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Show .Eg,,‘: i i g Fortune The Souldier ' 4.0 © Sir Solly. Silvia s Ch err i mfigfl hive adopted Brown Hair he well, an her Eyes betray her ? does her Heart beat, an leefftt Knene ee;; A: h Villad in wh/ atAhfaflysy Cfhaep!?- is fhe comisg ? d on he are you there i'faith RO e my Friend o th her o thefe feven years: Sylvia, let me look 5 Ligh R b ick. fparkling Eyes, -plump pregnan K b FLivas.ce Oywiatlh aanMdolReomoann,her quBirck.' f c eaft, and the perie know her Sir folly. Know her? why fhe is my Daug t]il'.' fai Court. Ay, ay, Sir Folly, that's the fatal name. Sylvia, the fair watty, theiill-natuesd, do yo . lvia to her hah he B 7po.ths b Yfl?én('l YO%;L?ZB{ Look ;/ou Sir Yolly, all things confidered, it may make a fhif to come to a Marri‘age in tim "'4"1 fi FW.. Sir Fally. VIl have nothing to do in it, I won't be feen in the bufinefs of Matrimo mak ‘kerb | y e a Match-maker ¢ a filthy Marriage Broknow better things; look you Friend, to carry he b 2 L'et ter from you or fo, upon good Terms, though it be ina Churc fha, I'll deliver it, or when the bulinefs is come to an iflue, if I ma bring you handfomely together, and fo forth; I Il ferve the‘e.wuh al 4 | 1 e my Soul; and thank thee into the Bargain: thank thee heartily, dea Rogue, I will you little Cock {parrow, faith and troth I will; E)q no Matrimony, Friend a damn'd invention correfpondence A gk ] 1 or 1her Babbies. zilk: I'll have nothing to do with M{?trlmony-, .u.s Pk, | bps { i worfe than a Monopoly, and a deltroyer of civ b . Enter Drawer Drawer mfjw Gentlemen, your room is ready, your Wine and Ice uponth Table, will your Honours pleafe to wal in Sir Jolly Ay, Wine, Wine, give us Wine, a pox on Matrimony, Ma Bean, Wh that neither cares nor necellities may peep in upon us " 'J? [Enter Sir Davy ‘ '!I \‘i -'?'i f; rm Fourbin azd Bloody Bones Drawer. Bloody bg S‘ m: D‘ Q'M " Fflflcfi Sfi‘- Ws[" y Fourb. Bloody-bones be you fure to behave your felf handfomely, an like your profeflion, fhew your felf a Cut-Throat of parts. and we'l fleece him there's,there's the Lar}d of Canaan now in httle, hark yo Drawer, Dog, fhut, fhut the door, Sirrah, do you hear? fhutiit fo clof , = en?e | b | makf'z‘h verence, and reception, but nothing elfz, let nothing but Whores an Bottles come near us, as youtender your Ears L They go within the Scene, where ;s difcover'd Table and Bottles ‘Friend Sir Folly. Right, Sirrah, if Whores come never fo many, give 'em re ‘;rffi,f';' ion § k trimony in the Devils name Court, But if an honeft Harlot or two chance to enquire for us ,"' ?Pmm &#‘Natio \u |