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Show 1 The Souldiers Forfune Sir Da. Sir, Ifay, yon are a Rafcal, a very impudent Rafcal, nay 'l prove you to be a Rafcal, if you go to tha Bean Siry1ama Gentlema an a Souldier Sir Da, So much the worfe,Souldiers have been Cuckoldmakers fro yo kno ough fo arc yo wha no car Si ; the beginnin di that t m anfwe yo fe nieve di Sir com a-- b ma I never fec you ? for oughtI know you may be a Jefuit; there wer more in the laft-armic befides you Bean. Of your acquaintaiice, and be hang'd Sir 1Ja. Yes to my knowledge, there were feveral at Hounflow Heat s o G difguifed in dirtie Petticoats, and cry'd Brandy, I knew a Serjeant o Foot that was familiar with one of them-all night in a Ditch, and fancy' him a woman, but the Devil is powerful Bean., In fhort, you worthy Villain of Wertfhip, that Picture 1s mine and I muft have it, or I fhall take a1 opportunity to kick your Worfhi moft inhumanly Sir Da. Kick Sir Bean. Ay, Sir, kick 4 'tis a RecreationI can thew you Sir Da. Sir,I am a free-born Subjelt of England, and there are Laws look you, therc are Laws ; fo [ fay you are a Kafcal again, and now ho will you help your felf ¢ poor Feo Bean, Heark you Friend , have not you a Wife Sir Da.] havea Lady, Sir,--oh, and fhe's mightily taken with thi Pitture of yours, the was fo mightily proud of it, the could not forbea fhewing it me, and telling too who it was fent it her Dean, And has fhe been long a Jilt ? has fhe practifed the Trade fo any time Sir Da. Trade 'humph, what Trade? what Trade ? Friend Bean. Why the Trade of Whore and no Whore, Catterwauling i jeft, putting out Chriftian Colours, when fhe's a Turk under Deck : ‘ curfcupon all honeft women in the flefh, that are Whores in the Spitit. Sir Da, Poor Devil, how he rails, ha, ha, ha, look you fweet Soul, as I told you before, there are Laws, there are Laws, but thofe are thing not worthy your confideration : Beautie's your Bufinefs 5 but dear vaoa pond trouble thy felf no further abou m Spoufe let my Doxi in peace, fhe's meat for thy Mafter, old boy ; I have m her every Night Bean Sir 1 wifhall your Nobl Famil hang' z%fl belly full o it from the botto of my heart Sir Da. Moreover Captain Swafh, I maft tell you my Wife is an honeft Woman, of a vertuous difpofition, one that I have loved from he Infancy, and fhe deferves it by her faithful dealing in this affair. for tha fhe has difcover'd loyall Chaftity, and m to me the treacherous defigns laid ag'ain{t hg Honour Bean. By this light th Beaft weeps i1 2 fere fihiol oud Tvidg Tobo Ao, » 1€Heoeba charg'd me to Da Tr V in to tel yo |