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Show B Wik, The' Souldiers: Fortune \ in Argm; m 4 Engl) M OU which whe ade my elcap | GUVeR meo ate agaip j SIr . thels arege i our: Proviage, | Blody Bows| iege of Pbihpdmrg Impenctrable k -whole Moan. fall Moogy and yut 10 the meao eat li ifh fef 10 Fonrb Therefore- we'fi ke to Have thie onatir t5 teceirs the mior fro your Worfhips bounty flot D& Jugely £he b Ro @y e fer\'icc to B o o Dutcho pge ot wil i this D your )Ow ea[iflga Sir Dav Damm Sir ho dol mean ? Damm Sir not to part wit my morney Blood. Not Part Brother Fourbl Brother the Wight.is improvable, and this muift n t be bor withal Blood. Have I for thisdiffolv'd'Circeant Charms ¢ broke Iro durance whillt fromthefe firm Legsthe ‘Well iPd" ufeles Fetters dropt away and' left'me ‘Mafter of my native freedom Sir Dav. What does he mean now - Forrb. TrulySir Tam forry' tofec it with all my heart, tis diftraction that frequently feizes him, thoughI am forry it fhould happe Sir Day. Diftratted fay' you!'is he fo apt to be diftradied Fourb. Oh'Sir' raging mad: we that live by Murdet are al (Guilt will never let us fleep. I befeech you Sir ftand clear of him he's apt to be very mifchievous at thefe unfortunate hours Blood, HaveI been- drunk with tender Infants blood? an ript u teeming Wothbs? Have thefe bold hands ranfackt the Templesofth l(f(})}d"S, and' ftab' ah Sir Dav. No'Sir for all the Worl feem to be a civi Pll do any thing i Fourb. Nay afte the Priefts before their Altars? Have I'done this not'that'lI know Sir,I would not fay any fuch thin Sir, worthy Gentleman, | befeech you Sir, yo perfon: I'befeech you Sir to mitigaté his paffion the World, you fhall command my whole Eftate all Sir, if yon have not a mind to Have him quit murder'd, if a fwinging drubbing to bed:rid' him, o your' turn, you may have it at a cheaper ratc a grea Sif Daw. Tryly Sirwith all' my hearc, for methink glatters better, I would not by any means be guilty o 1o0d his To0d1‘h" about Jisth Ddl:ve |5 Blood.: For'my part' Feare for no" ifdns bounty : T 'exp d to Rave m bargain perforn'd; and VIl make as good a 'one 'as 1 can Sir Dav. Leok you Friend, don't you be angry Friend, d n't b angry Friend before you have occafion: you fay you'l hav let's "fee how much will you have now «----1 warrant the Devi an all by your' good will Fourb. Truly Sir David, if as'you fay, the Man muft be well mi rder'd without any remorfe for mercy, betwixt Turk and Jewit is honeftly worth two hundred pounds Sir Dav. ‘T'wo hundred pounds! Why 1% have 3 Phyfitian fhall ki ~ a'whole Family for half the money Blood, Damme' Sir, how doye mean fo ‘unluckily ‘at this time }d1 MHH 4 fo, will ferv deal now I confide another miaif Fourb. Why then let me confider, ~- to havé him* beaten filbftan tiallys a beating' thae will ftick by him motiey 8 will coft'you ~-hal e ‘th Si |