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Show e Beang. ‘Nay Souldiers Fortune 6 Siry I hayea hank upon you, there are Laws for Cut throats, Sir, and as you tender your future credit, take this wrong' Lady home, and ufe her handfomly, ufe'her like my Miftrifs, Sir, doyo mark me, that when we think fit to meet again, 1 hear no complaint o you, this muft be done Friend Sir fol. In troth, and it is but reafonable, very reafonable in troth Lady D. Can you, my Dear, forgive me one misfortunc Sir Da, Madam, in one word, I am thy Ladythips moft humbl Servant and Cuckold in Genmem . v Winefs Mr Enter Sylvia followed by Courtine Sylv. Sir Folly, ah Sir Folly,' protect me or 'm ruin'd. ~Sir Fol. My little Minikin, 1s it thy {queck clean.sh data import.tsv out README Beang. My dear Conrtine, welcome Sir Fol. Well Child, and what would that wicked fellow do to the INg AL my heg fcafonable hom ey Dogs, Rogus an d e Confta 1 am not Murd Living in Covent-Garden, ha ha, ha, well this is mighty pretty, ha, ha, ha night Toads Sir Davy Dince Kt Child? hah,Child, Child, what would he do to thee Sylv. Oh, Sir, he has moft inhumanely feduc'd me out of my Uncle' Houfe, and threatens to marry me Court. Nay, Sir, and fhe having no'more grace before her eyes nei t think youof ther, has €'en taken me at my word Sir Fol. In troth, and that's very uncivilly done : I don't like thefe Mat NE riages, I'll have no Marriages in my Houfe, and there's an end on't Sir Da. And do you intend to marry my Niece, Friend Conrt. Yes, Sir, and never ask your confent neither " Sir Da. In troth, and that's verv well faid, I'am glad on't with all m 1, an ter tha heart, Man, becaufe fhe has five thoufand pound to her Portion, and m o Here take thy Brides like Man and Wife Agre ngi ah ha Eftate's bound to pay it ; well, thisis the happiclt day, ha, ha, ha And may [he prove astru Aas. mine to me Ha ha; ha Beaug. Coursine, 1 wifh thee Joy, thou art come opportunely to be Witnefs of a perfect Reconcilement between me and that worthy Knigh Sir Dd"U)' D!rtflCé', which to prcferve inviolate, you mUfl:) Sirobeforc we par enter into fuch Covenants for performance as I thall think fie >r 'f o yq C 4l [" Lald fa q M Sir Da. No more to be faid it fhall be done Sweet-heart, but don' be too hard upon me, ufe me gently as thou did'ft my Wife ha, ha, ha gently a very gocd Jeft, P'faith, ha, ha, ha, or if he thoul ‘b cruelto me Gentlemen, and take this advantage over a poor Cornuto; t lay me ina Prifon, or throw me in 2 Dungeon, at lcaft I hope among b all you, Sirs, T (han'k f;zi 1o find one Brother-Cuckold out for Bail PROLOGU |