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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> "Dwight L. Moody celebrated his fifty-eight birthday recently. On the same day his mother, Mrs. Betsey Holton Moody, celebrated her ninetieth birthday in the house in which she brought up her children and in which she has lived sixty-six years, in East North field, Mass." <br> "Normandy's law against intoxication is that on the third conviction for public drunkenness the offender is liable to the following: 1. Loss of his vote. 2. May not be voted for. 3. May not serve on a jury. 4. May not exercise any administrative faculty (such as acting as executor of a will.) 5. Loses the right to carry arms. <br> "In New York in one year 1,434 husbands procured divorces from their wives on the ground of drunkenness. During the same year 12,432 wives procured divorces from their husbands on the same charge." <br> If you want to have your house equipped from cellar to garret go to Freed Furniture and Carpet Co. 30 to 40 E. 3d So. <br> Victor's Cheery and Pine Cough Syrup, soothing, healing, and curative, for Sale at Lion Drug Store, 40 East 2nd South. <br> If you desire the latest spring and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Boots, 15 State street. <br> Every dollar paid for Hewlett Bros. 3 Crown Baking Powder is a dollar contributed to Utah's prosperity. <br><br> HAVE YOU SEEN IT? <br> Have you heard it? The celebrated Guitar and Banjo attachment used only in the Everett Piano. It is the greatest invention of the age! This wonderful attachment, combined with the many other beautiful qualities found in the Everett, make it the most desirable and most complete piano manufactured in the world. Its effects are simply wonderful. Imagine a full string band with piano accompaniment. This wonderful attachment is controlled by the use of the third, pedal, and does not affect the beautiful touch found in the French repeating action always found in the Everett Pianos. Call and see this the greatest piano in the world. Now on exhibition and for sale at the Temple of Music only, 208 South West Temple street, post office block. Catalogues and prices sent on application. <br><br> The attention of readers of the REVIEW is called to the special sale of wash dress goods offered by R. K. Thomas, 26 to 32 East First South St. <br><br> If you desire the latest spring and summer styles in artistic dressmaking, call on Mrs. A. C. Boots, 15 State street. <br><br> Authors are everything when selecting a book. People are not content with reading old books their grandfathers read, but must have something new by popular authors of the day. Purchase them of us, we have them in cloth and paper binding. SALT LAKE NEWS Co., <br> 77 West 2nd So., Salt Lake City. <br><br> A Smasher <br> That's the kind of a teamster we avoid. We've had a few of that kind, but they are all on the permanent retired list. After our teamster delivers you a ton of coal, not only will you find the coal wholly satisfactory, but you will find your fences walks, lawn in as good order as he found them. <br> MILLER <br> & <br> MILLER <br> 38 W. Third South. 'Phone 88. <br><br> COHN DRY-GOODS COMPANY. <br> Cut Rates on New Spring Goods. <br> Our store is brimful of Crisp, Sparkling new Goods, No old stock here, and we offer everything cheaper than any other house here. <br> Spring Wraps. <br> EXCLUSIVE STYLES AT CUT PRICES. <br> We are showing a very extensive line of imported and New York manufactured Wraps in the very latest styles, in Cloth, Clay Diagonal, Velvet, Silks and Lace, Prices ranging from $2.00 to $30.00 <br> Ladies Jackets, exceptional values, during this week prices from....................... $2.50 to $10.00 <br> Ladies Dress Skirts. <br> All the best and newest fabrics commencing as low as $3.00 and up to....................... $18.00 <br> Ladies Tailor Made Suits <br> A large assortment to select from in Serge, Cheviot, Covert and fancy wool fabrics.... at $6.50 to $18.00 <br> Children's Wraps <br> A large lot of Children's Reefers, made as you like them, big sleeves &c at...................... $1.00 <br> Children's swell Scotch mixed cloth Reefers, stylish and perfect fitting, at............ ..$2, $3, $4 and $5 <br> Misses Capes and Jackets. <br> Misses latest styles Capes and Jackets a large variety to choose from. All very cheap at....... $2.50 to $10.00 <br> Ladies' Shirt Waists <br> Percale Waists laundried collars and cuffs, perfect fitting, new stripes and checks, yoke in back, at 25, 50, 75c. <br> Fine Percale and Zephyr Gingham Waists, laundried collar and cuffs, latest designs, perfect guaranteed at................... $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 <br> Umbrellas and Parasols. <br> 26 inch Black Sateen Umbrellas with oxidized handles, a bargain at................................ 85c <br> 26 inch Gloria Umbrellas, natural handles worth $1.00................................ 75c <br> 116 & 118 Main-st., Salt Lake City. <br><br> |