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Show U W before - Ropt th P h Souldiers Fortune 3 of Bottles before-hand, with Ice to cool oyr Wine, and Water to refrefh our Glafles Draw. It [hall be done, Sir ; Coming, coming there,Coming : fpeak u in the Dolphin fome-body " ‘Bean, Ah Comrtine, muft we be always idle! muft we never fee ou Dis Curf injorgd I;g; glorious days again! when fhall we be rowling in the Lands of Mil _ and Honey; Incampt in large luxuriant Vineyards, where the loaded Vines Clufter about our Tents, drink the rich Juice, jult preft fro the plump Grape, feeding on all the fragrant golden Fruit that gro rit Wpom the S heg QOn'tbreak AT innocent, houfand time in fertil Climes, and ripen'd by the earlieft vigour of the Sun ? Conrt. Ah Beaygard! Thofe days have been, but now we muft re folve to content our fclves at an humble rate - methinks it is not unpleafant to confider how 1 have feen thee in a large Pavillion ; drowng the heat of the day in Campagne W ines, fparkling fweet as thof charming Beauties, whofe dear remembrance every Glafs recorded' with half adozen honeft Fellows more, Friends Beangard, faithful hearty Friends,things as hard to meet with as preferment here: Fellows tha [Wfr} e¢ do, why [ ouldft be troubl Ine ¢'s troubled tofe would fpeak truth boldly, and were proud on't, that fcorn'd flattery lov'd honefty ; for 'twas their portion, and never yet learn'd the Trad 1 W fou R A -- wou'd as foon chufe' to hear a Souldier brag as complain, doft thou wan any Money Conrs. True indeed, I want no neceflaries to keepme alive ; but do not enjoy my felf with that freedom I wow'd do, there is no mor pleafure in living at ftint, then thereis in living alone I wou'd hav it in my power (when he necded me) to ferve and aflift my Friend . would to.my Ability deal handfomely too by the Woman that plcaz? me Bean. Ohfy for fhame! you wou'd be a Whoremafler, Friend, go g0, I'll have no more to do with you Court. 1 wou'd not be forced neither at any time to avoid a Gentleman that had obliged me, for wantof Money to pay him a debt (‘q?n( tracte T sDeath W Prithee no more hints of Poverty : tis frandalous Court e have patience, Sir Courr. But will patience feed me, or cloath me, or keep me clean? g pkafilfl[ e morrow oight, 1 | a, Cowardly Rafcal fatisfaction for a fordid injury done you, he fhsl cry, alas a day, $ir, youare the ftrangeft Man living, you won't hav patience to hear one fpeak - Complain toa great Man that you wan preferment, that you have forfaken confiderable advantages -abroad, i obedience to publick Edicts, all you fhall get of him, is this, you muf Vertue : Go to the man that ows you money, and tell him you are neceflitated, his anfwer fhall be, a little patience, I befeech you, Sir: As tha 1100 38°° . make work forus all one day Court., Butin the mean whil Beau. In the mean while patience, Comrtin, that is the Englifh man' re you did Drones ; but there's a Gentleman on the other fide the Water,that ma 12)' ir, Wi | of eafe and lying, but now---Bean. Ay, now we are at home in our natural Hives, and fleep lik v6 him murderd, Child5 rife nom » Mm-_‘*--vwv-m"‘u‘ |