The next topic w:'.s \\'i til rl'g,trd to the COJlVC'lltioll si tl' for 1960. B u1 Jones made ~ ~trong pitch for Squaw Valley, reporting that Squaw had agreed to treat us royally for the $7.00 p2r day charge. Jones indicated that all problems of last years's convention had been ironed our, at least with good vcrbll satisfllction, with the m:1n~ger of SqW'.I'J VQ11cy Lodge. Rob')), CC'Jpcr expressed his opinion that ~1ammoth Mount~in Inn was too disorganized as yet to be able to make a firm offer, but that ~lr. ~1cCov would be vcry happy to h~1VC the Instructors once again. Coopt'r :lsJ<;:('d for a week or so to see if he could make th e necessary arrangcments with the Inn. In light of circumstnnccs, the BO~lrd of Directnrs voted to rc'cornmclld tl1,1 t Squ;nv V,l11 cy be chosen as the site. One vote I"('.S opnosed, with one abst1ining. Sometime 13. ter it IHS reported tIE t: the Inn could not accommoda te us this season. The convention, ~s vou now know, is to be at SqU?w. Andy Bryson, Bud Jones, and Chet Hubbard were apoointerl as members of the convention planning committee. Junior Bonous VHS 3p')ointed to work as Chairman of the wri tten exam. Buck ~12.rtin requestcct some J1J,'ans for (1 mnr(' :1(11'<1'1:1((' ('Jililill'diofl o( candidates. • j 1ik:cich W,S 'lbDointcrl t() cont,ct '- tr'~illl'd m~lmlJer of the Red Corss and/or of the NJtj(')n~l SId Patrol ~o briTl~ us some of the most up-to-elate Ch1.n~l'S of t('chniql1l' ill thl' ,1drnlllistl'ring of Pirst tdd. The EX2.mincrs Commi ttcc l""S instructed to np'1oini: Examiners, suhject to the approv~l to the noard, immediatelv prior to the commencement of the Convention. Ray Pat ton, J. s sis t L: rl jw ~1 i sty C tl m be r 1 cd':: c, ~ ~~ r " edt 0 I1\": "1 d the Credentials Committee, (1 group which would prepare for approval,a sm~ll booklet to he c;}rricd b" c2.ch ins+ructor which w(luld give him his exact and (lCcur:lte status anci rc'cord :s a ski t,>acl1cr. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30, 2.t which time sE'verJl of the Fully Certified instructors remained to work with Junior on exam questions. After lunc/I, the group surveyed thc snowless slopes, admired the tremendous amount of construction being carried on at McCoy's, then headed homeward. 111hat you have just react is merely a report of the meetings, and not intended to rcprt-'scnt minutes. These Inttcr jtt'IlIS, your TIxccut.iv(' SccretClry, .Eddy Scheider, h:1S mimeograplHcd for distribution to the BOClrd of Directors, and to tlny members who request a. copy. , EXAMINATION SCH~DULE itn'C here's 3. run-down on our cXClm for tllis yc~r, but bear in mind tInt muc~ of this information is tentative ~nd hns yet to be approved by the Board. Lutz A¥nedter is our very c~pah]i' Chief Ex;~mincr. ;Jis close assistants arc: Buck Martin, Bu~ Jones, Junior nonous, and Dave Arnold. Arnold is a more recent Clpp(linte~ to the committee and because of his considerable experience in TESTS, M-::(,.