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Show a v lpe Seldws Fortmme. o 3ty b o - goes but to a Conventicle twice a Week, and pays but feot and lo to the Parifh, fhall roar out fough, ye Lowfy Red-coat rake-hells! hou 45 - ye Caterpillars, ye Locufts of the Nation ; you are the Dogs that woul enflaveusall, plunder our Shops, and ravifh our Daughters, ye Scoun a bt drels \{Il"Fac' at kr(mgbuil s devi\limwen ourvin . Eour. Your Worfhips pleafure. eiwald qu M nthe World, th Bere was a Lady sudlged, sk » Cowr. Well s at ortunc's the bakl " the grievaneed bri th Fere upo s twod Mbyo werpg -<+ thou wilt certainly die ina Ditch for this, haft tho ing3 now Courtine, will 1 fhew thee the Flower of Knighthood: "Ah, Sir Folly _ L Enter Sir Jolly. Sir Fol. My Hero. my Darling! my, Ganimede! how doft thou Strong! wanton! lulty / rampant! hah, ah, ah! She' thine Boy, od a e g R A a a h h o fhe's thine, plump, foft, {mooth, wan ' r h g L a o F e a ( ' r h s e l o f ' r h e g R a aaa@ Leg, here's a Leg--Qu . g L ' r g a B l c t n - C k l k e q [ i ' t a G d o a a W n C e i t o n i F a t o w Sir fol, Child, Child, Child = a 3 ;Sl'he grinditg X for [mbgrks friend o' thine? A pretty-fellow, odd a very pretty fellow, and a ftron dog I'll warrant him, how doft do dear heart ? ‘prithee let me kifs thee Plifwear and vow I will kifs thee, ha, ha, he, he, he, he, a Toad, Toad, oh Toa-a-a-ad bl .Conr. Sir lam your humble Servant yelt Souldie i) o that live 410 ety L0 lf""e‘os Bean. But the Lady, Sir Jolly, the Lady, how does the Lady, wha Aaysthe Lady, Sir Folly ‘Sir Fol. What fays the Lady! why the fays--the fays--odd fhe ha idag delicate Lip < 10 C1f) Hel® dfmenflla"ld‘w s Auch a Lip, fo red, fo hard, f plump, fo blub; fancy 1 am eating Cherries every time L think on't--and for he wor no more n fa I'l life her--odd an Neck and Brealts Iknow-- know - more, bu Beay,| am forry for that with all my Heart; do you know, fa S 2g sk E Bean. Stand afide, cither 1 am miftaken, or yonder's Sir Jolly com re, prefentsme wit red me to acceptef d withall, as wells - nomore gracethen, tobea true Friend, nay to part with thy mone to thy Friend; I grant you, a Gentleman may {wear and lye for his friend pimp for his Friend, hang for his Friend, and fo forth; but to par with ready money is the devil oufand grimaces, t g;,g es inme, the friends muft preferve Correfpondence; - we have fhar'd good Fortun together, and bad fhall never part us hout mor aob L together) foamy = hilofophersftoe, . 5 Beaw. Runlike a Rogue asyou are, and trytofind Sir Solly, an defire him to mect me at the blew Pofts in the Hay-market about 12 we'll Dine together; I muft inquire farther into yefterdays adventur g the mean time, Ned, here's half the prize to be doing withal, ol P%%elntance coney h might lofe the felling of her Daughters Maiden-head, which were éreatz grievance to the people, and a particular Branch of Property loft P P nttfi?nw-llth him, Pfiifl"'iyd o - Bean. 1 muft confefs ravithing ought tobe regulated, it would deftroy commerce, and many a good Sober Matron about this Tow >0'nocca e Bele- e a Ll B i you,. L |