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Show icinee Adiey LEx B M...,, e Souldiers Fortune ty ? Let us improve it to Love's bef S Folly. Ah, by h, h! Ah, h,h Bear. Let's vow eternal, and raif advantage h,h our thought 3 5 to expectation o immortal pleafures, in one anothers eyes let' read our joys,. tillwe'v no longer power o're our defires, drunk with this d flolving, oh | Enter Sir Davy from his Clofer prain hither, e Lady D, Ah [[Squeaks Bean, By this light the Cackold, Prefo, nay then Hallo LGets up and yuns away Sir Da. Oh Lord, aMan! a Man in my Wife's Chamber; Murder Murder, Thieves, Thieves, fhutup my Doors! Madam !/ Mad Madam lain, quiteand ch hefe Dack ftar, f o' [t loving Fod) too, *tis Pol nig Wife catch me for ( Enter Sir Jolly Sir Jol. Ay, Ay, Thieves, Thieves, Murder, Murder, where Neigh bour, where, where Lady D. Pierce, pierce this wretched Heart Catches #p Beaugard' hard to the Hilts, dye this in deepeft crimfon / fword which be had lef of my Blood, {pare not a miferable Womans bebind hinm inthe burry Life, whom Heav'n defign'd to be the unhappy '\ azd'prefents it to Si isway o o et, he 5 Si there th et ) pay 7in Fou 18 i P object of the moft horrid ufage Man e're acted Davy Sir Da. What in the name of Satan does fhe mean now Lady D.. Curfe onmy fatal beauty! blafted ever be thefe two ban fu eyes that could infpire a barbarous Villain to attempt fuch crimes as al my blood's too little to atone for: N ay, you fhall hear me Sir Da. Hear you, Madam? No,I have feen too much, I thank yo heartily, hear you Quotha Lady D. Yes, and before I die too I'll be juftifi'd S Fol. Juftifid; oh Lord, juftifi'd. ~- Lady D. Notice being given me of your return, I came with {pee to this unhappy place, where I have oft been bleft with your Embraces when from behind the Arras out ftarts Beangard, how hecame ther heav'n knows S# Da, Pl have him hang'd for Burglary, he has broken my Houfe and broke the Peace upon my Wife, very good Lady D, Straight in-his Arms he grafpt me faft, with much ado Plung'd and got my freedom, ran to your Clofet door, knockt and imPlor'd your aid, call'd on your name, but all in vain-- Sir Da, Hah Lady D. Soon again he feiz'd me, ftopt my mouth, and with a Conquerors fury Sir Da, Oh Lord! oh Lord! nomore, no more, I befeech thee, fhall grow mad Iron bars and very mad I'l plough up Rocks and Adamantin I'l crack the frame of Nature F fally out like Lamberlai upo |