(:un~~lENTS, 2nd EV[,LU/,TH'NS, he is in ch"lrge of settin~ UD '1 tough t:'X(lm wl1i ch \\Ie hope will be the fairest written exam thnt we have ever had. Buck M~rtin, 21so has h2.d similar vtlltnhll:! cxncrience and will l"ork closely with Dave on this p~rt of the Certificnti(ln PrOCedure. On S:1t:urd1.Y night 1.t 8:00 p.m., the BO'1rd \1,il1 'I\~'\'t to (kcidl' on ':x::!miners. Lutz's Committuc: }ns nropcscd tile fol'.owing persons, subject to their ability to Clttend (lno Board appr()v,11: G'2(,nsss T)-::S3/'UX, JUNIOf1, Dr'NC-US, PINO LT~LL!" rU,Y P/,TTON, GUS l\rf~BER, LE2 YIP, JOE ~4rJ!.ILLf.C, JHl \~.IINTH.tJtS, BILL T~.OTII, NICK FIORE, BUD JOdNSCN, JIM CLf.U::;.E,'\T, I~LEX BROGL"S, ST},i\ TmlLll'T~';C~;\T, TOBY VON EUW, Cll;:T HU.8~ ~D, JIM FRr:;.\'J*, DCN T~:<J'"LI N*, BILL Hc~'U,Il\'S *, LEE B/lKER*. Those with this m~rk (*) after t~cir n~mcs are altcrn~tes. (n~~i?JmT~n" TdIS IS ('PLY" Tj:,;'·IT.',Tl\''J Ll~~T. ; NY()~JI;. \\r;rO';E Nr.~1E lS L1JT~~') i,IYWT~, I ND C.NNOTTTENIJ TilL C('j'-lVjJ\ITl()N, PL!~(.~:E ~1()'J'lFY Clll.1JP :ZX')'ll N."?P !.Y]\TEDTJ':'R IMP T~i )L.T.ELY . T BOX 394, T;.~IO -;, V, LLP', CrLI POnNI!,. ) On Sunday, l',pril 24th, the Examiners will ski t()g(.'thc.'r and discuss details of procedure with one ~nother. On SundClY night the 5xaminers and the Board of Dir~ctors will meet to fin~li7e plans. hll persons at~ending the ccnventi(ln will register Sundrry evening and Monday morning, ~pril 25th, with the C(lnVclIti0n officially b~gin-n i 11 gat 1 0 : 00 a. m. n c' n ci :l Y • I n t r () ci u c tl n n s, r lw tc' g r :~ pits, etc., w j 11 take pl~ce at that ti~e. --. II .' , r.'.gc 4 MnJlcl:ly, I~pr:i 1 2:1, 1 ()()() ::~. 1 :on 1'.111. ~a~I i 1,1'; llll 1'1'" '!·:;.:~T:: PI"· IILL CJ;~r!) F)/,T;:S 1.N') J ,S~;( \Cli:n~~) 1,1'!() I .':,~~ '. '!"!.'.;.;i! :)1' \ 1\1 ( ; FULL CErtT I H Cl, 1'1 ON. :'2::1ch p.::rsoll will lw :111ow,'cl twc' or fll')r,' rlllIS. i,11 EX;\lnilh:rs wiIl 5(:"[,; ('(',cll pl.r~~()11 ()Jl '~ 20 p,·jn t l);:~,'j~ •. nY()l1c' wIJc,s\~ C1vcr~gc ::;C()rt' is less 1'11:"1 10 1·\,il' Il ',d h, 1),'rl!littl'd tll CI)Il-tipue furtl1(,f lvi th the ,.x'lmiwltic·iJ. hllYO!k \'Jllllsl score is less th2.n 14 will no1: bt pcrmi ttco to ~tt(:mpt (,X:ll1lin;ltion for Full CcrtifiC'ltir'n. (:'his 1:-ts 1: f.;~til!''-' i~-i ~'. "1:W (kp~'.rturc ;,lncl is designeo to clim-in:t tc l1..:'cdlcss time sp~'nt nn t:xamining some who simplv de 11(,t slci ','cl1 enough to "'I...'::'.r ~ IGull' pin.) Tuesday, ,',pril 26th. 1'11,; entire- mcrning will b,? di'VOt.::d to 2nswcr-in g t I} ",' \\' r itt c n t cst. I t I'd 11 co vcr s u c h ph:', s c S :' S His tor y of Org::mi70cd Skiin:.:; ilnd Ski Instrllct-irn, the Devl'lnpml?nt of Ski Teci1niqu,_'s, Techniques of Skiing, Kncwl.l'ogl~ of Waxing, Equipmcn t, /,v~l~nchl.'s, Firs t t.id, Rlcing, Psychology of Tc~ching, and for :l11 who will :cttl.'mpt Full Certified st::tus, knowledge of P.".S.I.~. DYL~~S. Th~ ni11 L~sh OUTLINE OF sr-::r TBf.CHTNG ~:I,:Trlnf'S will be used tc' ::'. ,?;rc;-) t lxtc-nt as a source for th\.s,c· CX1ms ~ but in order to' :1chicvc Gn outst::lIlding,1y high score, you \'Jill nced cnns:ic1cr2blv more background information on skiing. Scoring will be ctl'riv~d to a 20 point basis. Tucsd~y ~fternoon. ; 11 Cnndirl~tc3 ~nd ~ssoci~tcs wi1) b~ solit into three groups, enc h grrup tr visit ~ scp~rate, equally divided st~tir'n nf ~~.x~mill,:rs. ,',11 t 'ri .. C ~t:,ti{)ns w111 C'x"mlnc the S?mc m::.tcriJ.l, Pe r1 )':bl" cl€ment::ry m;Ul(UVvrs. Scoring will a~2..in be en :t +lvcnty 1'r'1n: b~sis. t.nyollc Liiling to 3chicvc ::l tot:ll score cf 20 or less on bo~11 the wri ttL!) tl:st ".nJ the 2.ctu:11 nn-tlle-hi11 exam will Ilf't b(' Ix'rmi tteel to bL' further eX:lmilh.:o. ".nycn.~ L111ing to ~;cC)r(' ll:s;;; til'1Tl 30 Oil \Jotll the wri ttcn ;:>.nd the nn-the-h1.11 (:'XClm wiLl not be penni ttcd to attempt F1lll C.:'rtifL'd. The ::hC'vc cx:min--:t1('11 ~'"·,:"clclur,.'s:cn o.:S:iflh,i te' \'J:irli!1'~tl:' rlTSPI1S ~dl0 -::1'(; not :"dC'qUlt('lv j)r,'l)::rl'ci L~r th~' t.'~'.1~. TIll' !l('t r('sults will be' f,'1ster prC'cessing (,f c:llcl:i.cl:'h's ~ncl /,s.5"ci::tcs, less cx;,m time r.-'quir,' J, L:ss time w:--.stc(\ for '~~.l C('l1c('rll','d, f'·"','r 1)\Q:(l.:r-l1111' C:lSl'~.;, :'tIlO m()rc time for th·: .sX::IlL~l'CrS t(' t~k\: p"rt ill th • .- l~tl1Cr (kings (If tll(' Convcnti(~n. PI. :: .. sr r ::;; .. yq~:~, TH T ':- l;~ ,'.BC\\:T P!""\: I:"; pnnI~LqT,E nUT ONLY TENT~TIVE. . , The remainder of th,::, ('x:'mill;1t:inTlS wi 11 Ill' C"llf 1tlctl'd silld L1l"ty tn 1'\st yc:',r, with five cX~l11iJl(rs ,~.t (';1Cll St::-t1l'J1, \,!i1'11 l\ch st,:ti('11 t'x;1ndning fc'l.' different m,:+\ri:'l, '111<1 wi tll till.' l'il'I1\>~;11I1d l('1II'~'.I' SCII)'\' :d e "'..c 11 st:;tieJ1 bl?ing t,'ss,'d nut Fnr (''''cll (·X'l.m:llh:'I., t;lUS C()l1sio(>r8.bly ~voi(Hng prejudiced ~~r:,cH'lg •. E:lch (x:'mlTl\. will fec"iv.; :->. rcpnrt c~rd. ' SOM: CONVEi'TTTC'N wyr:sS In 2. recent trdk 1"i til 1,1; J'v Sch~cffI(r, iJirect"r (J SkiinG Events Clt the "JiT'tc;r CllVP1Dics, 1 lc"rllL'd tInt WI..· me'V he :lb1.e t r' ~:1V2 ::'. dct::.ilco r~nt()~r;}rll_>d st1l'ly c·f +11'-: wI'r 1rl's hi's1 skj\rs ;n "'ctinn. "Tilly will m~l<:E' every ~t+(;111P+ frr us trl se( til,s, fjlm~.; ;:t C'IlV\'T1t1('lJ time •••• T I"". vc l.p!)"in+,-,(~ 11111 ~lcil::.ins t(, 1 ilk up ;,11 guod tLclll1ic~l films ("·n skiing 1vllicl1 \"C' c::n find. ThCSt Ih.cd IW': lk rc'cLnt, but •• // Ii / "y a('\rr1 /.. .:J~"'" {iC"'J he c'..n C~lif. icnycnc kncwing ~.b(Jut ,such f:i 1r1s , pl'\::"~ J.ct !HJ.l I,nnw obt.::1.in them. l"rite tn r1c~'~."..ins, c)A72 'l~lrh' hVl', r,n'1heim, Pete Pic::'..rd, cur ~nS'lTRIJJ'J; :.sks t 1l"',+ -:nyrlnc with r]rl nhn1J)S of mcmbe':s :f C'ur 'ns'sociqtinn, (If conventir'llS, of h~~nquc:ts, etc., send them to Pic'l.rd, 1267 Bfn:1ci\!ll~", 1"h.Jnut Cr.:.;c1<::, C1.1:i f • Incidcnt<'..11y, Pete ",iJ.l rcpr:scnt F~r ,.r:::-st :::;l~iing f)0Ct,,[S ; ss('ciction ~t C'ur Crnv(·ntion. ~c ~~'1 nrcs~nt his findin1s (In 1.cci~ent st<'..tistics 1.n~ s1.fcty bindings. '''Ie :)'fC p1~nning 1. v~rictv nf short, to the p()int cEnics for the C~nv(:nti"n this yC:'cr. 'bp.::: tn tnv", sever:.1 I'n r1.ciJ'lg, on psychn10gy rf tc:.chinr.:; rlnd 1,'1.rning, ~,ossib1v ell jumping, on n('w ttSchniqucs in t2~chin~ ~nd skiing, etc. ',re- 'd like to hC"'.r ~r(lTT\ ;"lny(,ne v.ri th S0me' p"si tive thoughts reg"'rding thE: Conventir-n. If V(·U'Vi.';: pet pc:'vc, ()r '1 sr-c:rct \N'ish, ~nd if w'u think +-h'}t \!IlL c1.n h"Jp you with eithc:r, p1c~sC' let us kn0w at y( ur e:J.rliL'st CI'Tlvt:.'nienc('. O:)DS . )')D ENDS Eddy Scheickr tl<1S ~ hc:>.uti.fu1 new filing c~binl.:t fnr st(lring P'ISIII TT\:'..i:cria1.k is spLI1~~in(r, his frcl.' mrments in nrr,'1nizing the piles of p~pef which ~nce were st0rcd in cnrrlbo~rrt bOXLS. So enthused ~bcut this new c~binct h~s be become th~t he is rlcv010ping rl system of keeping files (~n ,:\eh ill(1iv:idu~1 mcrnlwr. YrHl'l1 sec this sC'tup :i l' 0 per 3. t i ( . n :' t the C () n v (' n t i (j 11 • l'k h2..vC fin;llly scttll.d 11tH' ;;cc"unt with thl: l'h t lcrnt Ski /,ssociCttion. Th'1t 1S, the Cc'mf"littt>.: on N:1ti r'n:11 Clrtil'iC:ltir)11 (,f the NSf~ •••• r,nd wC' h~1vc ;lls()p:'.id offlvlr. Bill Li'lsh in full f(lr hL; Tl':lching Outlinl."s. Ineid'c'ntal1y, ~'1r. L;;sh h:1S C1 revised. eclitiotl tll:i~> v,-:~r. ]jddy Scheider h2.s c('pil~s of these. Jk sure tn g(:t )",urs c~r1y by wri ting to Eddy • . ',ttulti()l1 :-:.11 Ski Scher'l '1irl.ctors ~n(l intl.fl'stecl Full C(· .. tifie(\ memb·::rs •••• On ~1:"',.y 13-1.5, t Q60, the next ~.nnu:'.l m,.(:~ting of the N 2+i('11:'11 Ccrtific1ti·:n C'mmit+(;(: wi11 meet (1t nr-ighton, Ut::h. T1is is c'"'mbineci ",Ii th ~ mcct-ing of .Sld ')cil"01 T)i fl.'ct('rs frC'm ::-.11 over the N:'..ticn. L1.s1: YC2.r \,1,-' met 2.t ~ r::tnahn.:'. t. n:p0t:'t \f,'2.S written up f(lr v"u in ('ut: first hulletin. 1'Tritc the ~bc~r,_ O'1tl.:s ~0"'n en vrur c::tlen~1.r ~nrl m2.k~ every attemp+ to attenct. The cXDcricnce ,vi11 be TTJnst worth \~T'lj lc.· . (~ur lh;xt bulJetin wi1l keep ¥"u l\C'S+-('rl 1.S tc' l ____ tc'st retails of the Crnventirll, 1nr, wi U :l1s' o"sc sr-,m\.' prcb)\"'ms fc'r Y"\Ir (1L'CP c'!l~;ic1l.'r1. tic n. L ("- kin g f (\ n,I:' r c\ tc' sec i 11 g V" u-: t 1 nt.' x t mr nth, 1 am Ski fu 11 y y(,ur, Doug Pfeiffer, PresiciL-nt. P.~.;. l)r~ ~)lJ~E Y(1U", I;:~'.t;,r'v, Tlni\l~; J q '. ,)!,,r, 1;1.'1.,:1) "'0 .';-.~llil'l V/.T 1'·.V TU\)';E BY i.PRIL 10th 'VJTH T)EP(,)SlT /,ND I?,(J! .. LLY :-:;llPE TP"T '1>1)] IC/.THINS FOP, 2'ru.' j,T~:.~ J};":ll\1I:;{'.~D TO'~DDY .sC;"ll~IJ)'~" BY "PTUL 17th. •• |